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Groundwater Sustainability of the Long Island Aquifer System

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has partnered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to conduct a comprehensive study of the Long Island aquifer system. The major findings of this investigation include: The location of the boundary between fresh and salty groundwater is much closer to the shoreline than previously thought. The historical onshore saltwater...

Groundwater Sustainability of the Long Island Aquifer System

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has partnered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to conduct a comprehensive study of the Long Island aquifer system. The major findings of this investigation include: The location of the boundary between fresh and salty groundwater is much closer to the shoreline than previously thought. The historical onshore saltwater...
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Long Island Sound Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes (SPARROW) Models

The U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is modeling seasonal nutrient loads to Long Island Sound (LIS). Nutrients that originate from within the 41,867-square-mile section of the LIS watershed that is north of the Sound include both point (specific) and nonpoint (widespread) sources. Dynamic modeling of the...

Long Island Sound Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes (SPARROW) Models

The U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is modeling seasonal nutrient loads to Long Island Sound (LIS). Nutrients that originate from within the 41,867-square-mile section of the LIS watershed that is north of the Sound include both point (specific) and nonpoint (widespread) sources. Dynamic modeling of the...
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Base-Flow Water Quality Sampling in Small Basins Draining to Long Island Sound

During the past 20 years, nitrogen loads to Long Island Sound (LIS) have been substantially reduced in large watersheds affected by municipal wastewater loads.

Base-Flow Water Quality Sampling in Small Basins Draining to Long Island Sound

During the past 20 years, nitrogen loads to Long Island Sound (LIS) have been substantially reduced in large watersheds affected by municipal wastewater loads.
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Connecticut Statewide Streamflow Table

This web page provides the user with an interactive map of streamflow stations in Connecticut and a link to a table that provides Station IDs, Station names, current gage height and streamflow (cubic feet per second) as well as the long-term median flow for all active stations in Connecticut. This site also allows the user to build time series of streamflow.

Connecticut Statewide Streamflow Table

This web page provides the user with an interactive map of streamflow stations in Connecticut and a link to a table that provides Station IDs, Station names, current gage height and streamflow (cubic feet per second) as well as the long-term median flow for all active stations in Connecticut. This site also allows the user to build time series of streamflow.
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New York Statewide Streamflow Table

This web page provides the user with an interactive map of streamflow stations in New York and a link to a table that provides Station IDs, Station names, current gage height and streamflow (cubic feet per second) as well as the long-term median flow for all active stations in New York. This site also allows the user to build time series of streamflow.

New York Statewide Streamflow Table

This web page provides the user with an interactive map of streamflow stations in New York and a link to a table that provides Station IDs, Station names, current gage height and streamflow (cubic feet per second) as well as the long-term median flow for all active stations in New York. This site also allows the user to build time series of streamflow.
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USGS Groundwater data for Connecticut

This web page provides the user with access to a table showing current conditions for active groundwater level sites, historical observations, and various summary statistics for both currently active and discontinued sites, for stations in Connecticut.

USGS Groundwater data for Connecticut

This web page provides the user with access to a table showing current conditions for active groundwater level sites, historical observations, and various summary statistics for both currently active and discontinued sites, for stations in Connecticut.
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Connecticut Active Water Level Network

This site provides an interactive map with symbols showing locations of groundwater level measurement sites in New England. The symbols are color coded to indicate percentile classes and whether the sites report data in real-time-delivered to NWISWEB, continuous or periodic measurements.

Connecticut Active Water Level Network

This site provides an interactive map with symbols showing locations of groundwater level measurement sites in New England. The symbols are color coded to indicate percentile classes and whether the sites report data in real-time-delivered to NWISWEB, continuous or periodic measurements.
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New York Active Water Level Network

This site is the New York portion of the USGS groundwater Watch program that tracks groundwater levels in the United States. This site provides an interactive map with symbols showing locations of groundwater level measurement sites. The symbols are color coded to indicate percentile classes and whether the sites report data in real-time-delivered to NWISWEB, continuous or periodic measurements.

New York Active Water Level Network

This site is the New York portion of the USGS groundwater Watch program that tracks groundwater levels in the United States. This site provides an interactive map with symbols showing locations of groundwater level measurement sites. The symbols are color coded to indicate percentile classes and whether the sites report data in real-time-delivered to NWISWEB, continuous or periodic measurements.
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Water Quality Sampling in the Tributaries of the Long Island Sound

Coastal estuaries in southern New England and New York show the effects of excess nutrients and coastal eutrophication. These include excessive growth of macroalgae, excessive blooms of phytoplankton, oxygen depletion, hypoxia and deteriorated substrates. State and Federal regulators have responded to these nutrient-caused impairments by requiring more stringent permit limits for National...

Water Quality Sampling in the Tributaries of the Long Island Sound

Coastal estuaries in southern New England and New York show the effects of excess nutrients and coastal eutrophication. These include excessive growth of macroalgae, excessive blooms of phytoplankton, oxygen depletion, hypoxia and deteriorated substrates. State and Federal regulators have responded to these nutrient-caused impairments by requiring more stringent permit limits for National...
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Embayment Monitoring to Support Nutrient Management Activities in Connecticut for Long Island Sound

The USGS, in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will be collecting water-quality and hydrologic data at four embayments from April 2021 to March 2025: Mystic, Norwalk, Saugatuck, Sasco-Southport complex, and Farm.

Embayment Monitoring to Support Nutrient Management Activities in Connecticut for Long Island Sound

The USGS, in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will be collecting water-quality and hydrologic data at four embayments from April 2021 to March 2025: Mystic, Norwalk, Saugatuck, Sasco-Southport complex, and Farm.
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COAWST: A Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System

Understanding the processes responsible for coastal change is important for managing both our natural and economic coastal resources. Storms are one of the primary driving forces causing coastal change from a coupling of wave- and wind-driven flows. To better understand storm impacts and their effects on our coastlines, there is an international need to better predict storm paths and intensities...

COAWST: A Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System

Understanding the processes responsible for coastal change is important for managing both our natural and economic coastal resources. Storms are one of the primary driving forces causing coastal change from a coupling of wave- and wind-driven flows. To better understand storm impacts and their effects on our coastlines, there is an international need to better predict storm paths and intensities...
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Coastal Change Hazards

Natural processes such as waves, tides, and weather, continually change coastal landscapes. The integrity of coastal homes, businesses, and infrastructure can be threatened by hazards associated with event-driven changes, such as extreme storms and their impacts on beach and dune erosion, or longer-term, cumulative changes associated with coastal and marine processes, such as sea-level rise...

Coastal Change Hazards

Natural processes such as waves, tides, and weather, continually change coastal landscapes. The integrity of coastal homes, businesses, and infrastructure can be threatened by hazards associated with event-driven changes, such as extreme storms and their impacts on beach and dune erosion, or longer-term, cumulative changes associated with coastal and marine processes, such as sea-level rise...
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An Analysis of Trends in the Magnitude of Floods in Urbanized Watersheds on Long Island, New York

Summary: This study aims to do a thorough analysis of trends in peak streamflows on Long Island. Reliable information about the magnitude and frequency of floods is essential for flood insurance studies, flood-plain management, and the design of transportation and water-conveyance infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, and levees. Federal, State, regional, and local...

An Analysis of Trends in the Magnitude of Floods in Urbanized Watersheds on Long Island, New York

Summary: This study aims to do a thorough analysis of trends in peak streamflows on Long Island. Reliable information about the magnitude and frequency of floods is essential for flood insurance studies, flood-plain management, and the design of transportation and water-conveyance infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, and levees. Federal, State, regional, and local officials need
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Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York

PROBLEM Alley Creek, a tributary to Little Neck Bay (Queens County, New York; figure 1) has been designated as impaired by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) for primary and secondary contact and included on the 303(d) Impaired Waterways for pathogens related to combined sewer overflow contributions. The New York City Department of Environmental...

Assessment of fecal contamination sources to Alley Creek, Queens County, New York

PROBLEM Alley Creek, a tributary to Little Neck Bay (Queens County, New York; figure 1) has been designated as impaired by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) for primary and secondary contact and included on the 303(d) Impaired Waterways for pathogens related to combined sewer overflow contributions. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC
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Connecticut Water Use

Background The U.S. Geological Survey has compiled the Nation's water-use data at the county, State, and national levels every 5 years between 1950 and 2015. - The New England Water Science Center (WSC) collected, reviewed, and aggregated water withdrawal data in Massachusetts from different sources (groundwater and surface water in both fresh and saline settings) as a part of the national effort...

Connecticut Water Use

Background The U.S. Geological Survey has compiled the Nation's water-use data at the county, State, and national levels every 5 years between 1950 and 2015. - The New England Water Science Center (WSC) collected, reviewed, and aggregated water withdrawal data in Massachusetts from different sources (groundwater and surface water in both fresh and saline settings) as a part of the national effort...
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Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision Support

The Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision-Support project assesses present and future coastal vulnerability to provide actionable information for management of our Nation’s coasts. Through multidisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships with decision-makers, physical, biological, and social factors that describe landscape and habitat changes are incorporated in a probabilistic modeling...

Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision Support

The Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision-Support project assesses present and future coastal vulnerability to provide actionable information for management of our Nation’s coasts. Through multidisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships with decision-makers, physical, biological, and social factors that describe landscape and habitat changes are incorporated in a probabilistic modeling...
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Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring of the Pawcatuck River Watershed

The Pawcatuck River and the Pawcatuck River Estuary and Little Narragansett Bay form part of the boundary between the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Both states have identified water quality impairments within these waters related to nutrients (insufficient oxygen) and bacteria. Studies of the eutrophication potential of Long Island Sound embayments have identified that the Pawcatuck...

Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring of the Pawcatuck River Watershed

The Pawcatuck River and the Pawcatuck River Estuary and Little Narragansett Bay form part of the boundary between the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Both states have identified water quality impairments within these waters related to nutrients (insufficient oxygen) and bacteria. Studies of the eutrophication potential of Long Island Sound embayments have identified that the Pawcatuck...
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Development of a Regional-Scale Model to Simulate Groundwater Flow and Nitrogen Loading in Watersheds Along the Connecticut Coast of Long Island Sound

In 2018 USGS began work on the development of regional-scale groundwater flow and nitrogen transport models of areas along the Connecticut coast. The model will be used as a quantitative tool to evaluate groundwater flow and nitrogen loading to Long Island Sound.

Development of a Regional-Scale Model to Simulate Groundwater Flow and Nitrogen Loading in Watersheds Along the Connecticut Coast of Long Island Sound

In 2018 USGS began work on the development of regional-scale groundwater flow and nitrogen transport models of areas along the Connecticut coast. The model will be used as a quantitative tool to evaluate groundwater flow and nitrogen loading to Long Island Sound.
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Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems

Estuarine processes, hazards, and ecosystems describes several interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantify and understand estuarine processes through observations and numerical modeling. Both the spatial and temporal scales of these mechanisms are important, and therefore require modern instrumentation and state-of-the-art hydrodynamic models. These projects are led from the U.S. Geological...

Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems

Estuarine processes, hazards, and ecosystems describes several interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantify and understand estuarine processes through observations and numerical modeling. Both the spatial and temporal scales of these mechanisms are important, and therefore require modern instrumentation and state-of-the-art hydrodynamic models. These projects are led from the U.S. Geological...
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Surface Water Quality Monitoring in Connecticut

The 2,983 miles of streams in Connecticut support a range of uses, including drinking water, recreation, and fish and shellfish habitat. The State is required by the Clean Water Act to assess the health of these waters every two years.

Surface Water Quality Monitoring in Connecticut

The 2,983 miles of streams in Connecticut support a range of uses, including drinking water, recreation, and fish and shellfish habitat. The State is required by the Clean Water Act to assess the health of these waters every two years.
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Beach-dependent Shorebirds

Policy-makers, individuals from government agencies, and natural resource managers are under increasing pressure to manage changing coastal areas to meet social, economic, and natural resource demands, particularly under a regime of sea-level rise. Scientific knowledge of coastal processes and habitat-use can support decision-makers as they balance these often-conflicting human and ecological...

Beach-dependent Shorebirds

Policy-makers, individuals from government agencies, and natural resource managers are under increasing pressure to manage changing coastal areas to meet social, economic, and natural resource demands, particularly under a regime of sea-level rise. Scientific knowledge of coastal processes and habitat-use can support decision-makers as they balance these often-conflicting human and ecological...
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