Interactive Maps
Discover USGS science and data through mapping experience and refine search with filter options.
Celebrating a Half-Century at EROS
For 50 years, the EROS Center has been archiving and distributing satellite, aerial, and mapping data amidst farmland north of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We invite you to explore the surprising history and cutting-edge science and research performed at EROS every day.
Groundwater Resources of the New Jersey Coastal Plain
Online maps provide a view into the groundwater resources of 10 confined aquifers beneath Central and Southern New Jersey. These large-scale water-level surveys completed every 5 years provide a regional overview of groundwater conditions and helps water resource managers identify vulnerabilities to ensure their sustainability for current and future groundwater use.
Klamath Dam Removal Studies web map
This interactive webmap shows USGS dam removal monitoring locations in the Klamath River basin. Monitoring activities include: suspended-sediment, macroinvertebrates, suspended sediment sampling, topographic surveying, bathymetric surveying, geomorphologic mapping, and riparian vegetation mapping.
USGS New York State HydroCoM
The New York Water Dashboard presents USGS real-time stream, lake and reservoir, precipitation and groundwater data for more than 300 USGS real-time observation stations in New York.
PFAS in US Tapwater Interactive Dashboard
Drinking-water quality and potential exposures to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the point-of-use (tapwater) are a rising concern in the United States (US).
Dixie Fire Post-Fire Debris Flows: A Tale of Two Storms
The Dixie fire burned steep hillslopes in the northern Sierra Nevada California during the summer of 2021. The burn area was impacted by two significant storms in October 2021 and June 2022. These storm events resulted in very different types of rainfall and very different postfire flow events. This story map uses maps, photos, and rainfall data to highlight the storms and their impacts.
Geonarrative: How and why are conditions changing in Fairfax streams?
This interactive narrative summarizes a new U.S. Geological Survey report wherein monitoring data collected between 2007 and 2018 are used to provide insights into the changing water quality of urban streams in Fairfax County and the potential role of water-quality management practices.
New Jersey's Coastal Scenario Mapper and Flood Decision Tool
The Flood-inundation maps for 10 New Jersey counties show areas of potential coastal flooding from wind driven storm surge, allowing users to access real-time tidal elevation data from the USGS New Jersey Tide Network webpage. This information can be used to display flood-inundation maps for a range of tidal elevations to better understand areas of potential flooding.
Conservation Planning Tool for the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment of Greater Sage-grouse 1.0.0
A decision support tool for conifer treatment to restore greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat within the Bi-State, California and Nevada, area. This tool provides a science-based approach for prioritizing pinyon and juniper removal to improve habitat for greater sage-grouse in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment.
Geonarrative: Water-Use Data-Gap Analysis
This water-use data-gap analysis analyzed the differences between the current state of the Nation's water-use data and the data needed to achieve the long-term goals of the USGS Water Availability and Use Science Program.
By Land, Air, and Water – USGS Science Supporting Fish and Wildlife Migrations Throughout North America
By Land, Air, and Water – USGS Science Supporting Fish and Wildlife Migrations Throughout North America!
Natural Gas Compositional Analyses Dataset of Gases from United States Wells - Viewer
The purpose of this database is to provide a publicly available and spatially referenced national dataset of natural gas geochemistry.