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The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to our economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of our water resources. Listed below are discrete data releases and datasets produced during our science and research activities. To explore and interact with our data using online tools and products, view our web tools.

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Tables and charts for isotope-abundance variations and atomic weights of selected elements: 2016

There are 63 chemical elements that have two or more isotopes that are used to determine their standard atomic weights. The isotopic abundances and atomic weights of these elements can vary in normal materials due to physical and chemical fractionation processes (not due to radioactive decay). These variations are well known for 12 elements (hydrogen, lithium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, magn

Rhodamine concentration data, Kootenai River, near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 2008

This data release provides measurements of dye concentration collected to support and validate numerical simulations of dispersion on the Kootenai River, downstream of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. On August 13, 2008, at 06:00, 25.4 kilograms of rhodamine WT was diluted using raw river water in a 378.5 liter tank and released as a nearly single slug. The dye was released near River Kilometer (RKM) 239 ove

ADCP data from rivers in Alaska, September 18-20, 2016

The U.S. Geological Survey obtained measurements of channel geometry, flow velocity, and river discharge from five rivers in Alaska September 18-20, 2016, to support research on remote sensing of river discharge. The streamflow data were acquired from the Knik, Matanuska, Chena, and Salcha Rivers and Montana Creek using TeleDyne RD Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), including the RioPro,

Data Files to Support SEAWAVE-QEX Model for Simulating Concentrations of Selected Pesticides in the Continental United States, 1992-2012

Reported atrazine, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, and fipronil concentrations for selected U.S. Geological Survey pesticide sampling sites were downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS) and modified for input into the SEAWAVE-QEX model. Modifications included identification of appropriate censoring limits to use for samples in which the pesticides were not detect

Annual Streamflow Sensitivity to Air Temperature Worldwide, 1901-2013

The purpose of the dataset is to quantify the sensitivity of streamflow to air temperature at 2,673 gages around the world and to evaluate a theory for predicting that sensitivity. This is the second of two datasets containing derived data necessary to reproduce the results of the associated journal article: "On the Sensitivity of Annual Streamflow to Air Temperature," intended for publication in

Monthly Time Series of Streamflow, Precipitation, Air Temperature, and Net Radiation for 2,673 River Basins Worldwide, 1901-2013

This is the first of two datasets containing derived data necessary to reproduce the results of the associated journal article: "On the Sensitivity of Annual Streamflow to Air Temperature." This first dataset contains basic basin characteristics of 2,673 gaged basins worldwide, along with associated monthly time series of basin-mean precipitation, air temperature, and net radiation. The streamflow

MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County, Wisconsin

A new groundwater flow model for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin has been developed by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). An analytic element GFLOW model was constructed and calibrated to generate hydraulic boundary conditions for the perimeter of the more detailed three-dimensional MODFLOW-NWT model. This three-dimensional model u

Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA

High radium (Ra) concentrations in potable portions of the Cambrian-Ordovician (C-O) aquifer system were investigated using water-quality data and environmental tracers ( 3H, 3Hetrit, SF6 , 14C and 4Herad) of groundwater age from 80 public-supply wells (PSWs). Groundwater ages were estimated by calibration of tracers to lumped parameter models and ranged from modern (1 Myr) in the most downgradien

Bias correction of Simulated Historical Daily Streamflow at Ungauged Locations Using Independently Estimated Flow-Duration Curves: Data Release

This dataset contains the observed and simulated streamflow used to produce the results of the journal article entitled Bias correction of Retrospective Simulation of Daily Streamflow at Ungauged Locations Using Independently Estimated Flow-Duration Curves . Observed streamflow, retrieved from the U.S. Geological Surveys National Water Information System ( in Spring

Data Release for Metamodeling and Mapping of Nitrate Flux in the Unsaturated Zone and Groundwater, Wisconsin, USA

Widespread nitrate contamination of groundwater in agricultural areas poses a major challenge to sustainable water resources. Efficient analysis of nitrate fluxes across large regions also remains difficult. This study introduces a method of characterizing nitrate transport processes continuously across regional unsaturated zones and groundwater based on surrogate, machine-learning metamodels of a

Daily streamflow datasets used to analyze trends in streamflow at sites also analyzed for trends in water quality and ecological condition in the Nation's rivers and streams

In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a study of more than 50 major river basins across the Nation as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) project of the National Water-Quality Program. One of the major goals of the NAWQA project is to determine how water-quality conditions change over time. To support that goal, long-term consistent and comparable monitoring has been c

Stream restoration constrains fine particle retention within the hyporheic zone of urban streams

Stream restoration goals include reducing erosion and increasing hyporheic exchange to promote biogeochemical processing and improve water quality. Suspended fine particles (
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