Camille LaFosse Stagg, Ph.D.
Camille Stagg is a Research Ecologist at the Wetland and Aquatic Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Camille's research focuses on how ecosystem functions, such as elevation change, carbon cycling, and resilience, are affected by global stressors. Her goal is to understand how these processes respond to changing conditions, including rising sea levels, elevated atmospheric CO2, and land use change, to provide guidance for management and restoration of these dynamic ecosystems.
Education and Certifications
Ph.D., Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, 2009
M.S., Environmental Toxicology, Clemson University, 2004
B.S., Biology, Christian Brothers University, 2002
Science and Products
Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change: Identifying Climate Change Induced Mass Mortality Events Across Large Landscapes of the United States
Carbon Storage and Fluxes on Department of Defense Installations
Quantifying Restoration Impacts of Wetland Ecosystem Health and Carbon Export
Decision Support Tool to Assess the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Restoring Wetlands within National Park Service Lands
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Assess Carbon Sequestration on Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Wetland Reserve Easements in Kentucky and Tennessee
Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan for Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Project: Large-scale Marsh Creation – Upper Barataria Component
Barriers and Opportunities for Landward Migration of Coastal Wetlands along Texas' Upper and Middle Coast
Restoring Texas Coastal Wetlands: Decision Support for the Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Inform Louisiana’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Wetland Carbon Working Group: Improving Methodologies and Estimates of Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Flux in Wetlands
Understanding Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Land Management on Critical Coastal Marsh Habitat
The Response of Coastal Wetlands to Sea-level Rise: Understanding how Macroscale Drivers Influence Local Processes and Feedbacks
Plant, soil, and microbial characteristics of marsh collapse in Mississippi River Deltaic wetlands
High resolution water quality and dissolved carbon data from a coastal Louisiana salt marsh from 2019 to 2022
Mangrove damage along northern Gulf of Mexico from extreme freeze event on February 2021
Cone penetrometer and elevation measurement data of coastal wetland plant states for resilience quantification, Louisiana, USA (2019)
Harmonizing wetland soil organic carbon datasets to improve spatial representation of 2011 soil carbon stocks in the conterminous United States
Modeling impacts of drought-induced salinity intrusion on carbon fluxes and storage in tidal freshwater forested wetlands
Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil carbon following coastal wetland loss at a Louisiana coastal salt marsh in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain in 2019
Above- and belowground biomass production, decomposition, and wetland elevation change in transitional coastal wetland communities exposed to elevated CO2 and sediment deposition: a mesocosm study from 2012 to 2014
Coastal wetland vegetation and elevation data characterizing a Sudden Vegetation Dieback event in San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge in 2019
Long-term soil carbon data and accretion from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta in 2015
Field and simulated data to construct hypervolumes of coastal wetland plant states for resilience quantification, Louisiana, USA (2016-2017)
Short term soil carbon data and accretion rates from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta collected in 2015
Vegetation loss following vertical drowning of Mississippi River deltaic wetlands leads to faster microbial decomposition and decreases in soil carbon
Accelerating elevation gain indicates land loss associated with erosion in Mississippi River Deltaic Plain tidal wetlands
Preparing for future changes: Louisiana's Coast
Elevated temperature and nutrients lead to increased N2O emissions from salt marsh soils from cold and warm climates
Practical guide to measuring wetland carbon pools and fluxes
Wetlands cover a small portion of the world, but have disproportionate influence on global carbon (C) sequestration, carbon dioxide and methane emissions, and aquatic C fluxes. However, the underlying biogeochemical processes that affect wetland C pools and fluxes are complex and dynamic, making measurements of wetland C challenging. Over decades of research, many observational, experimental, and
Integrating remote sensing with ground-based observations to quantify the effects of an extreme freeze event on black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) at the landscape scale
Above- and belowground biomass carbon stock and net primary productivity maps for tidal herbaceous marshes of the United States
Characterization of vegetated and ponded wetlands with implications towards coastal wetland marsh collapse
Understanding impacts of sea-level rise and land management on critical coastal marsh habitat
A model of the spatiotemporal dynamics of soil carbon following coastal wetland loss applied to a Louisiana salt marsh in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
Modeling impacts of drought-induced salinity intrusion on carbon dynamics in tidal freshwater forested wetlands
Presence of the herbaceous marsh species Schoenoplectus americanus enhances surface elevation gain in transitional coastal wetland communities exposed to elevated CO2 and sediment deposition events
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change: Identifying Climate Change Induced Mass Mortality Events Across Large Landscapes of the United States
Carbon Storage and Fluxes on Department of Defense Installations
Quantifying Restoration Impacts of Wetland Ecosystem Health and Carbon Export
Decision Support Tool to Assess the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Restoring Wetlands within National Park Service Lands
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Assess Carbon Sequestration on Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Wetland Reserve Easements in Kentucky and Tennessee
Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan for Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Project: Large-scale Marsh Creation – Upper Barataria Component
Barriers and Opportunities for Landward Migration of Coastal Wetlands along Texas' Upper and Middle Coast
Restoring Texas Coastal Wetlands: Decision Support for the Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Inform Louisiana’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Wetland Carbon Working Group: Improving Methodologies and Estimates of Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Flux in Wetlands
Understanding Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Land Management on Critical Coastal Marsh Habitat
The Response of Coastal Wetlands to Sea-level Rise: Understanding how Macroscale Drivers Influence Local Processes and Feedbacks
Plant, soil, and microbial characteristics of marsh collapse in Mississippi River Deltaic wetlands
High resolution water quality and dissolved carbon data from a coastal Louisiana salt marsh from 2019 to 2022
Mangrove damage along northern Gulf of Mexico from extreme freeze event on February 2021
Cone penetrometer and elevation measurement data of coastal wetland plant states for resilience quantification, Louisiana, USA (2019)
Harmonizing wetland soil organic carbon datasets to improve spatial representation of 2011 soil carbon stocks in the conterminous United States
Modeling impacts of drought-induced salinity intrusion on carbon fluxes and storage in tidal freshwater forested wetlands
Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil carbon following coastal wetland loss at a Louisiana coastal salt marsh in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain in 2019
Above- and belowground biomass production, decomposition, and wetland elevation change in transitional coastal wetland communities exposed to elevated CO2 and sediment deposition: a mesocosm study from 2012 to 2014
Coastal wetland vegetation and elevation data characterizing a Sudden Vegetation Dieback event in San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge in 2019
Long-term soil carbon data and accretion from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta in 2015
Field and simulated data to construct hypervolumes of coastal wetland plant states for resilience quantification, Louisiana, USA (2016-2017)
Short term soil carbon data and accretion rates from four marsh types in Mississippi River Delta collected in 2015
Vegetation loss following vertical drowning of Mississippi River deltaic wetlands leads to faster microbial decomposition and decreases in soil carbon
Accelerating elevation gain indicates land loss associated with erosion in Mississippi River Deltaic Plain tidal wetlands
Preparing for future changes: Louisiana's Coast
Elevated temperature and nutrients lead to increased N2O emissions from salt marsh soils from cold and warm climates
Practical guide to measuring wetland carbon pools and fluxes
Wetlands cover a small portion of the world, but have disproportionate influence on global carbon (C) sequestration, carbon dioxide and methane emissions, and aquatic C fluxes. However, the underlying biogeochemical processes that affect wetland C pools and fluxes are complex and dynamic, making measurements of wetland C challenging. Over decades of research, many observational, experimental, and
Integrating remote sensing with ground-based observations to quantify the effects of an extreme freeze event on black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) at the landscape scale
Above- and belowground biomass carbon stock and net primary productivity maps for tidal herbaceous marshes of the United States
Characterization of vegetated and ponded wetlands with implications towards coastal wetland marsh collapse
Understanding impacts of sea-level rise and land management on critical coastal marsh habitat
A model of the spatiotemporal dynamics of soil carbon following coastal wetland loss applied to a Louisiana salt marsh in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain
Modeling impacts of drought-induced salinity intrusion on carbon dynamics in tidal freshwater forested wetlands
Presence of the herbaceous marsh species Schoenoplectus americanus enhances surface elevation gain in transitional coastal wetland communities exposed to elevated CO2 and sediment deposition events
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.