Fire Island, NY sand dunes with protective sand fencing
Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision Support
The Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision-Support project assesses present and future coastal vulnerability to provide actionable information for management of our Nation’s coasts. Through multidisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships with decision-makers, physical, biological, and social factors that describe landscape and habitat changes are incorporated in a probabilistic modeling framework to explore the future likelihood of a variety of impacts and outcomes. Scenario-based products and tools can be applied to inform adaptation strategies, evaluate tradeoffs, and examine mitigation options.
Although the general nature of the changes that can occur on ocean coasts in response to sea-level rise (SLR) is widely recognized, it is difficult to predict exactly what changes may occur, or when they may occur. The ability to predict the extent of these changes is limited by uncertainties in both currently available data that describe the coastal environment, as well as gaps in understanding of some of the driving processes that contribute to coastal change (e.g., rate and magnitude of sea level rise, changes in storminess). Additionally, the cumulative impacts of physical and biological change on the quantity and quality of coastal habitats are not well understood, and potential societal responses to SLR are uncertain. Nonetheless, coastal managers need actionable information to make decisions that account for future hazards, including SLR.
This project brings together scientists from the disciplines of geology, hydrology, geography, biology, and ecology to synthesize information on coastal environments to address the effects of SLR on our Nation’s coasts. The approach uses a probabilistic framework, which allows researchers to incorporate observations and account for uncertainties, to evaluate the likelihood of a variety of SLR impacts, including:
- land loss from inundation and erosion,
- migration of coastal landforms,
- changes to groundwater systems, and
- changes to coastal habitat.
Decision makers depend on the future coastal environment having certain characteristics. For example, homeowners desire a home that is at low risk of loss due to coastal erosion. Local planners and managers also need to be able to identify infrastructure that could be at risk to make effective long-term adaptation or mitigation decisions. Land managers may target parcels for acquisition that provide critical habitat for threatened and endangered species. Flora and fauna require specific habitat attributes to survive and flourish. To proactively plan for an uncertain future, decision makers need the ability to consider alternative response measures and assess the benefits and costs of options. Consequently, there is a need to develop decision frameworks that combine detailed and sometimes complicated scientific information in a way that improves the ability to translate it into decision making scenarios.
Probabilistic Framing
The Bayesian statistical framework is ideal for using data sets derived from historical or modern observations such as long-term shoreline change or wetland accretion/elevation trends. This information can be combined with model simulations and used to define the relationships between key variables in coastal environments. A Bayesian network provides a means of integrating these data to evaluate competing hypotheses regarding the relationships between forcing factors (e.g., rate of SLR, suspended sediment concentration, elevation change) and responses (e.g., shoreline change, wetland vertical accretion, water table change). This framework allows scientists to make probabilistic predictions of the future state of coastal environments for outcomes such as shoreline change, wetland survival, and changes in the depth to groundwater. The predictions also have estimates of outcome uncertainty that can be expressed as both numbers (e.g., 90%) and words (e.g., very likely). The ability to communicate SLR impacts in terms of a probabilistic prediction can improve scientists’ ability to support decision making and evaluate specific management questions about alternatives for addressing SLR.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Probabilistic Framing
Sea Level Change
Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems
Coastal Landscape Response to Sea-Level Rise Assessment for the Northeastern United States
Beach-dependent Shorebirds
National Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise
Empowering decision-makers: A dynamic web interface for running Bayesian networks
Relative Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of National Park Units to Sea-Level Rise
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Fire Island, NY sand dunes with protective sand fencing
Fire Island, New York shoreline
Shorebirds on the shoreline on a Fire Island, NY beach
Shorebirds on the shoreline on a Fire Island, NY beach
Ocean side homes on Fire Island, New York
Ocean side homes on Fire Island, New York
Beach front houses on Fire Island, NY
Beach front houses on Fire Island, NY
Below are publications associated with this project.
Developing a habitat model to support management of threatened seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) at Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia
Integrating Bayesian networks to forecast sea-level rise impacts on barrier island characteristics and habitat availability
Predicted sea-level rise-driven biogeomorphological changes on Fire Island, New York: Implications for people and plovers
Piping plovers demonstrate regional differences in nesting habitat selection patterns along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Habitat studies that encompass a large portion of a species’ geographic distribution can explain characteristics that are either consistent or variable, further informing inference from more localized studies and improving management successes throughout the range. We identified landscape characteristics at Piping Plover nests at 21 sites distributed from Massachusetts to North Carolina and compar
Probabilistic patterns of inundation and biogeomorphic changes due to sea-level rise along the northeastern U.S. Atlantic coast
Relationships between regional coastal land cover distributions and elevation reveal data uncertainty in a sea-level rise impacts model
Smartphone technologies and Bayesian networks to assess shorebird habitat selection
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
Smartphone-based distributed data collection enables rapid assessment of shorebird habitat suitability
Evaluation of dynamic coastal response to sea-level rise modifies inundation likelihood
Coupling centennial-scale shoreline change to sea-level rise and coastal morphology in the Gulf of Mexico using a Bayesian network
Using a Bayesian network to predict barrier island geomorphologic characteristics
Evaluating coastal landscape response to sea-level rise in the northeastern United States: approach and methods
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Sea Level Change
An Interactive Guide to Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States
Coastal Change Hazards Portal
Interactive access to coastal change science and data for our Nation’s coasts. Information and products are organized within three coastal change hazard themes: 1) extreme storms, 2) shoreline change, and 3) sea-level rise. Displays probabilities of coastal erosion.
Below are software products associated with this project.
LinkedBNs_4Habitat - Matlab files to link Bayesian networks to generate habitat predictions
This package is used to calculate coastal geomorphology variables along shore-normal transects. The calculated variables are used as inputs for modeling geomorphology using a Bayesian Network (BN).
iPlover was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center and the USGS Center for Integrated Data Analytics. It is used by trained and vetted personnel to record information about habitats on coastal beaches and he environment surrounding them.
Below are news stories associated with this project.
Below are partners associated with this project.
The Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision-Support project assesses present and future coastal vulnerability to provide actionable information for management of our Nation’s coasts. Through multidisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships with decision-makers, physical, biological, and social factors that describe landscape and habitat changes are incorporated in a probabilistic modeling framework to explore the future likelihood of a variety of impacts and outcomes. Scenario-based products and tools can be applied to inform adaptation strategies, evaluate tradeoffs, and examine mitigation options.
Although the general nature of the changes that can occur on ocean coasts in response to sea-level rise (SLR) is widely recognized, it is difficult to predict exactly what changes may occur, or when they may occur. The ability to predict the extent of these changes is limited by uncertainties in both currently available data that describe the coastal environment, as well as gaps in understanding of some of the driving processes that contribute to coastal change (e.g., rate and magnitude of sea level rise, changes in storminess). Additionally, the cumulative impacts of physical and biological change on the quantity and quality of coastal habitats are not well understood, and potential societal responses to SLR are uncertain. Nonetheless, coastal managers need actionable information to make decisions that account for future hazards, including SLR.
This project brings together scientists from the disciplines of geology, hydrology, geography, biology, and ecology to synthesize information on coastal environments to address the effects of SLR on our Nation’s coasts. The approach uses a probabilistic framework, which allows researchers to incorporate observations and account for uncertainties, to evaluate the likelihood of a variety of SLR impacts, including:
- land loss from inundation and erosion,
- migration of coastal landforms,
- changes to groundwater systems, and
- changes to coastal habitat.
Decision makers depend on the future coastal environment having certain characteristics. For example, homeowners desire a home that is at low risk of loss due to coastal erosion. Local planners and managers also need to be able to identify infrastructure that could be at risk to make effective long-term adaptation or mitigation decisions. Land managers may target parcels for acquisition that provide critical habitat for threatened and endangered species. Flora and fauna require specific habitat attributes to survive and flourish. To proactively plan for an uncertain future, decision makers need the ability to consider alternative response measures and assess the benefits and costs of options. Consequently, there is a need to develop decision frameworks that combine detailed and sometimes complicated scientific information in a way that improves the ability to translate it into decision making scenarios.
Probabilistic Framing
The Bayesian statistical framework is ideal for using data sets derived from historical or modern observations such as long-term shoreline change or wetland accretion/elevation trends. This information can be combined with model simulations and used to define the relationships between key variables in coastal environments. A Bayesian network provides a means of integrating these data to evaluate competing hypotheses regarding the relationships between forcing factors (e.g., rate of SLR, suspended sediment concentration, elevation change) and responses (e.g., shoreline change, wetland vertical accretion, water table change). This framework allows scientists to make probabilistic predictions of the future state of coastal environments for outcomes such as shoreline change, wetland survival, and changes in the depth to groundwater. The predictions also have estimates of outcome uncertainty that can be expressed as both numbers (e.g., 90%) and words (e.g., very likely). The ability to communicate SLR impacts in terms of a probabilistic prediction can improve scientists’ ability to support decision making and evaluate specific management questions about alternatives for addressing SLR.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Probabilistic Framing
Sea Level Change
Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems
Coastal Landscape Response to Sea-Level Rise Assessment for the Northeastern United States
Beach-dependent Shorebirds
National Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise
Empowering decision-makers: A dynamic web interface for running Bayesian networks
Relative Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of National Park Units to Sea-Level Rise
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Fire Island, NY sand dunes with protective sand fencing
Fire Island, NY sand dunes with protective sand fencing
Fire Island, New York shoreline
Shorebirds on the shoreline on a Fire Island, NY beach
Shorebirds on the shoreline on a Fire Island, NY beach
Ocean side homes on Fire Island, New York
Ocean side homes on Fire Island, New York
Beach front houses on Fire Island, NY
Beach front houses on Fire Island, NY
Below are publications associated with this project.
Developing a habitat model to support management of threatened seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) at Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia
Integrating Bayesian networks to forecast sea-level rise impacts on barrier island characteristics and habitat availability
Predicted sea-level rise-driven biogeomorphological changes on Fire Island, New York: Implications for people and plovers
Piping plovers demonstrate regional differences in nesting habitat selection patterns along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Habitat studies that encompass a large portion of a species’ geographic distribution can explain characteristics that are either consistent or variable, further informing inference from more localized studies and improving management successes throughout the range. We identified landscape characteristics at Piping Plover nests at 21 sites distributed from Massachusetts to North Carolina and compar
Probabilistic patterns of inundation and biogeomorphic changes due to sea-level rise along the northeastern U.S. Atlantic coast
Relationships between regional coastal land cover distributions and elevation reveal data uncertainty in a sea-level rise impacts model
Smartphone technologies and Bayesian networks to assess shorebird habitat selection
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
Smartphone-based distributed data collection enables rapid assessment of shorebird habitat suitability
Evaluation of dynamic coastal response to sea-level rise modifies inundation likelihood
Coupling centennial-scale shoreline change to sea-level rise and coastal morphology in the Gulf of Mexico using a Bayesian network
Using a Bayesian network to predict barrier island geomorphologic characteristics
Evaluating coastal landscape response to sea-level rise in the northeastern United States: approach and methods
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Sea Level Change
An Interactive Guide to Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States
Coastal Change Hazards Portal
Interactive access to coastal change science and data for our Nation’s coasts. Information and products are organized within three coastal change hazard themes: 1) extreme storms, 2) shoreline change, and 3) sea-level rise. Displays probabilities of coastal erosion.
Below are software products associated with this project.
LinkedBNs_4Habitat - Matlab files to link Bayesian networks to generate habitat predictions
This package is used to calculate coastal geomorphology variables along shore-normal transects. The calculated variables are used as inputs for modeling geomorphology using a Bayesian Network (BN).
iPlover was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center and the USGS Center for Integrated Data Analytics. It is used by trained and vetted personnel to record information about habitats on coastal beaches and he environment surrounding them.
Below are news stories associated with this project.
Below are partners associated with this project.