Carole D. Johnson
Carole Johnson is a hydrologist with the Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch of the USGS Water Resources Mission Area Observing Systems Division. Carole serves as lead of the Technology Development and Transfer Team and is the manager of the Hydrogeophysics for Hydrologic Science Function, which promotes technology transfer of geophysical methods.
Carole provides leadership to USGS hydrologists nationally on development and application of hydrogeophysical methods to USGS groundwater studies through applied research, training, and policy development. Carole’s research interests include use of borehole- and surface-geophysical methods and hydraulic testing for characterization of fractured-rock aquifers. She has coauthored ~50 USGS publications on use of hydrogeophysical methods for aquifer characterization for water resources and contaminant investigations. An experienced trainer, Carole has taught numerous webinars and more than 20 hands-on workshops for scientists on geophysical field methods, data processing, and data analysis for groundwater investigations, including through USGS courses, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Groundwater Association Fractured Rock Conference workshops, Carole currently holds a professional geologists license in New Hampshire and classes for licensed environmental professionals in New Jersey and around New England.
Education and Certifications
Carole currently holds a professional geologist’s license in New Hampshire.
Science and Products
Hydrogeophysics Core Technology Team
Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Spectral Gamma Borehole Logging
Understanding Spectral Gamma: Fundamentals of Nuclear Geophysics
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) in the Similkameen River above Enloe Dam, Okanogan County, Washington
Floating and Towed Transient Electromagnetic Surveys used to Characterize Hydrogeology underlying Rivers and Estuaries: March - December 2018
Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected for improved mapping and monitoring of contaminated groundwater discharges along the upper Quashnet River, Mashpee and Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA 2020
Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022
Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019
Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017)
Selected borehole geophysical logs from three contaminant sites in California, Wisconsin, and New Jersey
Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for Saline-Groundwater Investigation in the Genesee Valley, New York, October-November 2016 and 2017
Geophysical Data Collected for an Assessment of a Proposed Landfill Site in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018
Borehole, Surface and Water-Borne Geophysical Surveys at the Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine: October 2016 to July 2018
Surface geophysics investigations at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018
Transient Electromagnetics, Passive Seismic, and Borehole Electromagnetics, Gamma, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods to Characterize an Unconsolidated Aquifer on Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Advancing subsurface investigations beyond the borehole with passive seismic horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and electromagnetic geophysical methods at transportation infrastructure sites in New Hampshire
Predevelopment water levels, groundwater recharge, and selected hydrologic properties of aquifer materials, Hinkley and Water Valleys, California
Field evaluation of semi-automated moisture estimation from geophysics using machine learning
GW/SW-MST: A groundwater/surface-water method selection tool
Groundwater chemistry, hydrogeologic properties, bioremediation potential, and three-dimensional numerical simulation of the sand and gravel aquifer at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, near Milton, Florida, 2015–20
Conceptual and numerical groundwater flow model of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer system with simulation of drought stress on groundwater availability near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for 2011 through 2013
Nuclear magnetic resonanance logs of fractured bedrock at the Hidden Lane Landfill site, Culpeper Basin, Virginia
Time-domain electromagnetic soundings and passive-seismic measurements for delineation of saline groundwater in the Genesee Valley-fill aquifer system, western New York, 2016–17
Beware of spatial autocorrelation when applying machine learning algorithms to borehole geophysical logs
Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new floating transient electromagnetic methodology
Assessment of NMR logging for estimating hydraulic conductivity in glacial aquifers
Lithostratigraphic, geophysical, and hydrogeologic observations from a boring drilled to bedrock in glacial sediments near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Massachusetts
Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST)
The Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST) is an Excel-based tool for identification of geophysical methods most likely to be appropriate for project goals and site conditions.
FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes
FLASH (Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes) is a computer program for the analysis of borehole vertical flow logs.
Science and Products
Hydrogeophysics Core Technology Team
Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Spectral Gamma Borehole Logging
Understanding Spectral Gamma: Fundamentals of Nuclear Geophysics
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) in the Similkameen River above Enloe Dam, Okanogan County, Washington
Floating and Towed Transient Electromagnetic Surveys used to Characterize Hydrogeology underlying Rivers and Estuaries: March - December 2018
Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing data collected for improved mapping and monitoring of contaminated groundwater discharges along the upper Quashnet River, Mashpee and Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA 2020
Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022
Geophysical and Other Data From an Irrigation Monitoring Experiment at Haddam Meadows, CT, July 2019
Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017)
Selected borehole geophysical logs from three contaminant sites in California, Wisconsin, and New Jersey
Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for Saline-Groundwater Investigation in the Genesee Valley, New York, October-November 2016 and 2017
Geophysical Data Collected for an Assessment of a Proposed Landfill Site in Fredericktown, Missouri, June 2018
Borehole, Surface and Water-Borne Geophysical Surveys at the Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine: October 2016 to July 2018
Surface geophysics investigations at Edwards Air Force Research Laboratory, Antelope Valley, California, 2018
Transient Electromagnetics, Passive Seismic, and Borehole Electromagnetics, Gamma, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods to Characterize an Unconsolidated Aquifer on Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Advancing subsurface investigations beyond the borehole with passive seismic horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and electromagnetic geophysical methods at transportation infrastructure sites in New Hampshire
Predevelopment water levels, groundwater recharge, and selected hydrologic properties of aquifer materials, Hinkley and Water Valleys, California
Field evaluation of semi-automated moisture estimation from geophysics using machine learning
GW/SW-MST: A groundwater/surface-water method selection tool
Groundwater chemistry, hydrogeologic properties, bioremediation potential, and three-dimensional numerical simulation of the sand and gravel aquifer at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, near Milton, Florida, 2015–20
Conceptual and numerical groundwater flow model of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer system with simulation of drought stress on groundwater availability near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for 2011 through 2013
Nuclear magnetic resonanance logs of fractured bedrock at the Hidden Lane Landfill site, Culpeper Basin, Virginia
Time-domain electromagnetic soundings and passive-seismic measurements for delineation of saline groundwater in the Genesee Valley-fill aquifer system, western New York, 2016–17
Beware of spatial autocorrelation when applying machine learning algorithms to borehole geophysical logs
Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new floating transient electromagnetic methodology
Assessment of NMR logging for estimating hydraulic conductivity in glacial aquifers
Lithostratigraphic, geophysical, and hydrogeologic observations from a boring drilled to bedrock in glacial sediments near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Massachusetts
Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST)
The Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST) is an Excel-based tool for identification of geophysical methods most likely to be appropriate for project goals and site conditions.
FLASH: A Computer Program for Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes
FLASH (Flow-Log Analysis of Single Holes) is a computer program for the analysis of borehole vertical flow logs.