USGS Research Oceanographer Li Erikson collects coastal data along the Pacific coast during her Mendenhall Fellowship. Her research is focused on coastal storm modeling, storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales.
Li Erikson
Research Oceanographer at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Science and Products
Alaska Flood Staffs
Typhoon Merbok Disaster Emergency Recovery Efforts
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Climate impacts to Arctic coasts
Building a Coastal Flood Hazard Assessment and Adaptation Strategy with At-Risk Communities of Alaska
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Unalakleet
Using Video Imagery to Study Sediment Transport and Wave Dynamics: Nuvuk (Point Barrow)
CoSMoS 3.1: Central California
CoSMoS 2.2: Pt. Arena and Russian River
Nearshore wave time-series along the coast of Alaska computed with a numerical wave model
Coastal hazards assessment associated with sea level rise and storms along the Whatcom County, Northwest Washington State coast
Projections of shoreline change for California due to 21st century sea-level rise
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. North and South Carolina coasts
Hydrographic and sediment field data collected in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska, in 2009
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Northern California 3.2 (ver. 1d, June 2023)
Ocean wave time-series data simulated with a global-scale numerical wave model under the influence of projected CMIP6 wind and sea ice fields
Wave model results of the central Beaufort Sea coast, Alaska
Historical shorelines and morphological metrics for barrier islands and spits along the north coast of Alaska between Cape Beaufort and the U.S.-Canadian border, 1947 to 2019
Nearshore bathymetry data from the Unalakleet River mouth, Alaska, 2019
Hydrodynamic model of the San Francisco Bay and Delta, California
USGS Research Oceanographer Li Erikson collects coastal data along the Pacific coast during her Mendenhall Fellowship. Her research is focused on coastal storm modeling, storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales.
Tropical or extratropical cyclones: What drives the compound flood hazard, impact, and risk for the United States Southeast Atlantic coast?
Current and projected flood exposure for Alaska coastal communities
The value of marsh restoration for flood risk reduction in an urban estuary
Database and time series of nearshore waves along the Alaskan coast from the United States-Canada border to the Bering Sea
Forecasting storm-induced coastal flooding for 21st century sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands
Advanced quantitative precipitation information: Improving monitoring and forecasts of precipitation, streamflow, and coastal flooding in the San Francisco Bay area
Wind-wave climate changes and their impacts
Modeling extreme water levels in the Salish Sea: The importance of including remote sea level anomalies for application in hydrodynamic simulations
Global projections of storm surges using high-resolution CMIP6 climate models
A model integrating satellite-derived shoreline observations for predicting fine-scale shoreline response to waves and sea-level rise across large coastal regions
Barrier island reconfiguration leads to rapid erosion and relocation of a rural Alaska community
Relative contributions of water-level components to extreme water levels along the US Southeast Atlantic Coast from a regional-scale water-level hindcast
Coastal Change in Alaska
Alaska's north coast has been home to indigenous communities for centuries. Changing coastlines threaten important infrastructure and historic sites that support indigenous communities. Changing coastlines also can potentially reduce habitat for Arctic wildlife, such as polar bears, shorebirds, and walruses. Oil- and gas-related development sites and U.S. Department of Defense installations
Science and Products
Alaska Flood Staffs
Typhoon Merbok Disaster Emergency Recovery Efforts
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Climate impacts to Arctic coasts
Building a Coastal Flood Hazard Assessment and Adaptation Strategy with At-Risk Communities of Alaska
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Unalakleet
Using Video Imagery to Study Sediment Transport and Wave Dynamics: Nuvuk (Point Barrow)
CoSMoS 3.1: Central California
CoSMoS 2.2: Pt. Arena and Russian River
Nearshore wave time-series along the coast of Alaska computed with a numerical wave model
Coastal hazards assessment associated with sea level rise and storms along the Whatcom County, Northwest Washington State coast
Projections of shoreline change for California due to 21st century sea-level rise
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. North and South Carolina coasts
Hydrographic and sediment field data collected in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska, in 2009
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Northern California 3.2 (ver. 1d, June 2023)
Ocean wave time-series data simulated with a global-scale numerical wave model under the influence of projected CMIP6 wind and sea ice fields
Wave model results of the central Beaufort Sea coast, Alaska
Historical shorelines and morphological metrics for barrier islands and spits along the north coast of Alaska between Cape Beaufort and the U.S.-Canadian border, 1947 to 2019
Nearshore bathymetry data from the Unalakleet River mouth, Alaska, 2019
Hydrodynamic model of the San Francisco Bay and Delta, California
USGS Research Oceanographer Li Erikson collects coastal data along the Pacific coast during her Mendenhall Fellowship. Her research is focused on coastal storm modeling, storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales.
USGS Research Oceanographer Li Erikson collects coastal data along the Pacific coast during her Mendenhall Fellowship. Her research is focused on coastal storm modeling, storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales.
Tropical or extratropical cyclones: What drives the compound flood hazard, impact, and risk for the United States Southeast Atlantic coast?
Current and projected flood exposure for Alaska coastal communities
The value of marsh restoration for flood risk reduction in an urban estuary
Database and time series of nearshore waves along the Alaskan coast from the United States-Canada border to the Bering Sea
Forecasting storm-induced coastal flooding for 21st century sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands
Advanced quantitative precipitation information: Improving monitoring and forecasts of precipitation, streamflow, and coastal flooding in the San Francisco Bay area
Wind-wave climate changes and their impacts
Modeling extreme water levels in the Salish Sea: The importance of including remote sea level anomalies for application in hydrodynamic simulations
Global projections of storm surges using high-resolution CMIP6 climate models
A model integrating satellite-derived shoreline observations for predicting fine-scale shoreline response to waves and sea-level rise across large coastal regions
Barrier island reconfiguration leads to rapid erosion and relocation of a rural Alaska community
Relative contributions of water-level components to extreme water levels along the US Southeast Atlantic Coast from a regional-scale water-level hindcast
Coastal Change in Alaska
Alaska's north coast has been home to indigenous communities for centuries. Changing coastlines threaten important infrastructure and historic sites that support indigenous communities. Changing coastlines also can potentially reduce habitat for Arctic wildlife, such as polar bears, shorebirds, and walruses. Oil- and gas-related development sites and U.S. Department of Defense installations