David W Clow (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Linking water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles in seasonally snow-covered catchments under changing land resource conditions
Developing Tools for Improved Water Supply Forecasting in the Rio Grande Headwaters
Transport of dissolved organic matter by river networks from mountains to the sea: a re-examination of the role of flow across temporal and spatial scales
Snowpack Sublimation - Measurements and Modeling in the Colorado River Basin
Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB): Loch Vale Watershed
Water-Quality Sampling at Five Hydrologic Benchmark Stations in the Western United States
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011 - 19 (ver. 3.0, October 2023)
Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of precipitation samples from selected Colorado and Utah National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites
Seasonal Atmospheric Nitrate and Ammonium Deposition along an Elevation Gradient in the Colorado Front Range using Ion Exchange Resin Columns (2018-2019)
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011-19 (ver. 2.0, January 2022)
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011-19
Wetland Stream Water Quality Data for West Twin Creek, AK, Allequash Creek, WI, and Big Thompson River, CO, 2010-2020
Climatological data for the Loch Vale watershed in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 1992-2019
SnowModel simulations and supporting observations for the north-central Colorado Rocky Mountains during water years 2011 through 2015
Aquatic carbon export and dynamics in mountain headwater streams of the western U.S.
A call for strategic water-quality monitoring to advance assessment and prediction of wildfire impacts on water supplies
Elevated nitrogen deposition to fire-prone forests adjacent to urban and agricultural areas, Colorado front range, USA
Spatiotemporal dynamics of CO2 gas exchange from headwater mountain streams
Mountain streams play an important role in the global carbon cycle by transporting, metabolizing, and exchanging carbon they receive from the terrestrial environment. The rates at which these processes occur remain highly uncertain because of a paucity of observations and the difficulty of measuring gas exchange rates in steep, turbulent mountain streams. This uncertainty is compounded by large te
Long-term ecosystem and biogeochemical research in Loch Vale watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Spatial variability in seasonal snowpack trends across the Rio Grande headwaters (1984 - 2017)
Changes in climate and land cover affect seasonal streamflow forecasts in the Rio Grande headwaters
Preferential elution of ionic solutes in melting snowpacks: Improving process understanding through field observations and modeling in the Rocky Mountains
Linking transit times to catchment sensitivity to atmospheric deposition of acidity and nitrogen in mountains of the western United States
Influence of climate on alpine stream chemistry and water sources
Snow sublimation in mountain environments and its sensitivity to forest disturbance and climate warming
Organic carbon burial in global lakes and reservoirs
Science and Products
Linking water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles in seasonally snow-covered catchments under changing land resource conditions
Developing Tools for Improved Water Supply Forecasting in the Rio Grande Headwaters
Transport of dissolved organic matter by river networks from mountains to the sea: a re-examination of the role of flow across temporal and spatial scales
Snowpack Sublimation - Measurements and Modeling in the Colorado River Basin
Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB): Loch Vale Watershed
Water-Quality Sampling at Five Hydrologic Benchmark Stations in the Western United States
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011 - 19 (ver. 3.0, October 2023)
Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of precipitation samples from selected Colorado and Utah National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites
Seasonal Atmospheric Nitrate and Ammonium Deposition along an Elevation Gradient in the Colorado Front Range using Ion Exchange Resin Columns (2018-2019)
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011-19 (ver. 2.0, January 2022)
Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011-19
Wetland Stream Water Quality Data for West Twin Creek, AK, Allequash Creek, WI, and Big Thompson River, CO, 2010-2020
Climatological data for the Loch Vale watershed in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 1992-2019
SnowModel simulations and supporting observations for the north-central Colorado Rocky Mountains during water years 2011 through 2015
Aquatic carbon export and dynamics in mountain headwater streams of the western U.S.
A call for strategic water-quality monitoring to advance assessment and prediction of wildfire impacts on water supplies
Elevated nitrogen deposition to fire-prone forests adjacent to urban and agricultural areas, Colorado front range, USA
Spatiotemporal dynamics of CO2 gas exchange from headwater mountain streams
Mountain streams play an important role in the global carbon cycle by transporting, metabolizing, and exchanging carbon they receive from the terrestrial environment. The rates at which these processes occur remain highly uncertain because of a paucity of observations and the difficulty of measuring gas exchange rates in steep, turbulent mountain streams. This uncertainty is compounded by large te