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Antonio Celis-Murillo, Ph.D.

Antonio is currently the Chief of the USGS Bird Banding Lab (BBL) at the Eastern Ecological Science Center in Laurel, MD.

He has been a Biologist at the BBL since 2017 and has been working with the BBL team to strengthen the data management system for bird banding data, support research projects that use banding data, and coordinate efforts in North America and the Western Hemisphere. Currently, as Chief, he works with the BBL team and BBL partners to ensure that the lab remains the premier resource for long-term bird banding and marking data in North America. Antonio’s main goal is to make sure the BBL becomes a robust, integrated scientific resource that that rapidly adapts to new science needs, study methods, and technologies to facilitate successful and effective bird management and conservation science. 

He studied various aspects of avian ecology and behavior with the overarching goal of improving conservation efforts, including bird migration, movements, population dynamics of species of concern and bioacoustics.  

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