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Western Fisheries Research Center

Research at the WFRC focuses on the environmental factors responsible for the creation, maintenance, and regulation of fish populations including their interactions in aquatic communities and ecosystems. Within these pages you will find research information on Pacific salmon; western trout, charr, and resident riverine fishes; desert and inland fishes; aquatic ecosystems and their resources. 


Something Fishy from the Western Fisheries Research Center – Summer 2024

Something Fishy from the Western Fisheries Research Center – Summer 2024

Benthic Invertebrate Response to Estuarine Marsh Restoration at the Nisqually River Delta

Benthic Invertebrate Response to Estuarine Marsh Restoration at the Nisqually River Delta

From the Field to the Laboratory: Endangered Klamath Basin Suckers

From the Field to the Laboratory: Endangered Klamath Basin Suckers


Tire-derived contaminants 6PPD and 6PPD-Q: Analysis, sample handling, and reconnaissance of United States stream exposures

The environmental ubiquity of tire and road wear particles (TRWP) underscores the need to understand the occurrence, persistence, and environmental effects of tire-related chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. One such chemical is 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q), a transformation product of the tire antioxidant 6PPD. In urban stormwater runoff 6PPD-Q can exceed acute toxicity thresholds for several salmonid spec
Rachael F. Lane, Kelly Smalling, Paul M. Bradley, Justin Blaine Greer, Stephanie Gordon, John Hansen, Dana W. Kolpin, Andrew R. Spanjer, Jason R. Masoner

Pacific Lamprey responses to stressors: Dewatering and electrofishing

The Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (PLCI) is a collaboration of Tribes, Federal, and State agencies working together to protect and restore Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) and other native lampreys (i.e., Lampetra spp.) in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hosts and facilitates the PLCI, and the Columbia River Tribes play a lar
Theresa L. Liedtke, Lisa K. Weiland, Joe Skalicky, Julie Harris, Monica R. Blanchard, Ann B. Grote, Ann E. Gray, Brian K. Ekstrom

Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data

Evaluating the status and trends of natural-origin anadromous fish populations over time requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is typically acquired by capturing actively migrating fish as they pass stationary monitoring platforms. Challenges to estimation include protracted migration timing, temporally varying capture probabilities and the contemp
Dalton Hance, John Plumb, Russell Perry, Kenneth Tiffan


Young and Young at Heart

Young and Young-at-Heart is an early-career group based at Moffett Field, CA.

Young and Young at Heart

Young and Young-at-Heart is an early-career group based at Moffett Field, CA.
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6PPD-quinone is a compound used to make tires more durable and is also linked to toxicity for Coho Salmon and other aquatic species.


6PPD-quinone is a compound used to make tires more durable and is also linked to toxicity for Coho Salmon and other aquatic species.
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Development and Refinement of Methods for Early Detection of European Green Crab

European green crabs are one of the most widespread marine invasive species on the planet. Where they are abundant, green crabs compete with other crabs and disturb sediment which can lead to loss of eelgrass and associated habitat essential for commercial, cultural, and ecologically important fish and invertebrate species. Green crab also are a major predator of clams, mussels, and oysters.

Development and Refinement of Methods for Early Detection of European Green Crab

European green crabs are one of the most widespread marine invasive species on the planet. Where they are abundant, green crabs compete with other crabs and disturb sediment which can lead to loss of eelgrass and associated habitat essential for commercial, cultural, and ecologically important fish and invertebrate species. Green crab also are a major predator of clams, mussels, and oysters.
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