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Jin-Si R Over

Jin-Si Over is a geographer with the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. A drone pilot and structure-from-motion specialist, she supports the Remote Sensing Coastal Change group and Aerial Imaging and Mapping group with GIS and surveying experience.

I have a background in micro-paleontology and working in coastal paleo-environments but gained more modern coastal mapping experience through the NOAA Hollings Scholars program in Hawaii - the beach stole my heart.

Now, as a geographer, my job enables me support coastal data collection, management, and scientific dissemination surrounding coastal responses to storms and hurricanes. This centers around GIS data, aerial imagery and stationary imagery, and processing imagery using structure-from-motion. I focus on datasets on Cape Cod National Seashore and on the Outer Banks. I am also a DOI and FAA licensed drone-pilot and assist in operations at beaches and marshes.

Additionally, I am active in science communication and mentoring efforts on the local scale and am passionate about fostering an inclusive and diverse scientific community.

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