Cinnabar mine site in Idaho.
JoAnn M. Holloway
JoAnn Holloway is a Research Physical Scientist (biogeochemistry) with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center.
JoAnn M. Holloway is a biogeochemist with research interests exploring the influence of parent material, geomorphology and hydrologic processes on soil biogeochemistry. These processes are evaluated in the context of how land use, including mining, urbanization, forestry, and agricultural practices can influence soil and water quality. Her background in hydrology, geology, geochemistry, pedology, and soil microbiology provides the basis for interdisciplinary collaborations to evaluate the impact of land use on soil and water quality. Her recent work has focused on how wildfire overprinting historically mined watersheds affect the remobilization of mercury and other trace metals and the implications for ongoing mining remediation operations. She has also worked with hydrothermal processes influencing the speciation of nitrogen and mercury in Yellowstone thermal waters.
Professional Experience
Research Geologist, 2005 - present
U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center; Denver, COResearch Geologist (Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow) 2003-2005
U.S. Geological Survey, Crustal Imaging and Characterization Team; Denver, COLecturer, Spring Semester 2003
"Environmental Microbiology", Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, COResearch Hydrologist (National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow) 1999-2001
U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Program; Boulder, CO
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Hydrologic Sciences, University of California at Davis, 1999
Dissertation: Influence of Bedrock Weathering on Nitrogen Cycling in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
Advisor: Randy DahlgrenM.S. Geology, Western Washington University, 1993
Thesis: Geochemical Interactions in a Subalpine Watershed, Mount Baker National Recreation Area, WashingtonB.S. Geology, University of Utah, 1990
Senior Thesis: Mineralization and Geochemistry of the Escalante Silver Mine, Iron County, Utah
Science and Products
Increased mercury and reduced insect diversity in linked stream-riparian food webs downstream of a historical mercury mine
Multiscale hyperspectral imaging of hydrothermal alteration in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Effect of organic matter concentration and characteristics on mercury mobilization and methylmercury production at an abandoned mine site
Wildfire-driven changes in hydrology mobilize arsenic and metals from legacy mine waste
The interacting roles of climate, soils, and plant production on soil microbial communities at a continental scale
Mobilization of mercury and arsenic from a carbonate-hosted ore deposit, central Idaho, U.S.A.
Chemical and biotic characteristics of prairie lakes and large wetlands in south-central North Dakota—Effects of a changing climate
Weathering and transport of chromium and nickel from serpentinite in the Coast Range ophiolite to the Sacramento Valley, California, USA
Soil disturbance as a driver of increased stream salinity in a semiarid watershed undergoing energy development
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: 2011 annual report
Spectroscopic remote sensing of the distribution and persistence of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill in Barataria Bay marshes
U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative-2010 Annual Report
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Increased Mercury, Reduced Insect Diversity, and Food Web impacts from Historical Mercury Mining
Salmon River Mountains Legacy Mining Studies
Integrated Hyperspectral, Geophysical and Geochemical Studies of Yellowstone National Park Hydrothermal Systems
Trace Metal Mobility in the Yellow Pine Mining District, Idaho
System analysis of land use and climate effects on ecosystem services affecting C and N exchanges with the atmosphere and water cycles
Chemical and isotopic data from wetland pond water samples collected in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, USA, 2015–2019
Water chemistry data from the Big Creek and Monumental Creek tributaries of the Lower Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, 2021
Stream Temperature, Conductivity, eDNA, and Streamflow Data from the Big Creek and Monumental Creek Tributaries of the Lower Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho 2021
Water-Chemistry and Isotope Data for Selected Springs, Geysers, Streams, and Rivers in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Geochemical reanalysis of rock and sediment samples from the Middle Fork and South Fork of the Salmon River collected in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s as part of the Idaho Primitive Area studies
Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016.
Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features
Yellowstone Thermal Feature Mercury and Methylmercury Characterization
Geochemical reanalysis of rock and sediment samples from the Lower Middle Fork of the Salmon River collected as part of the Idaho Primitive Area Studies in the 1960's through 1980's
Chemistry of water, stream sediment, wildfire ash, soil, dust, and mine waste for Fourmile Creek Watershed, Colorado, 2010-2019
Water, Soil, Rock, and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2017
Water and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2014-2015
Cinnabar mine site in Idaho.
Science and Products
Increased mercury and reduced insect diversity in linked stream-riparian food webs downstream of a historical mercury mine
Multiscale hyperspectral imaging of hydrothermal alteration in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Effect of organic matter concentration and characteristics on mercury mobilization and methylmercury production at an abandoned mine site
Wildfire-driven changes in hydrology mobilize arsenic and metals from legacy mine waste
The interacting roles of climate, soils, and plant production on soil microbial communities at a continental scale
Mobilization of mercury and arsenic from a carbonate-hosted ore deposit, central Idaho, U.S.A.
Chemical and biotic characteristics of prairie lakes and large wetlands in south-central North Dakota—Effects of a changing climate
Weathering and transport of chromium and nickel from serpentinite in the Coast Range ophiolite to the Sacramento Valley, California, USA
Soil disturbance as a driver of increased stream salinity in a semiarid watershed undergoing energy development
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: 2011 annual report
Spectroscopic remote sensing of the distribution and persistence of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill in Barataria Bay marshes
U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative-2010 Annual Report
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Increased Mercury, Reduced Insect Diversity, and Food Web impacts from Historical Mercury Mining
Salmon River Mountains Legacy Mining Studies
Integrated Hyperspectral, Geophysical and Geochemical Studies of Yellowstone National Park Hydrothermal Systems
Trace Metal Mobility in the Yellow Pine Mining District, Idaho
System analysis of land use and climate effects on ecosystem services affecting C and N exchanges with the atmosphere and water cycles
Chemical and isotopic data from wetland pond water samples collected in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, USA, 2015–2019
Water chemistry data from the Big Creek and Monumental Creek tributaries of the Lower Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, 2021
Stream Temperature, Conductivity, eDNA, and Streamflow Data from the Big Creek and Monumental Creek Tributaries of the Lower Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho 2021
Water-Chemistry and Isotope Data for Selected Springs, Geysers, Streams, and Rivers in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Geochemical reanalysis of rock and sediment samples from the Middle Fork and South Fork of the Salmon River collected in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s as part of the Idaho Primitive Area studies
Mercury concentrations, isotopic composition, biomass, and taxonomy of stream and riparian organisms in the vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2016.
Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features
Yellowstone Thermal Feature Mercury and Methylmercury Characterization
Geochemical reanalysis of rock and sediment samples from the Lower Middle Fork of the Salmon River collected as part of the Idaho Primitive Area Studies in the 1960's through 1980's
Chemistry of water, stream sediment, wildfire ash, soil, dust, and mine waste for Fourmile Creek Watershed, Colorado, 2010-2019
Water, Soil, Rock, and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2015-2017
Water and Sediment Geochemistry Data from the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho, 2014-2015
Cinnabar mine site in Idaho.
Cinnabar mine site in Idaho.