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Science and Technical

Supporting USGS Employees with Science and Technical Development Opportunities

Helping USGS employees stay at the cutting edge of their science and technical careers is first about determining individual developmental needs. The tool used for this is the Individual Development Plan (IDP). Once individual development needs are determined, they can be matched with instructional events. To meet certain needs, an interactive online course through the Office of Employee Development's (OED) Distance Learning Program or vendor may provide a good fit. For others, attending a symposium or presenting a technical paper at a workshop can bring them in touch with advances and new ideas. OEDs Strategic Employee Development Consultant assists the manager/supervisor in determining individual and group developmental needs and connecting those needs with scheduled learning events. If the necessary instructional event is not scheduled, OED works with the manager/supervisor to come up with alternatives, including contacting USGS subject matter experts or commercial vendors to provide classes and other developmental opportunities.


The Goal

Continually evolve services, resources and programs that encourage growth and development for USGS employees in the fields of science, technical support, administration, information technology and safety.


With a Focus On

  • Analyzing specific performance "gaps" to determine if training and development offers a workable solution. Sometimes the answer is not a training course!
  • Working within a variety of USGS committees and with cost center managers to develop and implement employee development strategies. 
  • Provide access to state of art delivery mechanisms for a wide range of learning and development.
  • Recommend proactive processes to identify and address individual employee skill “gaps”.
  • Sharing science and technical learning resources among all USGS disciplines and partnering with other federal agencies.
  • Utilizing DOI Talent to track science and technical employee development.


To Achieve

  • A highly skilled, motivated and fully invested work force.
  • An understanding of developmental needs in each USGS office.
  • Improved performance and productivity.
  • Multiple opportunities for developing and enhancing a wide variety of critical skill sets.
  • Communication of developmental opportunities throughout the USGS.


OED Supports USGS Science and Technical Capabilities with Instructional Systems and Services Including:

Learning Management System (LMS)

The USGS DOI Talent Support Team helps USGS employees better understand the LMS while promoting system features and providing user training. We answer technical questions and help USGS supervisors maximize the system as a training management tool.

Denver Learning Center (DLC)

DLC provides 4 class/meeting rooms and 3 conference rooms in Denver, CO. 

  • Supporting an ongoing schedule of science and technical courses at various locations.
  • Facilitating courses held at your office location with advertising, registration, and evaluation support.
  • Streaming Live Classes from DLC: Attend live classes via the Internet. Save time and travel as a remote participant.

USGS Distance Learning (DL) Courses and Program Information

OED works directly with USGS subject-matter experts to:

  • Develop and deliver online and blended-learning opportunities that are learner-centric, engaging, and effective.
  • Assist with facilitating engaging online courses and/or presenting training using a web-collaboration tool, such as WebEx®, for a virtual classroom effect.
  • Develop and deliver scientific and technical short courses/presentations for mobile devices.
  • Consult on Instructional Systems Design (ISD) for online courses or instructor-led, classroom classes.
  • Offer guidance on best delivery methods for training (YouTube®, online through DOI Talent, mobile, job aid, etc.).


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