Dr. Isabelle M. Cozzarellli (far right) and her colleagues pause for a photograph at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, Minnesota. They are holding a core sample collected with "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by U.S.
Jeanne Jaeschke
Jeanne Jaeschke is a Physical Scientist for the USGS Water Mission Area.
I am a chemical analyst and project lab manager providing technical support and geochemical analyses for samples processed at the Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater laboratory (RBPGL) in Reston, VA. Our project researches the fate and transport of organic contaminants in groundwater, wetlands, and surface water. I take a lead role in all aspects of laboratory and field sampling. This includes training students, coordinating with external collaborators, analyzing samples in a broad range of matrices, and adapting analytical methods to help measure the progress of natural attenuation processes that degrade contaminants in surface and subsurface environments. RBPGL provides analytical services in support of numerous USGS water-quality projects.
Research Experience:
U.S. Geological Survey, Project Laboratory Branch, Reston, VA
As project lab manager and laboratory and field water quality expert, my role focuses on the geochemical analyses of a broad range of contaminants in complex matrices. As part of a research team, I collect and analyze water and sediment from the Bemidji, Minnesota research site (a contaminated crude-oil aquifer), multiple projects concentrated on unconventional oil and gas development /use in West Virginia and New Mexico, and research/ method development in analyzing samples that contain chemical mixtures in urban stormwater. I have analyzed samples from the National Landfill Study, hydrofracking studies in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Oklahoma, storm events in stream restoration areas of Difficult Run, and from solvent and benzene-contaminated wetlands from the Delaware City Superfund Site. I am responsible for conducting a wide range of analyses, including anions, cations, alkalinity, NVDOC, methane, and iron speciation
Science and Products
Produced water from Marcellus Shale and amphibians
Groundwater and soil gas data, methods, and quality assurance information for samples collected to determine ancient carbon distributions at Red Hill, Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i 2022-2023
Produced water chemistry data collected from the Poso Creek, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista Oil Fields, 2020-21, Kern County, California
Aqueous and solid phases partitioning of elemental constituents associated with Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) gas well produced wastewater, Morgantown, WV, 2016 - 2019
Geochemistry and microbiology data collected to study the effects of oil and gas wastewater dumping on arid lands in New Mexico
Analyses of Select Organic and Inorganic Data Collected from Lysimeters Installed at the Bemidji Crude Oil Spill Site, Minnesota, 2018, 2019, 2021
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data for Wastewater Samples Collected at an on-Site Separator and Storage Tank at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) 2015-2019, Morgantown Industrial Park (MIP), West Virginia
Produced water volatile organic compound and select organic and inorganic data collected from eight oil fields, 2016-2020, California
Water-quality results from a wastewater reuse study: Inorganic and organic compositions of wastewater effluent and select urban and agricultural water types during rain-induced runoff, Chickasha, Oklahoma, 2018-2019
Data on barium, strontium, cobalt, and nickel plumes formed during microbial iron-reduction on sediments and in water from a crude-oil-contaminated aquifer, Bemidji, Minnesota (2009-2019)
Geochemistry data collected (1985-2015) for understanding the evolution of groundwater-contaminant plume chemistry emanating from legacy contaminant sources, an example from a long-term crude oil spill near Bemidji, Minnesota
Geochemistry Data for Wastewater Samples Collected at a Separator Tank and from an On-Site Storage Tank at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) 2015-2019, Morgantown Industrial Park (MIP), West Virginia (ver. 2.0, May 2023)
Geochemistry Data from Samples Collected in 2015-2017 to study an OG wastewater spill in Blacktail Creek, North Dakota
Dr. Isabelle M. Cozzarellli (far right) and her colleagues pause for a photograph at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, Minnesota. They are holding a core sample collected with "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by U.S.
A core sample was collected from the uppermost saturated portion of the sandy aquifer using the "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by USGS scientists at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site.
A core sample was collected from the uppermost saturated portion of the sandy aquifer using the "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by USGS scientists at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a U.S. Geological Survey scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a U.S. Geological Survey scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a USGS scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a USGS scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
Distribution of ancient carbon in groundwater and soil gas from degradation of petroleum near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
Contaminant exposure and transport from three potential reuse waters within a single watershed
Understanding the evolution of groundwater-contaminant plume chemistry emanating from legacy contaminant sources: An example from a long-term crude oil spill
Geochemical and geophysical indicators of oil and gas wastewater can trace potential exposure pathways following releases to surface waters
Urban stormwater: An overlooked pathway of extensive mixed contaminants to surface and groundwaters in the United States
Organic geochemistry and toxicology of a stream impacted by unconventional oil and gas wastewater disposal operations
Degradation of crude 4-MCHM (4-methylcyclohexanemethanol) in sediments from Elk River, West Virginia
Environmental signatures and effects of an oil and gas wastewater spill in the Williston Basin, North Dakota
Stable-isotope ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in precipitation at Norman, Oklahoma, 1996–2008
Biogeochemical evolution of a landfill leachate plume, Norman, Oklahoma
Results of the chemical and isotopic analyses of sediment and ground water from alluvium of the Canadian River near a closed municipal landfill, Norman, Oklahoma, part 2
Results of chemical and isotopic analyses of sediment and water from alluvium of the Canadian River near a closed municipal landfill, Norman, Oklahoma
Science and Products
Produced water from Marcellus Shale and amphibians
Groundwater and soil gas data, methods, and quality assurance information for samples collected to determine ancient carbon distributions at Red Hill, Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i 2022-2023
Produced water chemistry data collected from the Poso Creek, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista Oil Fields, 2020-21, Kern County, California
Aqueous and solid phases partitioning of elemental constituents associated with Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) gas well produced wastewater, Morgantown, WV, 2016 - 2019
Geochemistry and microbiology data collected to study the effects of oil and gas wastewater dumping on arid lands in New Mexico
Analyses of Select Organic and Inorganic Data Collected from Lysimeters Installed at the Bemidji Crude Oil Spill Site, Minnesota, 2018, 2019, 2021
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data for Wastewater Samples Collected at an on-Site Separator and Storage Tank at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) 2015-2019, Morgantown Industrial Park (MIP), West Virginia
Produced water volatile organic compound and select organic and inorganic data collected from eight oil fields, 2016-2020, California
Water-quality results from a wastewater reuse study: Inorganic and organic compositions of wastewater effluent and select urban and agricultural water types during rain-induced runoff, Chickasha, Oklahoma, 2018-2019
Data on barium, strontium, cobalt, and nickel plumes formed during microbial iron-reduction on sediments and in water from a crude-oil-contaminated aquifer, Bemidji, Minnesota (2009-2019)
Geochemistry data collected (1985-2015) for understanding the evolution of groundwater-contaminant plume chemistry emanating from legacy contaminant sources, an example from a long-term crude oil spill near Bemidji, Minnesota
Geochemistry Data for Wastewater Samples Collected at a Separator Tank and from an On-Site Storage Tank at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) 2015-2019, Morgantown Industrial Park (MIP), West Virginia (ver. 2.0, May 2023)
Geochemistry Data from Samples Collected in 2015-2017 to study an OG wastewater spill in Blacktail Creek, North Dakota
Dr. Isabelle M. Cozzarellli (far right) and her colleagues pause for a photograph at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, Minnesota. They are holding a core sample collected with "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by U.S.
Dr. Isabelle M. Cozzarellli (far right) and her colleagues pause for a photograph at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, Minnesota. They are holding a core sample collected with "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by U.S.
A core sample was collected from the uppermost saturated portion of the sandy aquifer using the "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by USGS scientists at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site.
A core sample was collected from the uppermost saturated portion of the sandy aquifer using the "freezing drive shoe" technology developed by USGS scientists at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a U.S. Geological Survey scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a U.S. Geological Survey scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a USGS scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.
To help understand the geochemical conditions that control arsenic mobilization in the subsurface a USGS scientist uses a syringe to withdraw water from a core for analysis.