The USGS has a long history of cooperative investigations with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and state highway agencies to provide data and information to address various issues related to water resources and the Nation’s transportation infrastructure. These issues cover a wide spectrum and include items such as regional flow statistics, flood documentation, regional stream characteristics, bridge scour, and water‐quality assessments. Each year, the USGS prepares a summary of its activities that may be of Interest to the FHWA and state highway agencies and presents them at the Transportation Research Board meeting of the Hydraulics and Hydrology Committee.
- USGS 2024 Highway Programs
- USGS 2023 Highway Programs
- UGSS 2022 Highway Programs
- USGS 2021 Highway Programs
- USGS 2020 Highway Programs
- USGS 2019 Highway Programs
- USGS 2018 Highway Programs
- USGS 2017 Highway Programs
- USGS 2016 Highway Programs
- USGS 2015 Highway Programs
- USGS 2014 Highway Programs
- USGS 2013 Highway Programs
- USGS 2012 Highway Programs
- USGS 2011 Highway Programs
- USGS 2010 Highway Programs
- USGS 2009 Highway Programs
- USGS 2008 Highway Programs
- USGS 2007 Highway Programs
- USGS 2006 Highway Programs
- USGS 2005 Highway Programs
- USGS 2004 Highway Programs
Below are links to transported-related water projects.
Transportation-Related Water Projects in New England
StreamStats: Streamflow Statistics and Spatial Analysis Tools for Water-Resources Applications
USGS Flood Information
Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program
SELDM: Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model - Project page
Effects of Highway Runoff on Water Quality
Determination of Changes in Water Quality, Streambed Sediment, and Benthic Macroinvertebrates as a Result of Stormwater Runoff from Selected Bridges in South Carolina
Bridge Scour Countermeasures
Below are data or web applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.
Application of the North Carolina Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) to Assess Potential Impacts of Highway Runoff
Basin characteristics and point locations of road crossings in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island for highway-runoff mitigation analyses using the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model
Below are links to transported-related water publications.
Approaches for assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Statistical methods for simulating structural stormwater runoff best management practices (BMPs) with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Assessing potential effects of highway and urban runoff on receiving streams in total maximum daily load watersheds in Oregon using the stochastic empirical loading and dilution model
Assessing water quality from highway runoff at selected sites in North Carolina with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Assessing potential effects of highway runoff on receiving-water quality at selected sites in Oregon with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Stochastic empirical loading and dilution model (SELDM) version 1.0.0
Estimating basin lagtime and hydrograph-timing indexes used to characterize stormflows for runoff-quality analysis
Kendall-Theil Robust Line (KTRLine--version 1.0)-A Visual Basic Program for Calculating and Graphing Robust Nonparametric Estimates of Linear-Regression Coefficients Between Two Continuous Variables
Below are data or web applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.
Below are software applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.
Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) software archive
InterpretSELDM version 1.0 The Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) output interpreter
The USGS has a long history of cooperative investigations with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and state highway agencies to provide data and information to address various issues related to water resources and the Nation’s transportation infrastructure. These issues cover a wide spectrum and include items such as regional flow statistics, flood documentation, regional stream characteristics, bridge scour, and water‐quality assessments. Each year, the USGS prepares a summary of its activities that may be of Interest to the FHWA and state highway agencies and presents them at the Transportation Research Board meeting of the Hydraulics and Hydrology Committee.
- USGS 2024 Highway Programs
- USGS 2023 Highway Programs
- UGSS 2022 Highway Programs
- USGS 2021 Highway Programs
- USGS 2020 Highway Programs
- USGS 2019 Highway Programs
- USGS 2018 Highway Programs
- USGS 2017 Highway Programs
- USGS 2016 Highway Programs
- USGS 2015 Highway Programs
- USGS 2014 Highway Programs
- USGS 2013 Highway Programs
- USGS 2012 Highway Programs
- USGS 2011 Highway Programs
- USGS 2010 Highway Programs
- USGS 2009 Highway Programs
- USGS 2008 Highway Programs
- USGS 2007 Highway Programs
- USGS 2006 Highway Programs
- USGS 2005 Highway Programs
- USGS 2004 Highway Programs
Below are links to transported-related water projects.
Transportation-Related Water Projects in New England
StreamStats: Streamflow Statistics and Spatial Analysis Tools for Water-Resources Applications
USGS Flood Information
Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program
SELDM: Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model - Project page
Effects of Highway Runoff on Water Quality
Determination of Changes in Water Quality, Streambed Sediment, and Benthic Macroinvertebrates as a Result of Stormwater Runoff from Selected Bridges in South Carolina
Bridge Scour Countermeasures
Below are data or web applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.
Application of the North Carolina Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) to Assess Potential Impacts of Highway Runoff
Basin characteristics and point locations of road crossings in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island for highway-runoff mitigation analyses using the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model
Below are links to transported-related water publications.
Approaches for assessing long-term annual yields of highway and urban runoff in selected areas of California with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Statistical methods for simulating structural stormwater runoff best management practices (BMPs) with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Assessing potential effects of highway and urban runoff on receiving streams in total maximum daily load watersheds in Oregon using the stochastic empirical loading and dilution model
Assessing water quality from highway runoff at selected sites in North Carolina with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Assessing potential effects of highway runoff on receiving-water quality at selected sites in Oregon with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM)
Stochastic empirical loading and dilution model (SELDM) version 1.0.0
Estimating basin lagtime and hydrograph-timing indexes used to characterize stormflows for runoff-quality analysis
Kendall-Theil Robust Line (KTRLine--version 1.0)-A Visual Basic Program for Calculating and Graphing Robust Nonparametric Estimates of Linear-Regression Coefficients Between Two Continuous Variables
Below are data or web applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.
Below are software applications that provide support for transported-related water issues.