Screenshot of Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer on June 4, 2016, two days before Tropical Storm Colin was expected to hit Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast.
Joseph Long (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Integrating Mapping and Modeling to Support the Restoration of Bird Nesting Habitat at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
Tropical Storm Colin - Forecast of Coastal Change
Hurricane Joaquin - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Sandy - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Matthew - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Harvey - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Irma - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Nate - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Integration of Processes over Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Study
Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida
Lidar-derived Beach Morphology (Dune Crest, Dune Toe, and Shoreline) for U.S. Sandy Coastlines
Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results
Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Inputs and Results
XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results
Wave Scenario Results of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pit 3 on the Nearshore Wave Climate of Breton Island, LA
Vector Shorelines and Associated Shoreline Change Rates Derived from Lidar and Aerial Imagery for Dauphin Island, Alabama: 1940-2015
Laboratory Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates Video and Velocity Data
Hurricane Matthew Overwash Extents
EAARL Coastal Topography-Chandeleur Islands, Post-Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Inputs and Results
EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, March 2006
Screenshot of Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer on June 4, 2016, two days before Tropical Storm Colin was expected to hit Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast.
Operational forecasts of wave-driven water levels and coastal hazards for US Gulf and Atlantic coasts
Simulating wave runup on an intermediate–reflective beach using a wave-resolving and a wave-averaged version of XBeach
The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
Development of a modeling framework for predicting decadal barrier island evolution
Application of decadal modeling approach to forecast barrier island evolution, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Development of a process-based littoral sediment transport model for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Forecasting future beach width- A case study along the Florida Atlantic coast
Event and decadal-scale modeling of barrier island restoration designs for decision support
Hurricane Matthew: Predictions, observations, and an analysis of coastal change
Toward a national coastal hazard forecast of total water levels
Assessing the impact of open-ocean and back-barrier shoreline change on Dauphin Island, Alabama, at multiple time scales over the last 75 years
Hydrodynamics and sediment mobility processes over a degraded senile coral reef
Coral reefs can influence hydrodynamics and morphodynamics by dissipating and refracting incident wave energy, modifying circulation patterns, and altering sediment transport pathways. In this study, the sediment and hydrodynamic response of a senile (dead) barrier reef (Crocker Reef, located in the upper portion of the Florida Reef Tract) to storms and quiescent conditions was evaluated using fie
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Integrating Mapping and Modeling to Support the Restoration of Bird Nesting Habitat at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
Tropical Storm Colin - Forecast of Coastal Change
Hurricane Joaquin - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Sandy - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Matthew - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Harvey - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Irma - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Hurricane Nate - Forecast and Documentation of Coastal Change
Integration of Processes over Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards
Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Study
Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida
Lidar-derived Beach Morphology (Dune Crest, Dune Toe, and Shoreline) for U.S. Sandy Coastlines
Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results
Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Inputs and Results
XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results
Wave Scenario Results of Proposed Sediment Borrow Pit 3 on the Nearshore Wave Climate of Breton Island, LA
Vector Shorelines and Associated Shoreline Change Rates Derived from Lidar and Aerial Imagery for Dauphin Island, Alabama: 1940-2015
Laboratory Observations of Artificial Sand and Oil Agglomerates Video and Velocity Data
Hurricane Matthew Overwash Extents
EAARL Coastal Topography-Chandeleur Islands, Post-Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Inputs and Results
EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, March 2006
Screenshot of Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer on June 4, 2016, two days before Tropical Storm Colin was expected to hit Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast.
Screenshot of Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer on June 4, 2016, two days before Tropical Storm Colin was expected to hit Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast.
Operational forecasts of wave-driven water levels and coastal hazards for US Gulf and Atlantic coasts
Simulating wave runup on an intermediate–reflective beach using a wave-resolving and a wave-averaged version of XBeach
The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
Development of a modeling framework for predicting decadal barrier island evolution
Application of decadal modeling approach to forecast barrier island evolution, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Development of a process-based littoral sediment transport model for Dauphin Island, Alabama
Forecasting future beach width- A case study along the Florida Atlantic coast
Event and decadal-scale modeling of barrier island restoration designs for decision support
Hurricane Matthew: Predictions, observations, and an analysis of coastal change
Toward a national coastal hazard forecast of total water levels
Assessing the impact of open-ocean and back-barrier shoreline change on Dauphin Island, Alabama, at multiple time scales over the last 75 years
Hydrodynamics and sediment mobility processes over a degraded senile coral reef
Coral reefs can influence hydrodynamics and morphodynamics by dissipating and refracting incident wave energy, modifying circulation patterns, and altering sediment transport pathways. In this study, the sediment and hydrodynamic response of a senile (dead) barrier reef (Crocker Reef, located in the upper portion of the Florida Reef Tract) to storms and quiescent conditions was evaluated using fie
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.