Hydrologist Kurt Carpenter demonstrated gathering a water sample from the Willamette on the docks at OMSI. The netting gets pulled through the water and is then funneled into a sample bottle.
Kurt D Carpenter
Kurt Carpenter is a research hydrologist in the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.
Kurt joined the USGS Oregon District in 1992 to work for the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, an interdisciplinary program characterizing land use impacts to algae, benthic invertebrates, fish, and water quality of streams in the Willamette Basin. For nearly 30 years Kurt’s research has focused on the interface between water quality and hydrobiology, primarily impacts from nutrients (eutrophication) and contaminants (pesticides, volatile organic compounds). Kurt is currently PI of several harmful algal bloom (HAB) related projects in Oregon including at Detroit, Cougar and Blue Lakes where cyanobacterial toxins pose a threat to drinking water. Kurt is also active in post-fire monitoring and research following the 2020 Labor Day fires that threatens several major drinking water supplies. His most recent collaboration includes using remote sensing to detect algae in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs using hyperspectral data from ground- and space-based tools, including cameras aboard the International Space Station. In a project with Clean Water Services in the Tualatin River Basin, Kurt is investigating plankton communities in streams along with environmental DNA (“eDNA”) signatures to examine potential benefits of stream restoration.
Science and Products
Etiology of a fish kill, Including the endangered Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), in a northeastern pacific coastal lagoon
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Oregon
A call for strategic water-quality monitoring to advance assessment and prediction of wildfire impacts on water supplies
Field techniques for fluorescence measurements targeting dissolved organic matter, hydrocarbons, and wastewater in environmental waters: Principles and guidelines for instrument selection, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting
Field techniques for the determination of algal pigment fluorescence in environmental waters—Principles and guidelines for instrument and sensor selection, operation, quality assurance, and data reporting
Sources and characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in the McKenzie River, Oregon, related to the formation of disinfection by-products in treated drinking water
Spectral mixture analysis for surveillance of harmful algal blooms (SMASH): A field-, laboratory-, and satellite-based approach to identifying cyanobacteria genera from remotely sensed data
Spatial variability of phytoplankton in a shallow tidal freshwater system reveals complex controls on abundance and community structure
Reconnaissance of mixed organic and inorganic chemicals in private and public supply tapwaters at selected residential and workplace sites in the United States
A river-scale Lagrangian experiment examining controls on phytoplankton dynamics in the presence and absence of treated wastewater effluent high in ammonium
Storm-event-transport of urban-use pesticides to streams likely impairs invertebrate assemblages
Upstream factors affecting Tualatin River algae—Tracking the 2008 Anabaena algae bloom to Wapato Lake, Oregon
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Willamette River plankton & water-quality updates
Post-wildfire water-quality
Multiscale comparison of hyperspectral reflectance from periphyton in three Oregon rivers used for municipal supply
Harmful Algal Blooms and Drinking Water in Oregon
North Santiam River Basin Study
Clackamas River Basin Water-Quality Assessment
McKenzie River Source Water Study
Cyanotoxin Concentrations in Extracts from Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) and Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films (DGT) Samplers in Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2019
Plankton occurrence in the Willamette River, Portland, Oregon, 2024 (ver. 2.0, September 2024)
Hyperspectral profiles of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other algae, 2022
Plankton taxonomy and water quality in the Tualatin River Basin to the west of Portland, Oregon, during the summers of 2019-21
Cyanotoxin concentrations in extracts from cyanobacteria colonies, plankton net tows, and Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) samplers in western rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, including drinking water sources in the Oregon Cascades: 2016-2020
Water quality measurements in off-channel water bodies of the Willamette River near Albany and Keizer, OR (2017 and 2019)
Absorbance and fluorescence measurements and concentrations of disinfection by-products in source water and finished water in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon: 2012-2014
Phytoplankton identification and biovolume data for field samples from Detroit Lake, Oregon, and Owasco Lake, New York, collected in August 2019 and August 2020
Hyperspectral Characterization of Common Cyanobacteria Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms (ver. 2.0, October 2020)
Hydrologist Kurt Carpenter demonstrated gathering a water sample from the Willamette on the docks at OMSI. The netting gets pulled through the water and is then funneled into a sample bottle.
Microcyctis aeruginosa is a freshwater cyanobacteria that produce cyanotoxins such as Microcystin. Cyanotoxins are harmful to humans and pets.
Microcyctis aeruginosa is a freshwater cyanobacteria that produce cyanotoxins such as Microcystin. Cyanotoxins are harmful to humans and pets.
Diatom, Synedra, from the Greek word synedria meaning "a sitting together". The genus Synedra has long, needle like cells that can exist singly or radiate in colonies.
Diatom, Synedra, from the Greek word synedria meaning "a sitting together". The genus Synedra has long, needle like cells that can exist singly or radiate in colonies.
The star-shaped Asterionella is a genus of freshwater diatoms often found in star-shaped colonies of individuals. The thread like shape is Fragilaria a genus of fresh and saltwater diatom.
The star-shaped Asterionella is a genus of freshwater diatoms often found in star-shaped colonies of individuals. The thread like shape is Fragilaria a genus of fresh and saltwater diatom.
Algal bloom in the Ross Island Lagoon, Willamette River, Oregon.
Algal bloom in the Ross Island Lagoon, Willamette River, Oregon.
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Scytonema (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Scytonema (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc spongiiforme (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc spongiiforme (blue green algae)
Microcoelus algae on a rock from Clackamas River at Barton Park, Oregon
Microcoelus algae on a rock from Clackamas River at Barton Park, Oregon
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Dolichospermum (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Dolichospermum (blue green algae)
Algal Bloom in Cougar Reservoir, Oregon
Algal Bloom in Cougar Reservoir, Oregon
Anabena algal bloom in Timothy Lake, Oregon, 2004
Anabena algal bloom in Timothy Lake, Oregon, 2004
Oregon Lake Profile Analysis Tools
Science and Products
Etiology of a fish kill, Including the endangered Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), in a northeastern pacific coastal lagoon
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Oregon
A call for strategic water-quality monitoring to advance assessment and prediction of wildfire impacts on water supplies
Field techniques for fluorescence measurements targeting dissolved organic matter, hydrocarbons, and wastewater in environmental waters: Principles and guidelines for instrument selection, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting
Field techniques for the determination of algal pigment fluorescence in environmental waters—Principles and guidelines for instrument and sensor selection, operation, quality assurance, and data reporting
Sources and characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in the McKenzie River, Oregon, related to the formation of disinfection by-products in treated drinking water
Spectral mixture analysis for surveillance of harmful algal blooms (SMASH): A field-, laboratory-, and satellite-based approach to identifying cyanobacteria genera from remotely sensed data
Spatial variability of phytoplankton in a shallow tidal freshwater system reveals complex controls on abundance and community structure
Reconnaissance of mixed organic and inorganic chemicals in private and public supply tapwaters at selected residential and workplace sites in the United States
A river-scale Lagrangian experiment examining controls on phytoplankton dynamics in the presence and absence of treated wastewater effluent high in ammonium
Storm-event-transport of urban-use pesticides to streams likely impairs invertebrate assemblages
Upstream factors affecting Tualatin River algae—Tracking the 2008 Anabaena algae bloom to Wapato Lake, Oregon
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Willamette River plankton & water-quality updates
Post-wildfire water-quality
Multiscale comparison of hyperspectral reflectance from periphyton in three Oregon rivers used for municipal supply
Harmful Algal Blooms and Drinking Water in Oregon
North Santiam River Basin Study
Clackamas River Basin Water-Quality Assessment
McKenzie River Source Water Study
Cyanotoxin Concentrations in Extracts from Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) and Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films (DGT) Samplers in Owasco Lake, Seneca Lake, and Skaneateles Lake, Finger Lakes Region, New York, 2019
Plankton occurrence in the Willamette River, Portland, Oregon, 2024 (ver. 2.0, September 2024)
Hyperspectral profiles of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other algae, 2022
Plankton taxonomy and water quality in the Tualatin River Basin to the west of Portland, Oregon, during the summers of 2019-21
Cyanotoxin concentrations in extracts from cyanobacteria colonies, plankton net tows, and Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) samplers in western rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, including drinking water sources in the Oregon Cascades: 2016-2020
Water quality measurements in off-channel water bodies of the Willamette River near Albany and Keizer, OR (2017 and 2019)
Absorbance and fluorescence measurements and concentrations of disinfection by-products in source water and finished water in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon: 2012-2014
Phytoplankton identification and biovolume data for field samples from Detroit Lake, Oregon, and Owasco Lake, New York, collected in August 2019 and August 2020
Hyperspectral Characterization of Common Cyanobacteria Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms (ver. 2.0, October 2020)
Hydrologist Kurt Carpenter demonstrated gathering a water sample from the Willamette on the docks at OMSI. The netting gets pulled through the water and is then funneled into a sample bottle.
Hydrologist Kurt Carpenter demonstrated gathering a water sample from the Willamette on the docks at OMSI. The netting gets pulled through the water and is then funneled into a sample bottle.
Microcyctis aeruginosa is a freshwater cyanobacteria that produce cyanotoxins such as Microcystin. Cyanotoxins are harmful to humans and pets.
Microcyctis aeruginosa is a freshwater cyanobacteria that produce cyanotoxins such as Microcystin. Cyanotoxins are harmful to humans and pets.
Diatom, Synedra, from the Greek word synedria meaning "a sitting together". The genus Synedra has long, needle like cells that can exist singly or radiate in colonies.
Diatom, Synedra, from the Greek word synedria meaning "a sitting together". The genus Synedra has long, needle like cells that can exist singly or radiate in colonies.
The star-shaped Asterionella is a genus of freshwater diatoms often found in star-shaped colonies of individuals. The thread like shape is Fragilaria a genus of fresh and saltwater diatom.
The star-shaped Asterionella is a genus of freshwater diatoms often found in star-shaped colonies of individuals. The thread like shape is Fragilaria a genus of fresh and saltwater diatom.
Algal bloom in the Ross Island Lagoon, Willamette River, Oregon.
Algal bloom in the Ross Island Lagoon, Willamette River, Oregon.
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Scytonema (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Scytonema (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Phormidium (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc spongiiforme (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Nostoc spongiiforme (blue green algae)
Microcoelus algae on a rock from Clackamas River at Barton Park, Oregon
Microcoelus algae on a rock from Clackamas River at Barton Park, Oregon
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Dolichospermum (blue green algae)
Microscopic view of blue green algae sample. Some algae produce toxins that threaten the health and safety of living things that come in direct contact. Cyanobacteria - Dolichospermum (blue green algae)
Algal Bloom in Cougar Reservoir, Oregon
Algal Bloom in Cougar Reservoir, Oregon
Anabena algal bloom in Timothy Lake, Oregon, 2004
Anabena algal bloom in Timothy Lake, Oregon, 2004