View of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (Colorado River Bridge).
Michael R. Rosen (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Selenium Cycling in Salton Sea Wetlands
How are Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds Moving Through the Food Web in Lake Mead National Recreation Area?
Groundwater Quality in Principal Aquifers of the United States, 1991—2010
Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem
Discharge, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for selected streams in the Lake Tahoe watershed
X-Ray diffraction data for bulk sediment and clay separations taken from cores from Bristol Dry Lake, California and geothermal springs from Paoha Island (Mono Lake), California
Mineralogic, grain-size, biologic, and stable isotopic analyses of core TOPGUN-SODA10 2A-K from Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA
Groundwater quality data from Bristol and Cadiz Basins, San Bernardino County, California, USA
Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Sperm quality biomarkers complement reproductive and endocrine parameters in investigating environmental contaminants in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (1999-2006)
Nitrogen and phosphorus, other water quality parameters, and sediment temperature data for Incline Creek and Marlette Creek stream-lake interface, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, September 2013
View of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (Colorado River Bridge).
Scientist sampling fish at Lake Mead.
Scientist sampling fish at Lake Mead.
View of Carson Valley looking west to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The houses in the distance use a septic system for waste disposal and a domestic well for water supply.
View of Carson Valley looking west to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The houses in the distance use a septic system for waste disposal and a domestic well for water supply.
Selenium hazards in the Salton Sea environment—Summary of current knowledge to inform future wetland management
Middle and late Pleistocene pluvial history of Newark Valley, central Nevada, USA
Lakes of the western United States: Novel tools and new views
From saline to freshwater: The diversity of western lakes in space and time
Potential role for microbial ureolysis in the rapid formation of carbonate tufa mounds
Introduction to limnogeology: Progress, challenges, and opportunities: A tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch
Middle Holocene hydrologic changes catalyzed by river avulsion in Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA
Towards the understanding of hydrogeochemical seismic responses in karst aquifers: A retrospective meta-analysis focused on the Apennines (Italy)
A 450-year record of environmental change from Castle Lake, California (USA), inferred from diatoms and organic geochemistry
Trends in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment concentrations and loads in streams draining to Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada, USA
Movement of synthetic organic compounds in the food web after the introduction of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, USA
Microplastics in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, USA: Occurrence and biological uptake
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Selenium Cycling in Salton Sea Wetlands
How are Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds Moving Through the Food Web in Lake Mead National Recreation Area?
Groundwater Quality in Principal Aquifers of the United States, 1991—2010
Water and sediment data used to evaluate selenium hazards in the Salton Sea ecosystem
Discharge, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for selected streams in the Lake Tahoe watershed
X-Ray diffraction data for bulk sediment and clay separations taken from cores from Bristol Dry Lake, California and geothermal springs from Paoha Island (Mono Lake), California
Mineralogic, grain-size, biologic, and stable isotopic analyses of core TOPGUN-SODA10 2A-K from Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA
Groundwater quality data from Bristol and Cadiz Basins, San Bernardino County, California, USA
Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Sperm quality biomarkers complement reproductive and endocrine parameters in investigating environmental contaminants in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (1999-2006)
Nitrogen and phosphorus, other water quality parameters, and sediment temperature data for Incline Creek and Marlette Creek stream-lake interface, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, September 2013
View of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (Colorado River Bridge).
View of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge (Colorado River Bridge).
Scientist sampling fish at Lake Mead.
Scientist sampling fish at Lake Mead.
View of Carson Valley looking west to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The houses in the distance use a septic system for waste disposal and a domestic well for water supply.
View of Carson Valley looking west to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The houses in the distance use a septic system for waste disposal and a domestic well for water supply.
Selenium hazards in the Salton Sea environment—Summary of current knowledge to inform future wetland management
Middle and late Pleistocene pluvial history of Newark Valley, central Nevada, USA
Lakes of the western United States: Novel tools and new views
From saline to freshwater: The diversity of western lakes in space and time
Potential role for microbial ureolysis in the rapid formation of carbonate tufa mounds
Introduction to limnogeology: Progress, challenges, and opportunities: A tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch
Middle Holocene hydrologic changes catalyzed by river avulsion in Big Soda Lake, Nevada, USA
Towards the understanding of hydrogeochemical seismic responses in karst aquifers: A retrospective meta-analysis focused on the Apennines (Italy)
A 450-year record of environmental change from Castle Lake, California (USA), inferred from diatoms and organic geochemistry
Trends in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment concentrations and loads in streams draining to Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada, USA
Movement of synthetic organic compounds in the food web after the introduction of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, USA
Microplastics in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, USA: Occurrence and biological uptake
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.