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The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources. Below, find data and tools relevant to a wide range of water resources and conditions including streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and water use and availability.

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Hurricane Maria's Water Footprint

Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017, bringing with it a mix of high winds and extreme rainfall. This data visualization animates Hurricane Maria's Water Footprint, the cumulative precipitation the storm dropped on the island, and the impact of rainfall on river gage height. 

Hurricane Irma's Water Footprint

Hurricane Irma, the most intense hurricane observed in the Atlantic in the last decade, approached the west coast of Florida on September 10th, 2017. This Hurricane Irma Water Footprint data visualization animates the hurricane's path, cumulative precipitation, and its impact on river gage height.

Hurricane Harvey's Water Footprint

Hurricane Harvey approached the U.S. Gulf coast on August 25, 2017. The Hurricane Harvey Water Footprint data visualization shows the hurricane's impact on precipitation and streamflow.

Hurricane Matthew's Water Footprint

Hurricane Matthew approached the southeastern U.S. coast on October 7, 2016. This is a data visualization that shows the hurricane's impact on precipitation and streamflow.

Microplastics in our Nation's Waterways

Microplastics, plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in diameter, are a contaminant of emerging concern in aquatic environments. This interactive visualization explores classifications and potential sources of microplastics in the Great Lakes.

Drought in the Colorado River Basin - Insights Using Open Data

Since 2000, the Colorado River Basin has been experiencing a historic, extended drought that has impacted regional water supply and other resources, such as hydropower, recreation, and ecologic services. This visualization is part of a multi-agency effort to showcase the usefulness of open data by exploring the current 16-year drought and its effects on the Colorado River Basin.

California Drought, Visualized with Open Data

In 2017, the State of California was experiencing one of the most severe droughts on record, which has implications for citizens of California and beyond. This website graphically visualizes these data to help understand the effect of drought on rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs.

Water-use data available from USGS

The U.S. Geological Survey compiles water-use estimates every five years for each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Archived datasets underlying the published "Estimated Use of Water in the United States" reports are available from the above link. County data incorporating any revisions can be found on NWISWeb.

Hydrologic Conditions of Selected Reservoirs in Puerto Rico

The following graphs show water surface elevations above NGVD 1929 in selected reservoirs for several years, including 2015. The purpose of these graphs is to compare water surface elevations during 2015 with water surface elevations observed during years when documented droughts have occurred.

Current Streamflow and Water-Quality Monitoring at Select Sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah

The USGS monitors current streamflow and water-quality conditions at various sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, including areas below the Gold King Mine release area. These streamgages provide continuous data on streamflow and select water-quality constituents including specific conductance, water temperature, pH, and turbidity.

StreamStats Batch Processing Tool

This tool produces shapefiles that contain the delineated basins, basin characteristics, and flow statistics for multiple sites requested at once by users. Before this tool can be used, the the points of interest will likely need to be edited in GIS so that they are coincident with the stream grid used by StreamStats for delineations and saved to a shapefile. 

StreamStats Web Services

The StreamStats application uses data web services that were created for it. When in use, the application manages interactions between the user and the services. However, the web services can be directly accessed using the StreamStats Service API documented here or consumed by a custom client application using HTTP protocols.


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