La isla de Puerto Rico está sujeta a numerosos peligros naturales, incluyendo huracanes y erosión costera. La información sobre cómo responden los entornos costeros de la isla a estos eventos es fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia costera. La Dra.
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards: Coastal | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico: Costas
Real-time Camera and Waves, Wind, and Water Level Data Available in Dorado and Isla Verde
Cámara en tiempo real y datos de olas, viento y nivel de agua disponibles en Dorado e Isla Verde
Assessment of Hurricane-induced Coastal Erosion Hazards in Puerto Rico
Evaluación de los peligros de erosión costera inducidos por Huracanes en Puerto Rico
Shoreline Changes in Puerto Rico
Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico
Benefits of coral reef restoration
Los beneficios de la restauración de los arrecifes de coral
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics in Tres Palmas
Utilizando imágenes de video para estudiar la dinámica de las olas en Tres Palmas
This page is a collection of USGS coastal hazard research in Puerto Rico, including shoreline changes, coral reef assessments, and coastal flooding. A brief description of highlighted projects can be found below. All coastal hazard publications, data releases, and news for Puerto Rico can be accessed on this page.
Esta página es una recopilación de investigaciones del USGS sobre los riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico que incluye los cambios en el litoral, las evaluaciones de los arrecifes de coral y las inundaciones costeras. A continuación, podrá encontrar una breve descripción de algunos proyectos destacados. Todas las publicaciones, cesiones de datos y noticias sobre los riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico están disponibles en esta página.
Shorelines | Las líneas de costa
Historical shoreline positions were determined for Puerto Rico from 1901 to 2018, using historical maps, aerial photographs, high resolution satellite imagery, and lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data. Rates of change were measured with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), which calculates statistics from multiple historical shoreline positions. The goal of this project was to develop the existing USGS shoreline database in Puerto Rico. Data are available to download in the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Las posiciones históricas de las líneas de costa fueron determinadas para Puerto Rico entre 1901 y 2018 usando mapas históricos, fotografías aéreas, imágenes satelitales de alta resolución y datos de lidar (detección de luz y alcance). Los rangos de cambio se midieron con el Sistema de Análisis Digital de la Costa (DSAS, por sus siglas en inglés), que calcula las estadísticas de distintas posiciones históricas de la costa. El objetivo de este proyecto era desarrollar la base de datos actual del USGS en las costas de Puerto Rico. Se puede descargar la información en el Portal de Riesgos por Cambios Costeros del USGS (Coastal Change Hazards Portal).
Coral Reef Assessments | Las evaluaciones de los arrecifes de coral
USGS has a published a variety of research regarding coral reefs in Puerto Rico, covering topics such as the value reefs for flood risk reduction, a comparison of pre-storm and post-storm flood levels, hurricane impacts on coral reefs, and possible benefits of coral reef restoration scenarios to mitigate coastal hazards. Summary reports can be accessed in the links below:
El USGS ha publicado una variedad de investigaciones con relación a los arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico que abarcan temas como la importancia de los arrecifes para la reducción de los riesgos de inundación, una comparación de los niveles de inundación antes y después de una tormenta, el impacto de los huracanes en los arrecifes de coral y los posibles beneficios de la restauración de arrecifes para mitigar los peligros costeros. Los siguientes enlaces contienen resúmenes de los informes realizados:
The value of US coral reefs for risk reduction - Puerto Rico | El valor de los arrecifes de coral en los Estados Unidos para la reducción de riesgos - Puerto Rico
Hurricanes increase future flood risk in Puerto Rico and Florida | Huracanes aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras de Puerto Rico y Florida
Impact of damage by hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico | Impacto de los daños causados por los huracanes Irma y María en Puerto Rico
Social and economic benefits of coral reef restoration: Puerto Rico | Beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de los arrecifes de coral: Puerto Rico
Potential annual coastal hazard risk decrease: Puerto Rico | Disminución potencial anual del riesgo de peligros costeros: Puerto Rico
Dune Impact Probabilities | Las probabilidades del impacto de las dunas
Another ongoing project is focusing on estimating projections of wave impacts on sand dunes to determine the probability that waves will erode, overtop, or completely inundate dunes for generalized category 1-5 hurricane conditions. This approach is also called probability of Collision, Overwash, and Inundation (pCOI). Coastal features were extracted from lidar information. Results will be available for Puerto Rico in the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Otro proyecto actual se centra en estimar las proyecciones del impacto de las olas en las dunas de arena para determinar la probabilidad de Colisión con la duna, Desborde sobre la duna e Inundación de la duna (pCOI, por sus siglas en inglés) a fin de evaluar las probabilidades de que las olas produzcan erosión, sobrepasen o inunden por completo las dunas en el caso de los huracanes de categoría de 1 a 5. Las características de las costas se extrajeron de la información del lidar. Los resultados para Puerto Rico estarán disponibles en el Portal de Cambios Costeros del USGS (USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal).
Wave Dynamics | La dinámica de las olas
In Isla Verde, San Juan, and Tres Palmas, Rincón, USGS researchers have installed camera systems to measure where waves break across the reef and the extent of wave runup on the shore to improve our understanding of coastal flooding. Current work includes expanding this project to other regions in Puerto Rico.
En Isla Verde, San Juan y Tres Palmas, Rincón, algunos investigadores del USGS han instalado sistemas de cámaras para medir en qué parte del arrecife rompen las olas y la extensión del remonte de las olas (wave runup) sobre la costa a fin de profundizar nuestra comprensión sobre inundaciones costeras. Actualmente, estamos trabajando para expandir este proyecto a otras regiones de Puerto Rico.
Learn more about USGS Puerto Rico hazards research and tools. | Obtenga más información sobre las herramientas e investigaciones del USGS acerca de riegros en Puerto Rico.
USGS scientists and staff study resources and processes from shorelines and estuaries to the continental shelf and deep sea. Coastal research projects in Puerto Rico have focused on shoreline change, coral reefs, and hurricane impacts. Learn more about these projects in the links below.
Los científicos y personal del USGS estudian los recursos y procesos desde las costas y estuarios hasta la plataforma continental y las aguas profundas. Los proyectos de investigación costera de Puerto Rico se han centrado en los cambios del litoral, los arrecifes de coral y el impacto de los huracanes. Conozca más sobre estos proyectos en los siguientes enlaces.
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Tres Palmas
Quantifying Flood Risk and Reef Risk Reduction Benefits in Florida and Puerto Rico: The Consequences of Hurricane Damage, Long-term Degradation, and Restoration Opportunities
Coral Reef Project: Puerto Rico
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Isla Verde
Explore USGS data releases for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Explore las cesiones de datos del USGS para Puerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
Puerto Rico shoreline change: A GIS compilation of shorelines, baselines, intersects, and change rates calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis system version 5.1 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines and Shoreline Classification for Puerto Rico from 1970 and 2010
A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines for Puerto Rico from 2015 to 2018
Historical Shorelines for Puerto Rico from 1901 to 1987
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricanes Irma and Maria due to the storms' damage to the coral reefs
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands for current and potentially restored coral reefs
Time series data of oceanographic conditions from La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 2017-2018 Coral Reef Circulation and Sediment Dynamics Experiment
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods, with and without coral reefs, for the States of Hawaii and Florida, the Territories of Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Explore USGS media products for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Explore los productos multimedia del USGS para Puerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
La isla de Puerto Rico está sujeta a numerosos peligros naturales, incluyendo huracanes y erosión costera. La información sobre cómo responden los entornos costeros de la isla a estos eventos es fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia costera. La Dra.
The island of Puerto Rico is subject to numerous natural hazards including hurricanes and coastal erosion. Information on how the island’s coastal environments respond to these events is critical for bolstering coastal resilience. Dr.
The island of Puerto Rico is subject to numerous natural hazards including hurricanes and coastal erosion. Information on how the island’s coastal environments respond to these events is critical for bolstering coastal resilience. Dr.
Report Summary
Hurricane Damage to Coral Reefs in 2017 Increases Future Flood Risk in Puerto Rico and Florida
The damage to reef natural infrastructure from Hurricanes Irma and Maria puts U.S. people and property at significant risk of future flooding
Key Points
Report Summary
Hurricane Damage to Coral Reefs in 2017 Increases Future Flood Risk in Puerto Rico and Florida
The damage to reef natural infrastructure from Hurricanes Irma and Maria puts U.S. people and property at significant risk of future flooding
Key Points
The significant flood risk consequences of damage to coral reefs from Hurricanes Irma and Maria clarify why the defense benefits from this natural infrastructure should be recovered, repaired and restored.
The significant flood risk consequences of damage to coral reefs from Hurricanes Irma and Maria clarify why the defense benefits from this natural infrastructure should be recovered, repaired and restored.
Maps of Puerto Rico show the increase in annual coastal hazard risk due to damage by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
- Increase in population at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (top)
- Increase in value ($) of assets at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (bottom)
Maps of Puerto Rico show the increase in annual coastal hazard risk due to damage by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
- Increase in population at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (top)
- Increase in value ($) of assets at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (bottom)
Maps show the potential decrease in annual coastal hazard risk provided by coral reef restoration in Puerto Rico.
Maps show the potential decrease in annual coastal hazard risk provided by coral reef restoration in Puerto Rico.
Report Summary
The Social and Economic Benefits of Coral Reef Restoration in Puerto Rico
Key Points
Report Summary
The Social and Economic Benefits of Coral Reef Restoration in Puerto Rico
Key Points
Coral reef restoration can yield significant flood reduction benefits. These natural defenses were damaged in the 2017 hurricanes; their recovery would reduce the risks of further storm damages to nature, people and property.
Coral reef restoration can yield significant flood reduction benefits. These natural defenses were damaged in the 2017 hurricanes; their recovery would reduce the risks of further storm damages to nature, people and property.
Los beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico
Los beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico
La restauración de los arrecifes de coral puede producir beneficios significativos en la reducción de inundaciones. Estas defensas naturales sufrieron daños a causa de los huracanes de 2017; su recuperación reduciría riesgos adicionales a la naturaleza, las personas y propiedades causados por tormentas.
La restauración de los arrecifes de coral puede producir beneficios significativos en la reducción de inundaciones. Estas defensas naturales sufrieron daños a causa de los huracanes de 2017; su recuperación reduciría riesgos adicionales a la naturaleza, las personas y propiedades causados por tormentas.
Los daños causados por los huracanes a los arrecifes de coral en 2017 aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras en Puerto Rico y Florida
Los daños causados por los huracanes a los arrecifes de coral en 2017 aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras en Puerto Rico y Florida
Las consecuencias significativas del riesgo de inundación debido a los daños en los arrecifes de coral causado por los huracanes Irma y María clarifican por qué los beneficios de defensa de esta infraestructura natural deben recuperarse, repararse y restaurarse.
Las consecuencias significativas del riesgo de inundación debido a los daños en los arrecifes de coral causado por los huracanes Irma y María clarifican por qué los beneficios de defensa de esta infraestructura natural deben recuperarse, repararse y restaurarse.
(Top image) Shaded relief of the new multibeam bathymetry along the Puerto Rico Trench illuminated from the northwest. Thin contours indicate bathymetry at 500-m intervals. (Bottom image) Combined bathymetry map of the multibeam bathymetry data, single-beam bathymetry compilation around Puerto Rico, Lidar data near shore, and topography of Puerto Rico.
(Top image) Shaded relief of the new multibeam bathymetry along the Puerto Rico Trench illuminated from the northwest. Thin contours indicate bathymetry at 500-m intervals. (Bottom image) Combined bathymetry map of the multibeam bathymetry data, single-beam bathymetry compilation around Puerto Rico, Lidar data near shore, and topography of Puerto Rico.
Explore scientific publications by USGS researchers about coastal hazards in Puerto Rico.
Explore publicaciones científicas por investigadores del USGS sobre riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico.
A biological condition gradient for Caribbean coral reefs: Part II. Numeric rules using sessile benthic organisms
The Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) is a conceptual model used to describe incremental changes in biological condition along a gradient of increasing anthropogenic stress. As coral reefs collapse globally, scientists and managers are focused on how to sustain the crucial structure and functions, and the benefits that healthy coral reef ecosystems provide for many economies and societies. We de
Rigorously valuing the coastal hazard risks reduction provided by potential coral reef restoration in Florida and Puerto Rico
Rigorously valuing the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on coastal hazard risks in Florida and Puerto Rico
Land-based sediment sources and transport to southwest Puerto Rico coral reefs after Hurricane Maria, May 2017 to June 2018
Rapid observations of ocean dynamics and stratification along a steep island coast during Hurricane María
Hurricanes are extreme storms that affect coastal communities, but the linkages between hurricane forcing and ocean dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we present full water column observations at unprecedented resolution from the southwest Puerto Rico insular shelf and slope during Hurricane María, representing a rare set of high-frequency, subsurface, oceanographic observations collected al
Controls on sediment transport over coral reefs off southwest Puerto Rico: Seasonal patterns and Hurricane Maria
Guánica Bay in southwest Puerto Rico is highly turbid and has some of the highest PCB concentrations in the USA. To investigate how and to what extent the bay waters influence coral reef ecosystem health along the coastline, 6 months of hydrodynamic data were collected at 8 sites on the insular shelf. Bed shear stresses were primarily driven by waves and were weakest at the site closest to La Parg
Shallower structure and geomorphology of the southern Puerto Rico offshore margin
The 3D Elevation Program: summary for Puerto Rico
Elevation data are essential to a broad range of applications, including forest resources management, wildlife and habitat management, scientific research, national security, recreation, and many others. For the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, elevation data are critical for flood risk management, landslide mitigation, natural resources conservation, sea level rise and subsidence, coastal zone manage
A Systems Thinking approach to post-disaster restoration of maritime transportation systems
A Systems Thinking approach is used to examine elements of a maritime transportation system that are most likely to be impacted by an extreme event. The majority of the literature uses a high-level view that can fail to capture the damage at the sub-system elements. This work uses a system dynamics simulation for a better view and understanding of the Port of San Juan, Puerto Rico, as a whole syst
Bathymetric Terrain Model of the Puerto Rico Trench and the Northeastern Caribbean Region for Marine Geological Investigations
Multibeam bathymetry data collected in the Puerto Rico Trench and Northeast Caribbean region are compiled into a seamless bathymetric terrain model for broad-scale geological investigations of the trench system. These data, collected during eight separate surveys between 2002 and 2013, covering almost 180,000 square kilometers are published here in large format map sheet and digital spatial data.
Final report and archive of the swath bathymetry and ancillary data collected in the Puerto Rico Trench region in 2002 and 2003
In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises that mapped for the first time the morphology of the entire tectonic plate boundary stretching from the Dominican Republic in the west to the Lesser Antilles in the east, a distance of approximately 700 kilometers (430 miles). Obse
Potential effects of runoff, fluvial sediment, and nutrient discharges on the coral reefs of Puerto Rico
Coral reefs, the foundation and primary structure of many highly productive and diverse tropical marine ecosystems, have been degraded by human activity in much of the earth's tropical oceans. To contribute to improved understanding of this problem, the potential relation between river sediment and nutrient discharges and degradation of coral reefs surrounding Puerto Rico was studied using streamf
Explore USGS web tools about coastal hazards available for Puerto Rico.
Explore las herramientas de internet del USGS sobre riesgos costeros disponibles para Puerto Rico.
Los Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico
El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha desarrollado una geonarrativa en español e inglés sobre los cambios en la costa de Puerto Rico que explica las tendencias históricas de la línea costera de la isla, los impactos de los huracanes en la costa y las posibles soluciones para proteger a las comunidades y mitigar los peligros costeros.
Shoreline Changes in Puerto Rico
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a Spanish and English geonarrative that displays shoreline changes in Puerto Rico and covers topics on the island’s historical shoreline trends, hurricane impacts on the coast, and possible solutions that could help protect communities and mitigate coastal hazards.
Coastal Change Hazards Portal
Interactive access to coastal change science and data for our Nation’s coasts. Information and products are organized within three coastal change hazard themes: 1) extreme storms, 2) shoreline change, and 3) sea-level rise. Displays probabilities of coastal erosion.
Explore USGS software releases related to coastal hazards available for Puerto Rico.
Explore los softwares del USGS relacionadas con peligros costeros disponibles para Puerto Rico.
Digital Shoreline Analysis System v5.1
The Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 software is an add-in to Esri ArcGIS Desktop version 10.4–10.7 that enables a user to calculate rate-of-change statistics from a time series of vector shoreline positions.
Digital Shoreline Analysis System
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.0
Read USGS research news highlights for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Lea noticias destacadas de investigaciones del USGS enPuerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA 20192
United States
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
600 4th Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
United States
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543
United States
Legna M Torres-García, Ph.D.
Research Oceanographer
Donya P Frank-Gilchrist, Ph.D.
Research Physical Scientist
Meaghan Emory (Former Employee)
Information Specialist
Margaret Palmsten, Ph.D.
Research Oceanographer
This page is a collection of USGS coastal hazard research in Puerto Rico, including shoreline changes, coral reef assessments, and coastal flooding. A brief description of highlighted projects can be found below. All coastal hazard publications, data releases, and news for Puerto Rico can be accessed on this page.
Esta página es una recopilación de investigaciones del USGS sobre los riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico que incluye los cambios en el litoral, las evaluaciones de los arrecifes de coral y las inundaciones costeras. A continuación, podrá encontrar una breve descripción de algunos proyectos destacados. Todas las publicaciones, cesiones de datos y noticias sobre los riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico están disponibles en esta página.
Shorelines | Las líneas de costa
Historical shoreline positions were determined for Puerto Rico from 1901 to 2018, using historical maps, aerial photographs, high resolution satellite imagery, and lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data. Rates of change were measured with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), which calculates statistics from multiple historical shoreline positions. The goal of this project was to develop the existing USGS shoreline database in Puerto Rico. Data are available to download in the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Las posiciones históricas de las líneas de costa fueron determinadas para Puerto Rico entre 1901 y 2018 usando mapas históricos, fotografías aéreas, imágenes satelitales de alta resolución y datos de lidar (detección de luz y alcance). Los rangos de cambio se midieron con el Sistema de Análisis Digital de la Costa (DSAS, por sus siglas en inglés), que calcula las estadísticas de distintas posiciones históricas de la costa. El objetivo de este proyecto era desarrollar la base de datos actual del USGS en las costas de Puerto Rico. Se puede descargar la información en el Portal de Riesgos por Cambios Costeros del USGS (Coastal Change Hazards Portal).
Coral Reef Assessments | Las evaluaciones de los arrecifes de coral
USGS has a published a variety of research regarding coral reefs in Puerto Rico, covering topics such as the value reefs for flood risk reduction, a comparison of pre-storm and post-storm flood levels, hurricane impacts on coral reefs, and possible benefits of coral reef restoration scenarios to mitigate coastal hazards. Summary reports can be accessed in the links below:
El USGS ha publicado una variedad de investigaciones con relación a los arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico que abarcan temas como la importancia de los arrecifes para la reducción de los riesgos de inundación, una comparación de los niveles de inundación antes y después de una tormenta, el impacto de los huracanes en los arrecifes de coral y los posibles beneficios de la restauración de arrecifes para mitigar los peligros costeros. Los siguientes enlaces contienen resúmenes de los informes realizados:
The value of US coral reefs for risk reduction - Puerto Rico | El valor de los arrecifes de coral en los Estados Unidos para la reducción de riesgos - Puerto Rico
Hurricanes increase future flood risk in Puerto Rico and Florida | Huracanes aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras de Puerto Rico y Florida
Impact of damage by hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico | Impacto de los daños causados por los huracanes Irma y María en Puerto Rico
Social and economic benefits of coral reef restoration: Puerto Rico | Beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de los arrecifes de coral: Puerto Rico
Potential annual coastal hazard risk decrease: Puerto Rico | Disminución potencial anual del riesgo de peligros costeros: Puerto Rico
Dune Impact Probabilities | Las probabilidades del impacto de las dunas
Another ongoing project is focusing on estimating projections of wave impacts on sand dunes to determine the probability that waves will erode, overtop, or completely inundate dunes for generalized category 1-5 hurricane conditions. This approach is also called probability of Collision, Overwash, and Inundation (pCOI). Coastal features were extracted from lidar information. Results will be available for Puerto Rico in the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal.
Otro proyecto actual se centra en estimar las proyecciones del impacto de las olas en las dunas de arena para determinar la probabilidad de Colisión con la duna, Desborde sobre la duna e Inundación de la duna (pCOI, por sus siglas en inglés) a fin de evaluar las probabilidades de que las olas produzcan erosión, sobrepasen o inunden por completo las dunas en el caso de los huracanes de categoría de 1 a 5. Las características de las costas se extrajeron de la información del lidar. Los resultados para Puerto Rico estarán disponibles en el Portal de Cambios Costeros del USGS (USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal).
Wave Dynamics | La dinámica de las olas
In Isla Verde, San Juan, and Tres Palmas, Rincón, USGS researchers have installed camera systems to measure where waves break across the reef and the extent of wave runup on the shore to improve our understanding of coastal flooding. Current work includes expanding this project to other regions in Puerto Rico.
En Isla Verde, San Juan y Tres Palmas, Rincón, algunos investigadores del USGS han instalado sistemas de cámaras para medir en qué parte del arrecife rompen las olas y la extensión del remonte de las olas (wave runup) sobre la costa a fin de profundizar nuestra comprensión sobre inundaciones costeras. Actualmente, estamos trabajando para expandir este proyecto a otras regiones de Puerto Rico.
Learn more about USGS Puerto Rico hazards research and tools. | Obtenga más información sobre las herramientas e investigaciones del USGS acerca de riegros en Puerto Rico.
USGS scientists and staff study resources and processes from shorelines and estuaries to the continental shelf and deep sea. Coastal research projects in Puerto Rico have focused on shoreline change, coral reefs, and hurricane impacts. Learn more about these projects in the links below.
Los científicos y personal del USGS estudian los recursos y procesos desde las costas y estuarios hasta la plataforma continental y las aguas profundas. Los proyectos de investigación costera de Puerto Rico se han centrado en los cambios del litoral, los arrecifes de coral y el impacto de los huracanes. Conozca más sobre estos proyectos en los siguientes enlaces.
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Tres Palmas
Quantifying Flood Risk and Reef Risk Reduction Benefits in Florida and Puerto Rico: The Consequences of Hurricane Damage, Long-term Degradation, and Restoration Opportunities
Coral Reef Project: Puerto Rico
Using Video Imagery to Study Wave Dynamics: Isla Verde
Explore USGS data releases for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Explore las cesiones de datos del USGS para Puerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
Puerto Rico shoreline change: A GIS compilation of shorelines, baselines, intersects, and change rates calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis system version 5.1 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines and Shoreline Classification for Puerto Rico from 1970 and 2010
A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines for Puerto Rico from 2015 to 2018
Historical Shorelines for Puerto Rico from 1901 to 1987
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricanes Irma and Maria due to the storms' damage to the coral reefs
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands for current and potentially restored coral reefs
Time series data of oceanographic conditions from La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 2017-2018 Coral Reef Circulation and Sediment Dynamics Experiment
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods, with and without coral reefs, for the States of Hawaii and Florida, the Territories of Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Explore USGS media products for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Explore los productos multimedia del USGS para Puerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
La isla de Puerto Rico está sujeta a numerosos peligros naturales, incluyendo huracanes y erosión costera. La información sobre cómo responden los entornos costeros de la isla a estos eventos es fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia costera. La Dra.
La isla de Puerto Rico está sujeta a numerosos peligros naturales, incluyendo huracanes y erosión costera. La información sobre cómo responden los entornos costeros de la isla a estos eventos es fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia costera. La Dra.
The island of Puerto Rico is subject to numerous natural hazards including hurricanes and coastal erosion. Information on how the island’s coastal environments respond to these events is critical for bolstering coastal resilience. Dr.
The island of Puerto Rico is subject to numerous natural hazards including hurricanes and coastal erosion. Information on how the island’s coastal environments respond to these events is critical for bolstering coastal resilience. Dr.
Report Summary
Hurricane Damage to Coral Reefs in 2017 Increases Future Flood Risk in Puerto Rico and Florida
The damage to reef natural infrastructure from Hurricanes Irma and Maria puts U.S. people and property at significant risk of future flooding
Key Points
Report Summary
Hurricane Damage to Coral Reefs in 2017 Increases Future Flood Risk in Puerto Rico and Florida
The damage to reef natural infrastructure from Hurricanes Irma and Maria puts U.S. people and property at significant risk of future flooding
Key Points
The significant flood risk consequences of damage to coral reefs from Hurricanes Irma and Maria clarify why the defense benefits from this natural infrastructure should be recovered, repaired and restored.
The significant flood risk consequences of damage to coral reefs from Hurricanes Irma and Maria clarify why the defense benefits from this natural infrastructure should be recovered, repaired and restored.
Maps of Puerto Rico show the increase in annual coastal hazard risk due to damage by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
- Increase in population at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (top)
- Increase in value ($) of assets at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (bottom)
Maps of Puerto Rico show the increase in annual coastal hazard risk due to damage by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
- Increase in population at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (top)
- Increase in value ($) of assets at risk due to coral reef damage per kilometer (bottom)
Maps show the potential decrease in annual coastal hazard risk provided by coral reef restoration in Puerto Rico.
Maps show the potential decrease in annual coastal hazard risk provided by coral reef restoration in Puerto Rico.
Report Summary
The Social and Economic Benefits of Coral Reef Restoration in Puerto Rico
Key Points
Report Summary
The Social and Economic Benefits of Coral Reef Restoration in Puerto Rico
Key Points
Coral reef restoration can yield significant flood reduction benefits. These natural defenses were damaged in the 2017 hurricanes; their recovery would reduce the risks of further storm damages to nature, people and property.
Coral reef restoration can yield significant flood reduction benefits. These natural defenses were damaged in the 2017 hurricanes; their recovery would reduce the risks of further storm damages to nature, people and property.
Los beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico
Los beneficios sociales y económicos de la restauración de arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico
La restauración de los arrecifes de coral puede producir beneficios significativos en la reducción de inundaciones. Estas defensas naturales sufrieron daños a causa de los huracanes de 2017; su recuperación reduciría riesgos adicionales a la naturaleza, las personas y propiedades causados por tormentas.
La restauración de los arrecifes de coral puede producir beneficios significativos en la reducción de inundaciones. Estas defensas naturales sufrieron daños a causa de los huracanes de 2017; su recuperación reduciría riesgos adicionales a la naturaleza, las personas y propiedades causados por tormentas.
Los daños causados por los huracanes a los arrecifes de coral en 2017 aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras en Puerto Rico y Florida
Los daños causados por los huracanes a los arrecifes de coral en 2017 aumentan el riesgo de inundaciones futuras en Puerto Rico y Florida
Las consecuencias significativas del riesgo de inundación debido a los daños en los arrecifes de coral causado por los huracanes Irma y María clarifican por qué los beneficios de defensa de esta infraestructura natural deben recuperarse, repararse y restaurarse.
Las consecuencias significativas del riesgo de inundación debido a los daños en los arrecifes de coral causado por los huracanes Irma y María clarifican por qué los beneficios de defensa de esta infraestructura natural deben recuperarse, repararse y restaurarse.
(Top image) Shaded relief of the new multibeam bathymetry along the Puerto Rico Trench illuminated from the northwest. Thin contours indicate bathymetry at 500-m intervals. (Bottom image) Combined bathymetry map of the multibeam bathymetry data, single-beam bathymetry compilation around Puerto Rico, Lidar data near shore, and topography of Puerto Rico.
(Top image) Shaded relief of the new multibeam bathymetry along the Puerto Rico Trench illuminated from the northwest. Thin contours indicate bathymetry at 500-m intervals. (Bottom image) Combined bathymetry map of the multibeam bathymetry data, single-beam bathymetry compilation around Puerto Rico, Lidar data near shore, and topography of Puerto Rico.
Explore scientific publications by USGS researchers about coastal hazards in Puerto Rico.
Explore publicaciones científicas por investigadores del USGS sobre riesgos costeros en Puerto Rico.
A biological condition gradient for Caribbean coral reefs: Part II. Numeric rules using sessile benthic organisms
The Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) is a conceptual model used to describe incremental changes in biological condition along a gradient of increasing anthropogenic stress. As coral reefs collapse globally, scientists and managers are focused on how to sustain the crucial structure and functions, and the benefits that healthy coral reef ecosystems provide for many economies and societies. We de
Rigorously valuing the coastal hazard risks reduction provided by potential coral reef restoration in Florida and Puerto Rico
Rigorously valuing the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on coastal hazard risks in Florida and Puerto Rico
Land-based sediment sources and transport to southwest Puerto Rico coral reefs after Hurricane Maria, May 2017 to June 2018
Rapid observations of ocean dynamics and stratification along a steep island coast during Hurricane María
Hurricanes are extreme storms that affect coastal communities, but the linkages between hurricane forcing and ocean dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we present full water column observations at unprecedented resolution from the southwest Puerto Rico insular shelf and slope during Hurricane María, representing a rare set of high-frequency, subsurface, oceanographic observations collected al
Controls on sediment transport over coral reefs off southwest Puerto Rico: Seasonal patterns and Hurricane Maria
Guánica Bay in southwest Puerto Rico is highly turbid and has some of the highest PCB concentrations in the USA. To investigate how and to what extent the bay waters influence coral reef ecosystem health along the coastline, 6 months of hydrodynamic data were collected at 8 sites on the insular shelf. Bed shear stresses were primarily driven by waves and were weakest at the site closest to La Parg
Shallower structure and geomorphology of the southern Puerto Rico offshore margin
The 3D Elevation Program: summary for Puerto Rico
Elevation data are essential to a broad range of applications, including forest resources management, wildlife and habitat management, scientific research, national security, recreation, and many others. For the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, elevation data are critical for flood risk management, landslide mitigation, natural resources conservation, sea level rise and subsidence, coastal zone manage
A Systems Thinking approach to post-disaster restoration of maritime transportation systems
A Systems Thinking approach is used to examine elements of a maritime transportation system that are most likely to be impacted by an extreme event. The majority of the literature uses a high-level view that can fail to capture the damage at the sub-system elements. This work uses a system dynamics simulation for a better view and understanding of the Port of San Juan, Puerto Rico, as a whole syst
Bathymetric Terrain Model of the Puerto Rico Trench and the Northeastern Caribbean Region for Marine Geological Investigations
Multibeam bathymetry data collected in the Puerto Rico Trench and Northeast Caribbean region are compiled into a seamless bathymetric terrain model for broad-scale geological investigations of the trench system. These data, collected during eight separate surveys between 2002 and 2013, covering almost 180,000 square kilometers are published here in large format map sheet and digital spatial data.
Final report and archive of the swath bathymetry and ancillary data collected in the Puerto Rico Trench region in 2002 and 2003
In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises that mapped for the first time the morphology of the entire tectonic plate boundary stretching from the Dominican Republic in the west to the Lesser Antilles in the east, a distance of approximately 700 kilometers (430 miles). Obse
Potential effects of runoff, fluvial sediment, and nutrient discharges on the coral reefs of Puerto Rico
Coral reefs, the foundation and primary structure of many highly productive and diverse tropical marine ecosystems, have been degraded by human activity in much of the earth's tropical oceans. To contribute to improved understanding of this problem, the potential relation between river sediment and nutrient discharges and degradation of coral reefs surrounding Puerto Rico was studied using streamf
Explore USGS web tools about coastal hazards available for Puerto Rico.
Explore las herramientas de internet del USGS sobre riesgos costeros disponibles para Puerto Rico.
Los Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico
El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha desarrollado una geonarrativa en español e inglés sobre los cambios en la costa de Puerto Rico que explica las tendencias históricas de la línea costera de la isla, los impactos de los huracanes en la costa y las posibles soluciones para proteger a las comunidades y mitigar los peligros costeros.
Shoreline Changes in Puerto Rico
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a Spanish and English geonarrative that displays shoreline changes in Puerto Rico and covers topics on the island’s historical shoreline trends, hurricane impacts on the coast, and possible solutions that could help protect communities and mitigate coastal hazards.
Coastal Change Hazards Portal
Interactive access to coastal change science and data for our Nation’s coasts. Information and products are organized within three coastal change hazard themes: 1) extreme storms, 2) shoreline change, and 3) sea-level rise. Displays probabilities of coastal erosion.
Explore USGS software releases related to coastal hazards available for Puerto Rico.
Explore los softwares del USGS relacionadas con peligros costeros disponibles para Puerto Rico.
Digital Shoreline Analysis System v5.1
The Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 software is an add-in to Esri ArcGIS Desktop version 10.4–10.7 that enables a user to calculate rate-of-change statistics from a time series of vector shoreline positions.
Digital Shoreline Analysis System
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.0
Read USGS research news highlights for Puerto Rico about coastal hazards.
Lea noticias destacadas de investigaciones del USGS enPuerto Rico sobre riesgos costeros.
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA 20192
United States
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
600 4th Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
United States
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543
United States