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Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center

At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change and produce land change data products used by researchers, resource managers, and policy makers across the nation and around the world. We also operate the Landsat satellite program with NASA, and maintain the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface in existence, including tens of millions of satellite images.


End of an era: Historic Landsat 7 mission takes final images

End of an era: Historic Landsat 7 mission takes final images

Hundreds of Fire Maps Released on Burn Severity Portal

Hundreds of Fire Maps Released on Burn Severity Portal

EROS Interns Gain Experience, Produce Science

EROS Interns Gain Experience, Produce Science


Mitigating disparate elevation differences between adjacent topobathymetric data models using binary code

Integrating coastal topographic and bathymetric data for creating regional seamless topobathymetric digital elevation models of the land/water interface presents a complex challenge due to the spatial and temporal gaps in data acquisitions. The Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Project develops topographic (land elevation) and bathymetric (water depth) regional scale digital
William M. Cushing, Dean J. Tyler

Ranking of 10 global one-arc-second DEMs reveals limitations in terrain morphology representation

At least 10 global digital elevation models (DEMs) at one-arc-second resolution now cover Earth. Comparing derived grids, like slope or curvature, preserves surface spatial relationships, and can be more important than just elevation values. Such comparisons provide more nuanced DEM rankings than just elevation root mean square error (RMSE) for a small number of points. We present three new compar
Peter L. Guth, Sebastiano Trevisani, Carlos H. Grohmann, John Lindsay, Dean B. Gesch, Laurence Hawker, Conrad Bielski

Projected sea-level rise and high tide flooding at Biscayne National Park, Florida

IntroductionNational parks and preserves in the South Atlantic-Gulf Region contain valuable coastal habitats such as tidal wetlands and mangrove forests, as well as irreplaceable historic buildings and archeological sites located in low-lying areas. These natural and cultural resources are vulnerable to accelerated sea-level rise and escalating high tide flooding events. Through a Natural Resource
Hana R. Thurman, Nicholas M. Enwright, Michael J. Osland, Davina L. Passeri, Richard H. Day, Bethanie M. Simons, Jeffrey J. Danielson, W. Matthew Cushing


Eyes on Earth Episode 123 – Bathymetry Mapping

A satellite system designed to image land is helping fill in data gaps of underwater topography near shorelines.

Eyes on Earth Episode 123 – Bathymetry Mapping

A satellite system designed to image land is helping fill in data gaps of underwater topography near shorelines.
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Eyes on Earth Episode 122 – EROS Interns, 2024

What can you learn during an internship at the USGS EROS Center? A lot! Several interns talk about their experience working a summer internship at EROS.

Eyes on Earth Episode 122 – EROS Interns, 2024

What can you learn during an internship at the USGS EROS Center? A lot! Several interns talk about their experience working a summer internship at EROS.
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Eyes on Earth Episode 121 – Mapping the Australia Coastline

Landsat’s deep archive can reveal where coastlines are changing, even for an entire continent, especially with some clever coding to make it useful to researchers.

Eyes on Earth Episode 121 – Mapping the Australia Coastline

Landsat’s deep archive can reveal where coastlines are changing, even for an entire continent, especially with some clever coding to make it useful to researchers.
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