Invasive Species Monitoring and Detection
Invasive Species Monitoring and Detection
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Population Monitoring and Removal Strategies for Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in Chesapeake Bay
USGS is helping with the design of a population survey and developing mathematical models to assess potential activities to manage the population of invasive blue catfish ( Ictalurus furcatus) in the Chesapeake Bay. This research will help managers determine the cost and feasibility of approaches to control this invasive species.
READI-Net: Providing Tools for the Early Detection and Management of Aquatic Invasive Species
The USGS has developed the Rapid environmental (e)DNA Assessment and Deployment Initiative & Network (READI-Net) to accelerate the implementation of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis as a best practice for the early detection of aquatic biological threats. READI-Net provides tools and a strategy to collect and deliver early detection data for natural resource managers and public health protection...
Ecosystems Mission Area, Biological Threats and Invasive Species Research Program, Columbia Environmental Research Center, Eastern Ecological Science Center, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, New York Water Science Center, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center , Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center, Pacific Northwest Environmental DNA Laboratory, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investments
Invasive Blue Catfish Science to Support Conservation and Fisheries Management
Dietary analyses, health, and reproduction of blue catfish in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay inform ecosystem impacts and mitigation strategies for this aquatic nuisance species.
Novel approach using flocculation to concentrate edna to search for early invasions of specific aquatic invasive species
Early detection systems for aquatic nuisance species have been improved by the advancement of polymerase chain reactions that amplify DNA sequences for decoding.
Establishing Molecular Methods to Quantitatively Profile Stomach Diet Items of Fish—Application to the Invasive Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus)
USGS scientists are collaborating with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDDNR) to develop and evaluate a genetic assay for blue catfish fish diets that will allow us to design a cost-effective monitoring program for determining the diet of wild fish.
Mycobacteriosis among northern snakehead fish in the Potomac River
Mycobacteriosis among northern snakehead fish in the Potomac River
Giant African Land Snail
Originally from East Africa, the giant African land snail (Achatina fulica), has been established throughout the Indo-Pacific Basin, including the Hawaiian Islands. Since 2011, these snails have been found in Miami, Florida. Although the current range is limited to the southern latitudes of Florida, this snail can withstand freezing and go into hibernation for as much as a year. This allows them...
Health assessment of invasive northern snakehead
The image is an investigator performing venipuncture for blood collection for health analysis of a northern snakehead fish collected from a Potomac River tributary in northern Virginia.
Invasive northern snakehead fish
Invasive northern snakehead fish