Graffiti adorns an outfall pipe discharging stormwater into Sausal Creek. Sausal Creek was one of the many urban creeks sampled by the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA).
Peter C Van Metre (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health
Water-Quality Trends From Lake Cores
USGS Research: PAHs and Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat
Data set for an ecological risk assessment of Firpronil compounds in US streams
Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017)
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Urban sediment and fallout radionuclide input characteristics of Dead Run watershed in Catonsville, Maryland for 2017-2018 (ver. 1.1, March 2020)
Pesticides in Daily and Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Midwest and Southeast Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2014)
Linking the Agricultural Landscape of the Midwest to Stream Health with Structural Equation Modeling: Model Input Data
Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment
Concentrations of glyphosate and atrazine compounds in 100 Midwest United States streams in 2013
Supporting Data: Complex Mixtures of Pesticides in Midwest U.S. Streams Indicated by POCIS Time-Integrating Samplers
Graffiti adorns an outfall pipe discharging stormwater into Sausal Creek. Sausal Creek was one of the many urban creeks sampled by the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA).
A hydrotech prepares to collect a water-quality sample at urban Sausal Creek, with its distinctive graffiti. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
A hydrotech prepares to collect a water-quality sample at urban Sausal Creek, with its distinctive graffiti. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
Flowers and graffiti turn urban Sausal Creek into a bizarre wonderland. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
Flowers and graffiti turn urban Sausal Creek into a bizarre wonderland. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
The Bronx River has been straightened as it flows by a street in New York City. The Bronx River was one of many streams sampled in the Northeastern U.S. as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
The Bronx River has been straightened as it flows by a street in New York City. The Bronx River was one of many streams sampled in the Northeastern U.S. as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Water flows from a stormwater outfall in the Northeast. Such outfalls are considered point source discharges.
Water flows from a stormwater outfall in the Northeast. Such outfalls are considered point source discharges.
Salmonids are inventoried during the ecosurveys done for the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
Salmonids are inventoried during the ecosurveys done for the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
The Columbia River flows by the highway on its way to the Pacific Ocean.
The Columbia River flows by the highway on its way to the Pacific Ocean.
Sunfish from the Southeast Stream Quality Assessment. An increase in sunfish in southeastern streams, intentionally stocked or unintentionally transplanted, has caused the composition of fish species among streams in the Southeast to become more similar. Such homogenization of species is an emergi
Sunfish from the Southeast Stream Quality Assessment. An increase in sunfish in southeastern streams, intentionally stocked or unintentionally transplanted, has caused the composition of fish species among streams in the Southeast to become more similar. Such homogenization of species is an emergi
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
Many small farms in the Corn Belt state of the Midwest also have confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These CAFOs can be a source of nitrogen to receiving small streams. The USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the water quality of small streams across the Midwest during 2013.
Many small farms in the Corn Belt state of the Midwest also have confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These CAFOs can be a source of nitrogen to receiving small streams. The USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the water quality of small streams across the Midwest during 2013.
A USGS hydrologist and hydrologic technician install a microsampler in an urban creek in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The microsampler allows collection of a sample "sip" every 6 hours; the sips are composited into a daily sample. Collection of daily samples revealed the presence of more pesticides and higher concentrations than manual samples collected weekly.
A USGS hydrologist and hydrologic technician install a microsampler in an urban creek in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The microsampler allows collection of a sample "sip" every 6 hours; the sips are composited into a daily sample. Collection of daily samples revealed the presence of more pesticides and higher concentrations than manual samples collected weekly.
Wet weather during the 2013 USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) caused water to pond on cornfields. The RSQA studied the relations between water-quality, physical habitat, and stream ecology in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest.
Wet weather during the 2013 USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) caused water to pond on cornfields. The RSQA studied the relations between water-quality, physical habitat, and stream ecology in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest.
The summer of 2013 was particularly wet in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest. Water ponded in fields under stormy skies, hampering sampling by the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) team.
The summer of 2013 was particularly wet in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest. Water ponded in fields under stormy skies, hampering sampling by the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) team.
Biologists from the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) use fish and frogs in cages suspended in flowing streams to study the effects of stream contaminants on fish and frog development. Here, three biologists wrestle with a cage in high water, as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Biologists from the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) use fish and frogs in cages suspended in flowing streams to study the effects of stream contaminants on fish and frog development. Here, three biologists wrestle with a cage in high water, as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Fish biologists Diana Papoulias and Diana Nicks wrestle with cages of fathead minnows in Goodwater Creek, Missouri, during high flow. Flooding presented some special challenges to sampling.
Fish biologists Diana Papoulias and Diana Nicks wrestle with cages of fathead minnows in Goodwater Creek, Missouri, during high flow. Flooding presented some special challenges to sampling.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwest, intensive agriculture extends up to stream banks, eliminating trees and other riparian vegegation. In 2013, the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the effects of land use, stream quality, and other stressors on the ecological health of 100 streams i
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwest, intensive agriculture extends up to stream banks, eliminating trees and other riparian vegegation. In 2013, the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the effects of land use, stream quality, and other stressors on the ecological health of 100 streams i
A tile drain concentrates and transports irrigation water and the chemicals it contains to a stream.
A tile drain concentrates and transports irrigation water and the chemicals it contains to a stream.
Runoff from this sealcoated lot will flow into the storm drain, where it will be transported to streams and lakes.
Runoff from this sealcoated lot will flow into the storm drain, where it will be transported to streams and lakes.
Multiple lines of evidence point to pesticides as stressors affecting invertebrate communities in small streams in five United States regions
Ecological consequences of neonicotinoid mixtures in streams
Sediment sources and sealed-pavement area drive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and metal occurrence in urban streams
New-generation pesticides are prevalent in California's Central Coast streams
Multiple in-stream stressors degrade biological assemblages in five U.S. regions
Is there an urban pesticide signature? Urban streams in five U.S. regions share common dissolved-phase pesticides but differ in predicted aquatic toxicity
Inclusion of pesticide transformation products is key to estimating pesticide exposures and effects in small U.S. streams
Multi-region assessment of chemical mixture exposures and predicted cumulative effects in USA wadeable urban/agriculture-gradient streams
Common insecticide disrupts aquatic communities: A mesocosm-to-field ecological risk assessment of fipronil and its degradates in U.S. streams
Prioritizing river basins for intensive monitoring and assessment by the US Geological Survey
Design and methods of the California stream quality assessment (CSQA), 2017
Biofilms provide new insight into pesticide occurrence in streams and links to aquatic ecological communities
Science and Products
Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Environmental Health
Water-Quality Trends From Lake Cores
USGS Research: PAHs and Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat
Data set for an ecological risk assessment of Firpronil compounds in US streams
Dissolved Pesticides in Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Regional Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2017)
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Concentrations of pesticides associated with streambed sediment and biofilm in California streams, 2017
Urban sediment and fallout radionuclide input characteristics of Dead Run watershed in Catonsville, Maryland for 2017-2018 (ver. 1.1, March 2020)
Pesticides in Daily and Weekly Water Samples from the NAWQA Midwest and Southeast Stream Quality Assessments (2013-2014)
Linking the Agricultural Landscape of the Midwest to Stream Health with Structural Equation Modeling: Model Input Data
Geospatial database of the study boundary, sampled sites, watersheds, and riparian zones for U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Stream Quality Assessment
Concentrations of glyphosate and atrazine compounds in 100 Midwest United States streams in 2013
Supporting Data: Complex Mixtures of Pesticides in Midwest U.S. Streams Indicated by POCIS Time-Integrating Samplers
Graffiti adorns an outfall pipe discharging stormwater into Sausal Creek. Sausal Creek was one of the many urban creeks sampled by the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA).
Graffiti adorns an outfall pipe discharging stormwater into Sausal Creek. Sausal Creek was one of the many urban creeks sampled by the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA).
A hydrotech prepares to collect a water-quality sample at urban Sausal Creek, with its distinctive graffiti. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
A hydrotech prepares to collect a water-quality sample at urban Sausal Creek, with its distinctive graffiti. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
Flowers and graffiti turn urban Sausal Creek into a bizarre wonderland. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
Flowers and graffiti turn urban Sausal Creek into a bizarre wonderland. Water-quality and ecological surveys were done at the creek as part of the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) in the summer of 2016.
The Bronx River has been straightened as it flows by a street in New York City. The Bronx River was one of many streams sampled in the Northeastern U.S. as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
The Bronx River has been straightened as it flows by a street in New York City. The Bronx River was one of many streams sampled in the Northeastern U.S. as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Water flows from a stormwater outfall in the Northeast. Such outfalls are considered point source discharges.
Water flows from a stormwater outfall in the Northeast. Such outfalls are considered point source discharges.
Salmonids are inventoried during the ecosurveys done for the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
Salmonids are inventoried during the ecosurveys done for the Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA)
The Columbia River flows by the highway on its way to the Pacific Ocean.
The Columbia River flows by the highway on its way to the Pacific Ocean.
Sunfish from the Southeast Stream Quality Assessment. An increase in sunfish in southeastern streams, intentionally stocked or unintentionally transplanted, has caused the composition of fish species among streams in the Southeast to become more similar. Such homogenization of species is an emergi
Sunfish from the Southeast Stream Quality Assessment. An increase in sunfish in southeastern streams, intentionally stocked or unintentionally transplanted, has caused the composition of fish species among streams in the Southeast to become more similar. Such homogenization of species is an emergi
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwestern U.S., intensive row-cropping surrounds small streams, effectively eliminating riparian cover and habitat. Agricultural activities can have profound effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of small streams.
Many small farms in the Corn Belt state of the Midwest also have confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These CAFOs can be a source of nitrogen to receiving small streams. The USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the water quality of small streams across the Midwest during 2013.
Many small farms in the Corn Belt state of the Midwest also have confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These CAFOs can be a source of nitrogen to receiving small streams. The USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the water quality of small streams across the Midwest during 2013.
A USGS hydrologist and hydrologic technician install a microsampler in an urban creek in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The microsampler allows collection of a sample "sip" every 6 hours; the sips are composited into a daily sample. Collection of daily samples revealed the presence of more pesticides and higher concentrations than manual samples collected weekly.
A USGS hydrologist and hydrologic technician install a microsampler in an urban creek in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The microsampler allows collection of a sample "sip" every 6 hours; the sips are composited into a daily sample. Collection of daily samples revealed the presence of more pesticides and higher concentrations than manual samples collected weekly.
Wet weather during the 2013 USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) caused water to pond on cornfields. The RSQA studied the relations between water-quality, physical habitat, and stream ecology in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest.
Wet weather during the 2013 USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) caused water to pond on cornfields. The RSQA studied the relations between water-quality, physical habitat, and stream ecology in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest.
The summer of 2013 was particularly wet in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest. Water ponded in fields under stormy skies, hampering sampling by the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) team.
The summer of 2013 was particularly wet in the Corn Belt states of the Midwest. Water ponded in fields under stormy skies, hampering sampling by the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) team.
Biologists from the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) use fish and frogs in cages suspended in flowing streams to study the effects of stream contaminants on fish and frog development. Here, three biologists wrestle with a cage in high water, as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Biologists from the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) use fish and frogs in cages suspended in flowing streams to study the effects of stream contaminants on fish and frog development. Here, three biologists wrestle with a cage in high water, as part of the Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA).
Fish biologists Diana Papoulias and Diana Nicks wrestle with cages of fathead minnows in Goodwater Creek, Missouri, during high flow. Flooding presented some special challenges to sampling.
Fish biologists Diana Papoulias and Diana Nicks wrestle with cages of fathead minnows in Goodwater Creek, Missouri, during high flow. Flooding presented some special challenges to sampling.
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwest, intensive agriculture extends up to stream banks, eliminating trees and other riparian vegegation. In 2013, the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the effects of land use, stream quality, and other stressors on the ecological health of 100 streams i
In the Corn Belt states of the Midwest, intensive agriculture extends up to stream banks, eliminating trees and other riparian vegegation. In 2013, the USGS Regional Stream Quality Assessment (RSQA) investigated the effects of land use, stream quality, and other stressors on the ecological health of 100 streams i
A tile drain concentrates and transports irrigation water and the chemicals it contains to a stream.
A tile drain concentrates and transports irrigation water and the chemicals it contains to a stream.
Runoff from this sealcoated lot will flow into the storm drain, where it will be transported to streams and lakes.
Runoff from this sealcoated lot will flow into the storm drain, where it will be transported to streams and lakes.