New one-half liter bottles of drinking water ("purified water with minerals added for taste"). (Dan Goode, USGS)
Daniel J Goode
(he/him)Water Science
• Flow, Transport, & Reaction in Fractured-Rock Aquifers
• Groundwater Availability, Protection, & Remediation
• Aquifer Property Estimation by Field Testing & Simulation
• Middle East Water Resources
• Visualization & Science Delivery
Recent Projects and Service
- EPA, Navy - Groundwater Characterization & Remediation in Fractured-Rock Aquifers in Southeastern Pennsylvania
- USAID - Aquifer Storage & Recovery in the Middle East - North Africa Region
- SERDP (DoD) - Field Method for VOCs in Low-Permeability Zones
- Delaware River Basin Commission Water Management Advisory Committee 2016-20
- Assoc. Editor Hydrogeology Journal 2014-18
- EPA Science Advisory Board Hydraulic Fracturing Research Advisory Panel 2013-16
Professional Experience
Research Hydrologist, USGS 1987 - 2024
Pennsylvania Water Science Center since 1994
Detail to International Water Resources, Middle East Activities, 2000-04
National Research Program (Water), Reston & Menlo Park, 1987-93U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1983-86
GCA Technology Division, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1982-83
Education and Certifications
Princeton PhD 1998
M.I.T. SB 1980, SM 1982
Honors and Awards
Department of the Interior Superior Service Award, 2009
Abstracts and Presentations
Goode, D.J., and Senior, L.A., 2021, Effects of changing water-supply pumping on regional flow paths of PFAS-contaminated groundwater at Willow Grove and Warminster, Pennsylvania (abs.): Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium - Virtual, May 6, 2021.
Salameh, E., Goode, D.J., and Abdallat, G., 2019, Unsustainable depletion of non-renewable groundwater accelerating - the Jordan case (abs.): American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on the Quest for Sustainability of Heavily Stressed Aquifers at Regional to Global Scales, Valencia, Spain, October 21-24, 2019.
Goode, D.J., Winston, R.B., Conlon, M.D., and Risser, D.W., 2018, WellFootprint and ModelMuse – A new map app for visualizing the magnitude of pumping (abs.): Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium, May 8, 2018, State College, Pennsylvania.
Goode, D.J., 2017, Middle East water data banks and groundwater awareness for Israeli, Jordanian, and Palestinian aquifers (abs.): World Bank & International Water Assoc., June 2, 2016, Jaipur, India, p. 64-65 in Hirji et al., South Asia Groundwater Forum, New Delhi, India, Academic Foundation, 116 p.
Science and Products
Hydrologic investigations and a preliminary conceptual model of the groundwater system at North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site, Souderton, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Satellite precipitation bias estimation and correction using in situ observations and climatology isohyets for the MENA region
A borehole test for chlorinated solvent diffusion and degradation rates in sedimentary rock
Managed aquifer recharge suitability—Regional screening and case studies in Jordan and Lebanon
Groundwater withdrawals and regional flow paths at and near Willow Grove and Warminster, Pennsylvania—Data compilation and preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
The complex spatial distribution of trichloroethene and the probability of NAPL occurrence in the rock matrix of a mudstone aquifer
Bioremediation in fractured rock: 1. Modeling to inform design, monitoring, and expectations
Bioremediation in fractured rock: 2. Mobilization of chloroethene compounds from the rock matrix
Visualization of groundwater withdrawals
Effects of changes in pumping on regional groundwater-flow paths, 2005 and 2010, and areas contributing recharge to discharging wells, 1990–2010, in the vicinity of North Penn Area 7 Superfund site, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Map visualization of groundwater withdrawals at the sub-basin scale
High-resolution delineation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in a dipping, fractured mudstone: depth- and strata-dependent spatial variability from rock-core sampling
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Contaminants in Groundwater near Superfund sites in Pennsylvania
Hydrologic and Water Quality Studies of PFAS in Pennsylvania
Withdrawals for Bottled Water
Contaminants in groundwater near former Navy bases in southeastern Pennsylvania
A Field Method to Quantify Chlorinated Solvent Diffusion, Sorption, Abiotic and Biotic Degradation in Low-Permeability Zones
Accelerating Aquifer Storage & Recovery in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Region 1: North Atlantic-Appalachian PFAS Capability Team
Contaminant Fate and Transport Studies in Fractured Sedimentary Rock Aquifers at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.
Groundwater Availability and Use in Pennsylvania
Contaminants in Complex Hydrogeologic Settings - NAWC 2018 Archive
Well-Withdrawal Footprint Mapping
Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode
Microbial community analyses of groundwater collected during an enhanced bioremediation experiment of trichlorethylene in a fractured rock aquifer, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2015)
A finite-difference algorithm used to simulate radial diffusion, adsorption, and reactions of chlorinated ethenes in porous media
Regional screening for managed aquifer recharge suitability in Jordan, Lebanon, and surrounding areas
Modeling accumulated surface runoff and water availability for aquifer storage and recovery in the MENA region from 1984-2015
Compiled data for groundwater levels, groundwater withdrawals by wells and quarries, and point-source discharges to streams in the vicinity of Willow Grove and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania, for selected years during 1999-2017
MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used to evaluate groundwater flow in the vicinity of Horsham and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania-Preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
Concentrations of Chlorinated Ethene Compounds in Rock Core Collected from the Mudstone Underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey
Biogeochemical analyses of water samples collected in the mudstone aquifer underlying the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2013)
Groundwater tracing experiments conducted in the mudstone aquifer underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2007-2008)
New one-half liter bottles of drinking water ("purified water with minerals added for taste"). (Dan Goode, USGS)
Photograph showing dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania. Taken during the 2018 Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists.
Photograph showing dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania. Taken during the 2018 Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists.
USGS and University at Buffalo scientists injecting tracers to study diffusion.
USGS and University at Buffalo scientists injecting tracers to study diffusion.
The Kafrein Dam captures runoff from Jordan River side valley wadis, near the Dead Sea, Jordan. USGS hosted a field trip that included a stop at the dam in February, 2017 during a regional workshop on aquifer storage & recovery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The Kafrein Dam captures runoff from Jordan River side valley wadis, near the Dead Sea, Jordan. USGS hosted a field trip that included a stop at the dam in February, 2017 during a regional workshop on aquifer storage & recovery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Cross section shows interpreted paths of contaminant transport during a field experiment to quantify transport and reaction rates of TCE and other contaminants in fractured sedimentary rock at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, N.J.
Cross section shows interpreted paths of contaminant transport during a field experiment to quantify transport and reaction rates of TCE and other contaminants in fractured sedimentary rock at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, N.J.
Photo of low-flow conditions in a wadi (stream) along the Jordan Rift Valley. Springflow generated by groundwater discharge at higher elevations eventually flows into the hypersaline Dead Sea.
Photo of low-flow conditions in a wadi (stream) along the Jordan Rift Valley. Springflow generated by groundwater discharge at higher elevations eventually flows into the hypersaline Dead Sea.
Large groundwater withdrawals in the Azraq Oasis area, Jordan, have contributed to declining water levels in wells. This map shows the withdrawal footprint and observed water-level trends (labeled triangular symbols, from Goode et al. 2013).
Large groundwater withdrawals in the Azraq Oasis area, Jordan, have contributed to declining water levels in wells. This map shows the withdrawal footprint and observed water-level trends (labeled triangular symbols, from Goode et al. 2013).
Equipment for an Bioaugmentation Experiment at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Research Site, West Trenton, New Jersey
linkThe set up and equipment used for the bioaugmentation experiment at a fractured-rock contamination site. The site is contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE). The bladders contain the solutions that were injected into the subsurface. The injection well is right in front of the blue barrel.
Equipment for an Bioaugmentation Experiment at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Research Site, West Trenton, New Jersey
linkThe set up and equipment used for the bioaugmentation experiment at a fractured-rock contamination site. The site is contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE). The bladders contain the solutions that were injected into the subsurface. The injection well is right in front of the blue barrel.
Road cut along Interstate-295 (formerly I-95) near West Trenton, NJ, showing the Lockatong Formation, Newark Basin. The larger fractures in this mudstone rock are generally oriented along the bedding of the low-permeability strata.
Road cut along Interstate-295 (formerly I-95) near West Trenton, NJ, showing the Lockatong Formation, Newark Basin. The larger fractures in this mudstone rock are generally oriented along the bedding of the low-permeability strata.
Wellfootprint - A Map App for Visualizing Groundwater Withdrawals
WellFootprint Software Release
Science and Products
Hydrologic investigations and a preliminary conceptual model of the groundwater system at North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site, Souderton, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Satellite precipitation bias estimation and correction using in situ observations and climatology isohyets for the MENA region
A borehole test for chlorinated solvent diffusion and degradation rates in sedimentary rock
Managed aquifer recharge suitability—Regional screening and case studies in Jordan and Lebanon
Groundwater withdrawals and regional flow paths at and near Willow Grove and Warminster, Pennsylvania—Data compilation and preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
The complex spatial distribution of trichloroethene and the probability of NAPL occurrence in the rock matrix of a mudstone aquifer
Bioremediation in fractured rock: 1. Modeling to inform design, monitoring, and expectations
Bioremediation in fractured rock: 2. Mobilization of chloroethene compounds from the rock matrix
Visualization of groundwater withdrawals
Effects of changes in pumping on regional groundwater-flow paths, 2005 and 2010, and areas contributing recharge to discharging wells, 1990–2010, in the vicinity of North Penn Area 7 Superfund site, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Map visualization of groundwater withdrawals at the sub-basin scale
High-resolution delineation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in a dipping, fractured mudstone: depth- and strata-dependent spatial variability from rock-core sampling
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Contaminants in Groundwater near Superfund sites in Pennsylvania
Hydrologic and Water Quality Studies of PFAS in Pennsylvania
Withdrawals for Bottled Water
Contaminants in groundwater near former Navy bases in southeastern Pennsylvania
A Field Method to Quantify Chlorinated Solvent Diffusion, Sorption, Abiotic and Biotic Degradation in Low-Permeability Zones
Accelerating Aquifer Storage & Recovery in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Region 1: North Atlantic-Appalachian PFAS Capability Team
Contaminant Fate and Transport Studies in Fractured Sedimentary Rock Aquifers at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, N.J.
Groundwater Availability and Use in Pennsylvania
Contaminants in Complex Hydrogeologic Settings - NAWC 2018 Archive
Well-Withdrawal Footprint Mapping
Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode
Microbial community analyses of groundwater collected during an enhanced bioremediation experiment of trichlorethylene in a fractured rock aquifer, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2015)
A finite-difference algorithm used to simulate radial diffusion, adsorption, and reactions of chlorinated ethenes in porous media
Regional screening for managed aquifer recharge suitability in Jordan, Lebanon, and surrounding areas
Modeling accumulated surface runoff and water availability for aquifer storage and recovery in the MENA region from 1984-2015
Compiled data for groundwater levels, groundwater withdrawals by wells and quarries, and point-source discharges to streams in the vicinity of Willow Grove and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania, for selected years during 1999-2017
MODFLOW 6 and MODPATH 7 model data sets used to evaluate groundwater flow in the vicinity of Horsham and Warminster, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania-Preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
Concentrations of Chlorinated Ethene Compounds in Rock Core Collected from the Mudstone Underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey
Biogeochemical analyses of water samples collected in the mudstone aquifer underlying the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2013)
Groundwater tracing experiments conducted in the mudstone aquifer underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2007-2008)
New one-half liter bottles of drinking water ("purified water with minerals added for taste"). (Dan Goode, USGS)
New one-half liter bottles of drinking water ("purified water with minerals added for taste"). (Dan Goode, USGS)
Photograph showing dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania. Taken during the 2018 Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists.
Photograph showing dipping sedimentary rocks of the Newark Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania. Taken during the 2018 Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists.
USGS and University at Buffalo scientists injecting tracers to study diffusion.
USGS and University at Buffalo scientists injecting tracers to study diffusion.
The Kafrein Dam captures runoff from Jordan River side valley wadis, near the Dead Sea, Jordan. USGS hosted a field trip that included a stop at the dam in February, 2017 during a regional workshop on aquifer storage & recovery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The Kafrein Dam captures runoff from Jordan River side valley wadis, near the Dead Sea, Jordan. USGS hosted a field trip that included a stop at the dam in February, 2017 during a regional workshop on aquifer storage & recovery in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Cross section shows interpreted paths of contaminant transport during a field experiment to quantify transport and reaction rates of TCE and other contaminants in fractured sedimentary rock at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, N.J.
Cross section shows interpreted paths of contaminant transport during a field experiment to quantify transport and reaction rates of TCE and other contaminants in fractured sedimentary rock at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, N.J.
Photo of low-flow conditions in a wadi (stream) along the Jordan Rift Valley. Springflow generated by groundwater discharge at higher elevations eventually flows into the hypersaline Dead Sea.
Photo of low-flow conditions in a wadi (stream) along the Jordan Rift Valley. Springflow generated by groundwater discharge at higher elevations eventually flows into the hypersaline Dead Sea.
Large groundwater withdrawals in the Azraq Oasis area, Jordan, have contributed to declining water levels in wells. This map shows the withdrawal footprint and observed water-level trends (labeled triangular symbols, from Goode et al. 2013).
Large groundwater withdrawals in the Azraq Oasis area, Jordan, have contributed to declining water levels in wells. This map shows the withdrawal footprint and observed water-level trends (labeled triangular symbols, from Goode et al. 2013).
Equipment for an Bioaugmentation Experiment at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Research Site, West Trenton, New Jersey
linkThe set up and equipment used for the bioaugmentation experiment at a fractured-rock contamination site. The site is contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE). The bladders contain the solutions that were injected into the subsurface. The injection well is right in front of the blue barrel.
Equipment for an Bioaugmentation Experiment at the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) Research Site, West Trenton, New Jersey
linkThe set up and equipment used for the bioaugmentation experiment at a fractured-rock contamination site. The site is contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE). The bladders contain the solutions that were injected into the subsurface. The injection well is right in front of the blue barrel.
Road cut along Interstate-295 (formerly I-95) near West Trenton, NJ, showing the Lockatong Formation, Newark Basin. The larger fractures in this mudstone rock are generally oriented along the bedding of the low-permeability strata.
Road cut along Interstate-295 (formerly I-95) near West Trenton, NJ, showing the Lockatong Formation, Newark Basin. The larger fractures in this mudstone rock are generally oriented along the bedding of the low-permeability strata.