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The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) spring conference took place May 7-9 in downtown Sacramento at the SAFE Credit Union (formerly Sacramento) Convention Center. 

ACWA is the largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the country, with more than 470 public agency members collectively responsible for 90% of the water delivered to cities, farms, and businesses in California. Many of these agencies are and have been cooperators with CAWSC. ACWA holds two conferences each year, one in northern California (spring) and one in southern California (fall). This was our second in-person participation at the conference since the pandemic.

The California Water Science Center booth for the spring conference showcased the USGS monitoring network and the work of our hydrotechs at gage stations throughout Northern California.

CAWSC Booth at Spring 2024 ACWA Conference

The CAWSC spring ACWA booth featured monitoring equipment, such as the acoustic doppler current profiler (shown here), and a continuously running video showing the monitoring network and hydrotechs working in the field.


A big thanks to our booth staff and those who assisted with set-up: Steve Ackley from Science Communications, Kris Barrios and Sue Brockner from the Sacramento Field Office, Izzy Karamitsos and John Chan from the Ukiah Field Office, Chuck Hansen from the Biogeochemistry Group, and our center Director, Anke Mueller-Solger. 

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