Helen Sofaer
Helen Sofaer is a Research Ecologist at the Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center in Hawai‘i.
Science and Products
Environmental and geographical factors influence the occurrence and abundance of the southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, in Hawai‘i
Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context
Invasion-mediated mutualism disruption is evident across heterogeneous environmental conditions and varying invasion intensities
Land cover differentially affects abundance of common and rare birds
Invaders at the doorstep: Using species distribution modeling to enhance invasive plant watch lists
SPCIS: Standardized Plant Community with Introduced Status database
Regional models do not outperform continental models for invasive species
Climate matching with the climatchR R package
Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin
INHABIT: A web-based decision support tool for invasive plant species habitat visualization and assessment across the contiguous United States
Management foundations for navigating ecological transformation by resisting, accepting, or directing social-ecological change
Despite striking global change, management to ensure healthy landscapes and sustained natural resources has tended to set objectives on the basis of the historical range of variability in stationary ecosystems. Many social–ecological systems are moving into novel conditions that can result in ecological transformation. We present four foundations to enable a transition to future-oriented conservat
A science agenda to inform natural resource management decisions in an era of ecological transformation
INHABIT: A web-based decision support tool for invasive plant species habitat visualization and assessment across the contiguous United States
Climate matching with the climatchR R package
Proof of concept airborne eDNA testing to detect invasive species in shipping containers
Modeling First Records to Guide Invasive Species Biosurveillance in Hawai‘i
Climatic and Ecological Scenarios to Guide Development of a Spatial Resist-Accept-Direct Portfolio at Nāpuʻu, Hawaiʻi
Assessing the Proliferation, Connectivity, and Consequences of Invasive Fine Fuels on the Sagebrush Biome
Invader in Hawai‘i, the Queensland Longhorn Beetle
Developing a macroecological understanding of invasive plant impacts based on abundance and trait data
Crafting Ecological Scenarios to Implement the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) Framework
Webinar: Projecting Climate Change Impacts on Wetland-Dependent Birds in the Prairie Pothole Region
The Role of Climate in Shaping Invasive Plant Abundance across Different Spatial Locations
Documenting, Mapping, and Predicting Invasive Species Using the Fort Collins Science Center's RAM (Resource for Advanced Modeling)
First and Second Record of US-RIIS Vascular Plant Species in Contiguous United States
Management summary table for INHABIT species potential distribution across the contiguous United States: additional management units
Hawaiʻi Ambrosia Beetle Trap Lures and Repellents 2020-2021
INHABIT species potential distribution across the contiguous United States (ver. 3.0, February 2023)
Data to create and evaluate distribution models for invasive species for different geographic extents
Great Basin predicted potential cheatgrass abundance, with model estimation and validation data from 2011-2019
Presence and abundance data and models for four invasive plant species
Co-occurrence and Occupancy Dynamics of Mourning Doves and Eurasian Collared-Doves
Data on the impacts of garlic mustard from a weeding experiment in Pennsylvania 2006-2016
Non-native and synanthropic bird data derived from 2010-2012 Breeding Bird Survey and associated landscape metrics from 2011 NLCD
Abundance of wetland-dependent birds at Breeding Bird Survey routes and associated land cover and climate information
Measurements of plant abundance with reference to dominant plants in Illinois wetlands
High-throughput calculations of climatch scores
climatchR: An implementation of Climatch in R
Science and Products
Environmental and geographical factors influence the occurrence and abundance of the southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, in Hawai‘i
Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context
Invasion-mediated mutualism disruption is evident across heterogeneous environmental conditions and varying invasion intensities
Land cover differentially affects abundance of common and rare birds
Invaders at the doorstep: Using species distribution modeling to enhance invasive plant watch lists
SPCIS: Standardized Plant Community with Introduced Status database
Regional models do not outperform continental models for invasive species
Climate matching with the climatchR R package
Potential cheatgrass abundance within lightly invaded areas of the Great Basin
INHABIT: A web-based decision support tool for invasive plant species habitat visualization and assessment across the contiguous United States
Management foundations for navigating ecological transformation by resisting, accepting, or directing social-ecological change
Despite striking global change, management to ensure healthy landscapes and sustained natural resources has tended to set objectives on the basis of the historical range of variability in stationary ecosystems. Many social–ecological systems are moving into novel conditions that can result in ecological transformation. We present four foundations to enable a transition to future-oriented conservat