Keith A Loftin, Ph.D.
Products and information related to Keith Loftin.
Science and Products
FY25 Capabilities and Services
Collaborative Science Provides Understanding of Contaminants in Bottled Water-an Increasingly Common Alternate Drinking Water Source
Web-Based Tool Developed through Multiagency Effort Allows Visualization of Cyanobacteria Blooms in Lakes and Reservoirs—Steps Toward Public Awareness and Exposure Prevention
Characterization of Potentially Toxic CyanoHAB Initiation in Slow-Moving Streams, Wetlands, and Oxbows
Toxins and Harmful Algal Blooms Science Team
Detecting Sublethal Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms in Mammalian and Avian Cells
Review of Cyanobacterial Neurotoxins—Information for Prioritizing Future Science Directions
Satellite Data Used to Estimate and Rank Cyanobacterial Bloom Magnitude in Florida and Ohio Lakes—Developing Tools to Protect Human and Wildlife Health from Cyanotoxin Exposure
Mixtures of Algal Toxins Present Prior to and After Formation of Visible Algal Blooms—Science to Inform the Timing of Algal Toxin Exposure
The Influence of Aerosols on Harmful Algal Toxin Production and Maintenance
Understanding Drivers of Cyanotoxin Production in the Lake Okeechobee Waterway
Understanding Associations between Mussel Productivity and Cyanotoxins in Lake Erie
Phytoplankton Identification and Enumeration Data Collected from Seven Reservoirs in the United States (July to November 2019)
Phytoplankton data for samples collected at twelve large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2019
Response of natural phytoplankton communities from Green Bay (Lake Michigan) and Maumee Bay (Lake Erie) to laboratory manipulations of nutrient and trace metal availability during late summer 2018
Water-quality and phytoplankton data for Lake Pontchartrain and the western Mississippi Sound associated with operation of the Bonnet Carre Spillway, 2008-2020
Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at twelve large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2019
Current use pesticides in larval amphibian tissues, amphibian pathogen and wetland sediment screening data from three northeastern National Wildlife Refuges, 2013-2014
Phytoplankton data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018
Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018
Benthic Algae and Phytoplankton Community and Toxin Data for Selected Stations in the Mississippi Sound, 2019
Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanobacteria cultures from Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake (CA, USA, 2016) for cyanotoxins and algal toxins
Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanotoxins and algal toxins in estuary samples collected from California, USA, in 2016-17
Cyanotoxin Concentration and Phytoplankton Community Composition Data for Surface Water Samples Collected at Lake Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina during summer 2015
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist working on data analysis of cyanotoxins in water samples
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist working on data analysis of cyanotoxins in water samples
USGS scientists evaluating the nebulizer assembly in a mixed mode ionization source of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used to measure individual cyanotoxins
USGS scientists evaluating the nebulizer assembly in a mixed mode ionization source of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used to measure individual cyanotoxins
USGS) scientist preparing to measure cyanotoxins in water samples using an automated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) instrument
USGS) scientist preparing to measure cyanotoxins in water samples using an automated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) instrument
Genome sequences of toxigenic cyanobacteria from a bloom in Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina (United States)
Phytoplankton assemblage structure, drivers, and thresholds with a focus on harmful algal bloom ecology in the Lake Okeechobee system, Florida, USA
Microbial diversity, genomics, and phage–host interactions of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms
Assessing the relationship between cyanobacteria blooms and respiratory-related hospital visits: Green Bay, Wisconsin 2017–2019
Role of trace metal co-limitation in cyanobacterial blooms of Maumee Bay (Lake Erie) and Green Bay (Lake Michigan)
Exposures and potential health implications of contaminant mixtures in linked source water, finished drinking water, and tapwater from public-supply drinking water systems in Minneapolis/St. Paul area, USA
Pesticide prioritization by potential biological effects in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes
Bottled water contaminant exposures and potential human effects
Corrigendum: Associations between cyanobacteria and indices of secondary production in the western basin of Lake Erie
Tapwater exposures, effects potential, and residential risk management in Northern Plains Nations
What’s It worth? Estimating the potential value of early warnings of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms for managing freshwater reservoirs in Kansas, United States
Integrative monitoring strategy for marine and freshwater harmful algal blooms and toxins across the freshwater-to-marine continuum
CyAN Field Integrated Exploratory Lakes Database (CyAN FIELD)
Science and Products
FY25 Capabilities and Services
Collaborative Science Provides Understanding of Contaminants in Bottled Water-an Increasingly Common Alternate Drinking Water Source
Web-Based Tool Developed through Multiagency Effort Allows Visualization of Cyanobacteria Blooms in Lakes and Reservoirs—Steps Toward Public Awareness and Exposure Prevention
Characterization of Potentially Toxic CyanoHAB Initiation in Slow-Moving Streams, Wetlands, and Oxbows
Toxins and Harmful Algal Blooms Science Team
Detecting Sublethal Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms in Mammalian and Avian Cells
Review of Cyanobacterial Neurotoxins—Information for Prioritizing Future Science Directions
Satellite Data Used to Estimate and Rank Cyanobacterial Bloom Magnitude in Florida and Ohio Lakes—Developing Tools to Protect Human and Wildlife Health from Cyanotoxin Exposure
Mixtures of Algal Toxins Present Prior to and After Formation of Visible Algal Blooms—Science to Inform the Timing of Algal Toxin Exposure
The Influence of Aerosols on Harmful Algal Toxin Production and Maintenance
Understanding Drivers of Cyanotoxin Production in the Lake Okeechobee Waterway
Understanding Associations between Mussel Productivity and Cyanotoxins in Lake Erie
Phytoplankton Identification and Enumeration Data Collected from Seven Reservoirs in the United States (July to November 2019)
Phytoplankton data for samples collected at twelve large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2019
Response of natural phytoplankton communities from Green Bay (Lake Michigan) and Maumee Bay (Lake Erie) to laboratory manipulations of nutrient and trace metal availability during late summer 2018
Water-quality and phytoplankton data for Lake Pontchartrain and the western Mississippi Sound associated with operation of the Bonnet Carre Spillway, 2008-2020
Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at twelve large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2019
Current use pesticides in larval amphibian tissues, amphibian pathogen and wetland sediment screening data from three northeastern National Wildlife Refuges, 2013-2014
Phytoplankton data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018
Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through October 2018
Benthic Algae and Phytoplankton Community and Toxin Data for Selected Stations in the Mississippi Sound, 2019
Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanobacteria cultures from Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake (CA, USA, 2016) for cyanotoxins and algal toxins
Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanotoxins and algal toxins in estuary samples collected from California, USA, in 2016-17
Cyanotoxin Concentration and Phytoplankton Community Composition Data for Surface Water Samples Collected at Lake Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina during summer 2015
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist working on data analysis of cyanotoxins in water samples
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist working on data analysis of cyanotoxins in water samples
USGS scientists evaluating the nebulizer assembly in a mixed mode ionization source of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used to measure individual cyanotoxins
USGS scientists evaluating the nebulizer assembly in a mixed mode ionization source of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used to measure individual cyanotoxins
USGS) scientist preparing to measure cyanotoxins in water samples using an automated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) instrument
USGS) scientist preparing to measure cyanotoxins in water samples using an automated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) instrument