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Jeramy R Jasmann, Ph.D.

Dr. Jasmann’s research efforts are focused on developing water quality evaluation tools, deepening our process understanding of aqueous constituents fate and transport, and providing integrative hydrological, chemical, and ecological assessment of water availability and suitability conditions in watersheds across the U.S.

Dr. Jeramy R. Jasmann is an environmental geochemist whose research focuses on analytical chemistry and modeling tools for assessing water quality, water uses, and water suitability for human and ecological needs through investigation of stressors, stressor sources, controlling processes of fate and transport, along with real and perceived exposure effects. Jasmann earned his B.S. in Biochemistry from University of California Davis in 1997 and taught high school Chemistry, Earth Science, Biology, and Environmental Science for 12 years before returning to university. He earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from Colorado State University, Fort Collins with an emphasis on novel treatment technologies and transformation mechanisms of recalcitrant organic pollutants, primarily 1,4-dioxane and chlorinated solvents.

Jasmann joined the U.S. Geological Survey in 2016 and is a Research Scientist in the Water Resource Mission Area's Laboratory Analytical Services Division, Strategic Laboratory Sciences Branch. Jasmann is the lab manager for the Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory (IWCAL) in Boulder, CO and specializes in GC/MS/MS analysis of trace-levels bioactive organic chemicals in the aqueous environment and biomarkers of aquatic stressor sources. A full suite of organic and inorganic water quality constituents including trace metals and rare earth elements are collected for interpretive science studies and for validating hydrologic models for predicting environmental concentrations of contaminants in wastewater-impacted watersheds. His research is interdisciplinary and holistic in its approach, integrating hydrologic, chemical, and biological analyses, field work, on-site mobile fish exposure laboratories, and web-accessible, map-based modeling applications to synthesize and interpret the complicated hydrologic and ecological interactions within complex aqueous mixtures. Current research is on developing GC-MS/MS methods for screening multiple chemical classes of high priority aqueous contaminants with toxicological or regulatory implications, including pesticides, pharmaceuticals, consumer product chemicals, endocrine disruptors, fuel-based hydrocarbons and combustion products, surfactants and ubiquitous industrial chemicals (like PFAS and 1,4-dioxane), along with other livestock or urban runoff chemicals of interest. For more information, please visit the Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory website.

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