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The climate history, land cover and land surface data developed by the Climate R&D Program is vital to various types of research and management applications, including assessing the impacts of climate change, evaluating ecosystem status and health, understanding spatial patterns of biodiversity, and informing land use planning.

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Meteorological measurements from five locations within the Badger Wash study area near Mack, Colorado (ver. 3.0, September 2024)

These data are records collected from an automated weather station and four stand-alone tipping bucket rain gauges each with their own data logger that were in operation between February 2005 and December 2019 in the Badger Wash Study Area near Mack, Colorado as part of a larger project funded by the Bureau of Land Management. These files are hourly-interval data from the automated weather station

Greenhouse gas fluxes, dissolved gas concentrations, and water properties of laboratory mesocosms

These data describe greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, dissolved GHG concentrations, and mesocosm conditions (vegetation, hydrologic phases, ambient conditions) of a controlled, laboratory study.

Spatially-explicit land-cover scenarios of federal lands in the northern Great Basin, 2018-2050

As part of a 2018 Northwest Climate Adaptation and Science Center project, USGS researchers are releasing a series of spatially-explicit land-cover projections for the period 2018-2050 covering part of the northern Great Basin (Beaty Butte Herd Management Area, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, and Sheldon National Refuge). The dataset contains an empirically-based business-as-usual (BAU) an

Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires

This tabular, machine-readable CSV file contains annual phenometrics at locations in ponderosa pine ecosystems across Arizona and New Mexico that experienced stand-clearing, high-severity fire. The locations represent areas of vegetative recovery towards pre-fire (coniferous/pine) vegetation communities or towards novel grassland, shrubland, or deciduous replacements. Each sampled area is associat

Data Release for "Holocene thermokarst lake dynamics in northern Interior Alaska: the interplay of climate, fire, and subsurface hydrology"

The current state of permafrost in Alaska and meaningful expectations for its future evolution are informed by long-term perspectives on previous permafrost degradation. Thermokarst processes in permafrost landscapes often lead to widespread lake formation and the spatial and temporal evolution of thermokarst lake landscapes reflects the combined effects of climate, ground conditions, vegetation,

Data release for: Evaluating k-nearest neighbor (kNN) imputation models for species-level aboveground forest biomass mapping in northeast China

Quantifying spatially explicit or pixel-level aboveground forest biomass (AFB) across large regions is critical for measuring forest carbon sequestration capacity, assessing forest carbon balance, and revealing changes in the structure and function of forest ecosystems. When AFB is measured at the species level using widely available remote sensing data, regional changes in forest composition can

A network of 31 Upper Missouri River Basin naturalized water-year (Oct-Sep) streamflow reconstructions spanning years 800 - 1998 CE

Paleohydrologic records provide a valuable perspective on the variability of streamflow and hydroclimate that is critical for water resource planning and placing present day and future conditions into a long-term context. Until now, key insights gained from streamflow reconstructions in the other river basins across the Western U.S. been lacking in the Upper Missouri River Basin due to a lack of e

Batch sorption data, respired CO2, extractable DOC, and Raman spectra collected from an incubation with microbial necromass on feldspar or amorphous aluminum hydroxide

These datasets are from an incubation experiment with a combination of two minerals (feldspar or amorphous aluminum hydroxide), one living species of bacteria (Escherichia coli), and one added form of C (Arthrobacter crystallopoietes necromass). We characterized the sorptive properties of the minerals with batch sorption experiments using four low molecular weight C substrates (glucose, oxalic aci

Long-term precipitation reduction experiment in the Colorado Plateau - Survival and mortality data from 2010 to 2018

From 2011-2018 USGS biologists recorded vegetation and biological soil crust (BSC) cover by species and tracked survival of tagged individual plants (388 in total) across 40 locations where paired experimental plots had been installed in 2010. Plant cover was visually estimated using four 75 x 100 cm survey frames. Each site contained a two plots measuring 1.5 by 2.0 meteres: a control plot and a

Data and estimates for wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Stockbridge, Ga., water years 1986-2016

This dataset contains the data and results of an analysis estimating wet deposition and streamwater solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW), Panola Mountain State Park, Stockbridge, Georgia for water years 1986-2016. The PMRW is a small (41 ha), relatively undisturbed, forested headwater catchment in the Piedmont Province of Southeastern United States. This data provides the bas

Paleohydrologic reconstructions of water-year streamflow for 31 stream gaging sites in the Missouri River Basin with complete data for 1685 through 1977

Tree-ring reconstructions of water-year (Oct 1 through Sep 30th) flow for 31 gaging sites in Missouri River basin, with complete data for 1685 through 1977 (n = 293 water years). The complete 105 tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow used in the Nature Scientific Reports paper were obtained from various sources; 74 flow reconstructions were obtained from the web resource, TreeFlow (

Modeling barrier island habitats using landscape position information for Dauphin Island, Alabama

Barrier islands provide important ecosystem services, including storm protection and erosion control to the mainland, habitat for fish and wildlife, and tourism (Barbier and others, 2011; Feagin and others, 2010). These islands tend to be dynamic due to their location along the estuarine-marine interface. Besides gradual changes caused by constant forces, such as currents and tides, barrier island
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