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Davina L. Passeri, PhD

My research is focused on developing integrated modeling approaches to assess the dynamic effects of sea level rise on coastal environments and to inform management decision-making.

Davina Passeri is a Research Oceanographer at the U.S. Geological Survey. Her research is concentrated in numerical modeling of tides, waves, hurricane storm surge and barrier island morphology to understand how the coast may evolve in the future under drivers such as extreme storms and sea level rise.  She is involved in research projects focused on:

  • Dynamic effects of sea level rise on coastal hydrodynamics and morphology
  • Short- and long-term barrier island evolution 
  • Estuarine and marsh evolution
  • Transdisciplinary biogeophysical assessments
  • Restoration assessments to enhance coastal resilience 

The results from her work are used to improve the scientific knowledge on the effects of short- and long-term drivers in coastal evolution and to inform coastal management decision-making. 

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