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Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP)

The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) is the science provider for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP), and its scientists study the effects of Glen Canyon Dam operations on the resources of Grand Canyon. More information can be found at the links below. Neither of these sites are USGS websites, so accessing those sites means you will leave the USGS website.

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Humpback Chub in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon

Threatened humpback chub are a native fish found only in the Colorado River Basin. Once found in warm-water canyons in the Basin, the largest population now persists in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, downstream of Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, the reservoir upstream, created by the dam.

Humpback Chub in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon

Threatened humpback chub are a native fish found only in the Colorado River Basin. Once found in warm-water canyons in the Basin, the largest population now persists in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, downstream of Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, the reservoir upstream, created by the dam.
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River Geomorphology, Sediment Storage, Sandbar and Campsite Monitoring in Grand Canyon

River channels and their adjacent floodplains are ever evolving in form and composition in response to changing patterns of streamflow, the quantity and size of supplied sediment, and feedbacks with the riparian and aquatic ecosystems. Changes in channel form affect aquatic and riparian habitats, which are important for plants, animals, and insects. Erosion and deposition of river channels and...

River Geomorphology, Sediment Storage, Sandbar and Campsite Monitoring in Grand Canyon

River channels and their adjacent floodplains are ever evolving in form and composition in response to changing patterns of streamflow, the quantity and size of supplied sediment, and feedbacks with the riparian and aquatic ecosystems. Changes in channel form affect aquatic and riparian habitats, which are important for plants, animals, and insects. Erosion and deposition of river channels and...
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SBSC Tribal Partnerships

The Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) conducts and provides scientific information as part of our mission and Federal Trust Responsibility to strengthen relationships and build partnerships with sovereign tribal nations. Here, we highlight a few examples of projects with tribal partners.

SBSC Tribal Partnerships

The Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) conducts and provides scientific information as part of our mission and Federal Trust Responsibility to strengthen relationships and build partnerships with sovereign tribal nations. Here, we highlight a few examples of projects with tribal partners.
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Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon

Rainbow trout are a desirable sport fish that have been introduced in many locations around the world, including the Colorado River. Although introductions of rainbow trout and other nonnative fishes provide recreational fishing opportunities, they can also pose threats to native fish populations. The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program has tasked scientists and managers with identifying...

Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon

Rainbow trout are a desirable sport fish that have been introduced in many locations around the world, including the Colorado River. Although introductions of rainbow trout and other nonnative fishes provide recreational fishing opportunities, they can also pose threats to native fish populations. The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program has tasked scientists and managers with identifying...
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Colorado River Basin Science

The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, a branch of the Southwest Biological Science Center, conducts scientific assessments of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, focused primarily on Lake Powell and the river ecosystem downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. On this page, we'd like to share related interactive tools and projects by other USGS Centers that cover science across the upper and lower...

Colorado River Basin Science

The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, a branch of the Southwest Biological Science Center, conducts scientific assessments of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, focused primarily on Lake Powell and the river ecosystem downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. On this page, we'd like to share related interactive tools and projects by other USGS Centers that cover science across the upper and lower...
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GCMRC modeling used in decision-making process for new Glen Canyon Dam Environmental Impact Statements

USGS Southwest Biological Science Center's Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center provided scientific expertise to evaluate potential effects of reservoir management on various resources in Lake Powell and Grand Canyon. This information, published in a cooperator report, was requested and used by the Bureau of Reclamation for decision-making on water flows from Glen Canyon Dam.

GCMRC modeling used in decision-making process for new Glen Canyon Dam Environmental Impact Statements

USGS Southwest Biological Science Center's Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center provided scientific expertise to evaluate potential effects of reservoir management on various resources in Lake Powell and Grand Canyon. This information, published in a cooperator report, was requested and used by the Bureau of Reclamation for decision-making on water flows from Glen Canyon Dam.
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River Sediment Dynamics

Sediment controls the physical habitat of river ecosystems. Changes in the amount and areal distribution of different sediment types cause changes in river-channel form and river habitat. The amount and type of sediment suspended in the water column determines water clarity. Understanding sediment transport and the conditions under which sediment is deposited or eroded from the various...

River Sediment Dynamics

Sediment controls the physical habitat of river ecosystems. Changes in the amount and areal distribution of different sediment types cause changes in river-channel form and river habitat. The amount and type of sediment suspended in the water column determines water clarity. Understanding sediment transport and the conditions under which sediment is deposited or eroded from the various...
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Bat foraging ecology along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is a hotspot for bat diversity. Twenty-two bat species have been documented in the Park, more than any other national park unit.

Bat foraging ecology along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is a hotspot for bat diversity. Twenty-two bat species have been documented in the Park, more than any other national park unit.
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Community Science in Grand Canyon

Aquatic insects are important components of riverine foodwebs as they are prey for fish, birds, bats, lizards, and spiders. The closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963 fundamentally altered the hydrology, water temperature, and turbidity of the Colorado River through Grand Canyon. These changes, along with competition with invasive species and limited food availability have led to the decline and...

Community Science in Grand Canyon

Aquatic insects are important components of riverine foodwebs as they are prey for fish, birds, bats, lizards, and spiders. The closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963 fundamentally altered the hydrology, water temperature, and turbidity of the Colorado River through Grand Canyon. These changes, along with competition with invasive species and limited food availability have led to the decline and...
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High-Flow Experiments on the Colorado River

Glen Canyon Dam has altered flow and sediment dynamics of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Before the dam was completed in 1963, the Colorado River carried a large amount of sand, silt, and clay through Grand Canyon, some of which was deposited during spring floods to create large and abundant sandbars. Sandbars in Grand Canyon are valued as camping areas, create aquatic and riparian habitat...

High-Flow Experiments on the Colorado River

Glen Canyon Dam has altered flow and sediment dynamics of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Before the dam was completed in 1963, the Colorado River carried a large amount of sand, silt, and clay through Grand Canyon, some of which was deposited during spring floods to create large and abundant sandbars. Sandbars in Grand Canyon are valued as camping areas, create aquatic and riparian habitat...
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Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Projects

The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center currently functions under a Triennial Work Plan (TWP) which is thoroughly reviewed and vetted both internally within the Center and through the GCDAMP Technical Work Group (TWG) and the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG). These advisory panels have been a part of the Glen Canyon Dam adaptive management process since the inception of the GCDAMP...

Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Projects

The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center currently functions under a Triennial Work Plan (TWP) which is thoroughly reviewed and vetted both internally within the Center and through the GCDAMP Technical Work Group (TWG) and the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG). These advisory panels have been a part of the Glen Canyon Dam adaptive management process since the inception of the GCDAMP...
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Bug Flows: Improving Food Web Health on the Colorado River

Native and desired nonnative fish downstream of Glen Canyon Dam are food limited—meaning that if more or larger invertebrate food items were available, there would be more and larger fish. Aquatic insects have complex life cycles that include egg, larvae, and pupal stages that are aquatic while adults have wings and are typically terrestrial. Aquatic insects are a fundamental component of river...

Bug Flows: Improving Food Web Health on the Colorado River

Native and desired nonnative fish downstream of Glen Canyon Dam are food limited—meaning that if more or larger invertebrate food items were available, there would be more and larger fish. Aquatic insects have complex life cycles that include egg, larvae, and pupal stages that are aquatic while adults have wings and are typically terrestrial. Aquatic insects are a fundamental component of river...
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