Pilot Project Team Members | CRB-ASIST
By Colorado River Basin: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology
February 25, 2021
The Rocky Mountain Region is working with a multidisciplinary team of experts within the Colorado River Basin to determine how the USGS can develop integrative science, data, models, and tools that can be used to address key science challenges related to drought risk within the basin.
Current Team Members
Name | Title | Science Center | Contact | Subgroup Membership |
Katharine Dahm | Senior Scientist | Rocky Mountain Region | kdahm@usgs.gov 303-236-1651 |
Colorado River Basin Pilot Lead |
Jeanne Godaire | Senior Scientist | Rocky Mountain Region | jgodaire@usgs.gov | Colorado River Basin Pilot Acting Lead
Sharon Qi | Physical Scientist/GIS Specialist | Colorado Water Science Center | slqi@usgs.gov 503-579-0668 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Data Management & Advanced Technology, Spatial Data Catalog |
Patrick Anderson | Biologist | Fort Collins Science Center | andersonpj@usgs.gov 970-226-9488 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support, Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Adrian Monroe | Ecologist | Fort Collins Science Center | amonroe@usgs.gov 970-226-9122 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support (Co-lead), Spatial Data Catalog, Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Eric Anderson | Research Geophysicist | Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center | ericanderson@usgs.gov 303-236-5652 | Project Development and Coordination (Lead), Data Management & Advanced Technology (Co-Lead |
Anne Tillery | Surface Systems Specialist | New Mexico Water Science Center | atillery@usgs.gov 505-688-1142 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Science Collaborations & Project Support |
Kathryn Thomas | Supervisory Research Ecologist | Southwest Biological Science Center | kathryn_a_thomas@usgs.gov 520-670-5590 |
Project Development & Coordination, Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Daniel Jones | Physical Scientist/Geographer | Utah Water Science Center | dkjones@usgs.gov 801-908-5010 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support (Co-lead), Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Sally House | Science Communications | California Water Science Center | shouse@usgs.gov 916-698-0270 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Spatial Data Catalog |
Joseph Hevesi | Hydrologist | California Water Science Center | jhevesi@usgs.gov 916-278-3274 |
Data Management & Advanced Technology, Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Regional Coordinators
Name | Title | Center | Contact | Role / Subgroup Membership |
Allison Shipp | Deputy Regional Director for Science | Rocky Mountain Region | aashipp@usgs.gov 573-999-4258 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
Alicia Torregrosa | Program Officer | Southwest Region | atorregrosa@usgs.gov 650-269-5044 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
Darrin Thome | Associate Regional Director | Southwest Region | dthome@usgs.gov 916-716-4821 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
William Andrews | Science Coordinator | Rocky Mountain Region | wandrews@usgs.gov 405-227-2687 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Project Development & Coordination |
Program Officer | Rocky Mountain Region | jdriscoll@usgs.gov 303-236-4979 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication (Co-lead), Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Former Team Members
Name | Title | Science Center | Contact |
Christopher Skinner | IT Specialist/Data Management | Central Energy Resources Science Center | cskinner@usgs.gov 303-236-1651 |
Todd Hawbaker | Research Ecologist | Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center | tjhawbaker@usgs.gov 303-236-1371 |
David Dean | Research Hydrologist | Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center | djdean@usgs.gov 928-556-7297 |
John Bradford | Research Ecologist | Southwest Biological Science Center | jbradford@usgs.gov 928-380-4671 |
Michael Duniway | Research Ecologist/Soil Scientist | Southwest Biological Science Center | mduniway@usgs.gov 435-260-2414 |
Shaleene Chavarria | Hydrologist | New Mexico Water Science Center | schavar@usgs.gov 505-830-7951 |
Meghan Dick | Hydrologist | California Water Science Center | mdick@usgs.gov |
Jennifer Erxleben | Chief of the Cloud Hosting Solutions Team | Office of the Associate Chief Information Officer | jerxleben@usgs.gov, 405-994-6512 |
Rebecca Frus | Hydrologist | Nevada Water Science Center | rfrus@usgs.gov |
The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project
USGS expertise together with our vast regional data sets and modeling capabilities, provide an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the value and impact of a strategic and integrated science approach to delivering actionable intelligence to support decision making related to drought risk in the Colorado River Basin. The Pilot in the Colorado River Basin is underway to demonstrate more complex...
The Rocky Mountain Region is working with a multidisciplinary team of experts within the Colorado River Basin to determine how the USGS can develop integrative science, data, models, and tools that can be used to address key science challenges related to drought risk within the basin.
Current Team Members
Name | Title | Science Center | Contact | Subgroup Membership |
Katharine Dahm | Senior Scientist | Rocky Mountain Region | kdahm@usgs.gov 303-236-1651 |
Colorado River Basin Pilot Lead |
Jeanne Godaire | Senior Scientist | Rocky Mountain Region | jgodaire@usgs.gov | Colorado River Basin Pilot Acting Lead
Sharon Qi | Physical Scientist/GIS Specialist | Colorado Water Science Center | slqi@usgs.gov 503-579-0668 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Data Management & Advanced Technology, Spatial Data Catalog |
Patrick Anderson | Biologist | Fort Collins Science Center | andersonpj@usgs.gov 970-226-9488 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support, Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Adrian Monroe | Ecologist | Fort Collins Science Center | amonroe@usgs.gov 970-226-9122 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support (Co-lead), Spatial Data Catalog, Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Eric Anderson | Research Geophysicist | Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center | ericanderson@usgs.gov 303-236-5652 | Project Development and Coordination (Lead), Data Management & Advanced Technology (Co-Lead |
Anne Tillery | Surface Systems Specialist | New Mexico Water Science Center | atillery@usgs.gov 505-688-1142 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Science Collaborations & Project Support |
Kathryn Thomas | Supervisory Research Ecologist | Southwest Biological Science Center | kathryn_a_thomas@usgs.gov 520-670-5590 |
Project Development & Coordination, Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Daniel Jones | Physical Scientist/Geographer | Utah Water Science Center | dkjones@usgs.gov 801-908-5010 |
Science Collaborations & Project Support (Co-lead), Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Sally House | Science Communications | California Water Science Center | shouse@usgs.gov 916-698-0270 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Spatial Data Catalog |
Joseph Hevesi | Hydrologist | California Water Science Center | jhevesi@usgs.gov 916-278-3274 |
Data Management & Advanced Technology, Stakeholder Engagement & Communication |
Regional Coordinators
Name | Title | Center | Contact | Role / Subgroup Membership |
Allison Shipp | Deputy Regional Director for Science | Rocky Mountain Region | aashipp@usgs.gov 573-999-4258 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
Alicia Torregrosa | Program Officer | Southwest Region | atorregrosa@usgs.gov 650-269-5044 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
Darrin Thome | Associate Regional Director | Southwest Region | dthome@usgs.gov 916-716-4821 |
Regional Pilot Team Advisor |
William Andrews | Science Coordinator | Rocky Mountain Region | wandrews@usgs.gov 405-227-2687 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Project Development & Coordination |
Program Officer | Rocky Mountain Region | jdriscoll@usgs.gov 303-236-4979 |
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication (Co-lead), Data Management & Advanced Technology |
Former Team Members
Name | Title | Science Center | Contact |
Christopher Skinner | IT Specialist/Data Management | Central Energy Resources Science Center | cskinner@usgs.gov 303-236-1651 |
Todd Hawbaker | Research Ecologist | Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center | tjhawbaker@usgs.gov 303-236-1371 |
David Dean | Research Hydrologist | Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center | djdean@usgs.gov 928-556-7297 |
John Bradford | Research Ecologist | Southwest Biological Science Center | jbradford@usgs.gov 928-380-4671 |
Michael Duniway | Research Ecologist/Soil Scientist | Southwest Biological Science Center | mduniway@usgs.gov 435-260-2414 |
Shaleene Chavarria | Hydrologist | New Mexico Water Science Center | schavar@usgs.gov 505-830-7951 |
Meghan Dick | Hydrologist | California Water Science Center | mdick@usgs.gov |
Jennifer Erxleben | Chief of the Cloud Hosting Solutions Team | Office of the Associate Chief Information Officer | jerxleben@usgs.gov, 405-994-6512 |
Rebecca Frus | Hydrologist | Nevada Water Science Center | rfrus@usgs.gov |
The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project
USGS expertise together with our vast regional data sets and modeling capabilities, provide an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the value and impact of a strategic and integrated science approach to delivering actionable intelligence to support decision making related to drought risk in the Colorado River Basin. The Pilot in the Colorado River Basin is underway to demonstrate more complex...