Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Rebecca Jane Frus (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Summary of Responses at the 2021 Colorado River Basin Science and Technology Meetings
Annotated bibliography of 64 papers reviewed and summarized in a conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality
Bibliography of hydrological and ecological research in the Great Basin terminal lakes, USA
MODFLOW6 models used to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, Southern Nevada
A snapshot of stakeholder science needs related to drought in the Colorado River Basin
Data Release for The Hydraulic-Parameter Database and Integrated Borehole Analyses, Pahute Mesa and Vicinity, Nevada
Supplemental data from: A Process to Estimate Net Infiltration using a Site-Scale Water-Budget Approach, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, 2002-05
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
This word cloud displays answers to the question: what are the key mechanisms that interconnect the Great Basin landscape? The exercise was conducted at a stakeholder workshop in 2022. Answers that were selected by many participants have the largest text size and are more central in the cloud. The most popular answers were: climate, water, birds, fire and drought.
This word cloud displays answers to the question: what are the key mechanisms that interconnect the Great Basin landscape? The exercise was conducted at a stakeholder workshop in 2022. Answers that were selected by many participants have the largest text size and are more central in the cloud. The most popular answers were: climate, water, birds, fire and drought.
The Saline Lakes Team identified five primary thematic questions around environmental data collection activities or management needs: 1) How much water is there and how is it used throughout the watershed? 2) What are the hydrologic vulnerabilities of each saline lake? 3) What are the primary resources being utilized by representative taxa at each lake?
The Saline Lakes Team identified five primary thematic questions around environmental data collection activities or management needs: 1) How much water is there and how is it used throughout the watershed? 2) What are the hydrologic vulnerabilities of each saline lake? 3) What are the primary resources being utilized by representative taxa at each lake?
Imperiled Great Basin terminal lakes: Synthesizing ecological and hydrological science gaps and research needs for waterbird conservation
A conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality: State of the science and knowledge gaps
Integrated science strategy for assessing and monitoring water availability and migratory birds for terminal lakes across the Great Basin, United States
Evaluation of potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, southern Nevada
Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology Project—Science strategy
Addressing stakeholder science needs for integrated drought science in the Colorado River Basin
A comparison of groundwater sampling technologies, including passive diffusion sampling, for radionuclide contamination
Documentation of single-well aquifer tests and integrated borehole analyses, Pahute Mesa and Vicinity, Nevada
Science and Products
Summary of Responses at the 2021 Colorado River Basin Science and Technology Meetings
Annotated bibliography of 64 papers reviewed and summarized in a conceptual framework to assess post-wildfire water quality
Bibliography of hydrological and ecological research in the Great Basin terminal lakes, USA
MODFLOW6 models used to evaluate potential stresses and hydrologic conditions driving water-level fluctuations in well ER-5-3-2, Frenchman Flat, Southern Nevada
A snapshot of stakeholder science needs related to drought in the Colorado River Basin
Data Release for The Hydraulic-Parameter Database and Integrated Borehole Analyses, Pahute Mesa and Vicinity, Nevada
Supplemental data from: A Process to Estimate Net Infiltration using a Site-Scale Water-Budget Approach, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, 2002-05
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
This word cloud displays answers to the question: what are the key mechanisms that interconnect the Great Basin landscape? The exercise was conducted at a stakeholder workshop in 2022. Answers that were selected by many participants have the largest text size and are more central in the cloud. The most popular answers were: climate, water, birds, fire and drought.
This word cloud displays answers to the question: what are the key mechanisms that interconnect the Great Basin landscape? The exercise was conducted at a stakeholder workshop in 2022. Answers that were selected by many participants have the largest text size and are more central in the cloud. The most popular answers were: climate, water, birds, fire and drought.
The Saline Lakes Team identified five primary thematic questions around environmental data collection activities or management needs: 1) How much water is there and how is it used throughout the watershed? 2) What are the hydrologic vulnerabilities of each saline lake? 3) What are the primary resources being utilized by representative taxa at each lake?
The Saline Lakes Team identified five primary thematic questions around environmental data collection activities or management needs: 1) How much water is there and how is it used throughout the watershed? 2) What are the hydrologic vulnerabilities of each saline lake? 3) What are the primary resources being utilized by representative taxa at each lake?