Poster introducing the 2023 Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD). "Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual NLCD for the United States". Created by USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.
Annual National Land Cover Database
Land cover is foundational information for land managers, scientists, and the general public. Many types of scientific studies have applied annual land cover information including estimating biological carbon emissions, projecting future land use, tracking urban development and heat island effects, documenting forest fragmentation or conservation practices, modeling wildfire hazards, tracking water quality and quantity, and understanding change in wildlife habitat and ecosystem disturbance/disease.
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has harnessed the full Landsat data record to provide timely, long-term, and detailed land surface change information. Annual NLCD uses an ensemble of classification and change algorithms to map, monitor, and synthesize the complexities of land use, cover, and condition change through time. The Annual NLCD product suite offers data that describe nationwide land cover and land change over nearly four decades. A new generation of USGS Land Cover mapping, introduced in the Annual NLCD Collection 1 release, leverages advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques and runs within high-performance computing and cloud processing environments.

About Annual NLCD
Annual NLCD is a new generation of land cover mapping that offers annual land cover and land change science products nationwide with nearly four decades of data. Click on the link below to learn more about Annual NLCD.
Annual NLCD Science Products
Annual NLCD project has generated a product suite of six geospatial raster land use and land cover science products for the conterminous United States ranging from 1985-2023. There will be annual release of NLCD science products. Check out the Science Product User Guide for in-depth information about Annual NLCD.
Data Access
A suite of six annual integrated land cover and land surface change products are available for the conterminous United States. Products for Alaska and Hawaii are planned. The product suite provides powerful time-series information at a 30-m spatial resolution about annual land cover and its change across time. Products can be accessed via the data access page.
Reference and Validation
Validation of land cover and land cover change information is essential for providing authoritative products to our user community. Validation reports provide estimates of the accuracies and uncertainties of the NLCD land cover products and are derived from well-documented independent reference data. Processing flows, product specifications, uncertainties and known issues are published in validation reports to ensure consistency. See the Reference and Validation products page for more information.
Science Product User Guide
Additional information on Annual NLCD and Annual NLCD science products can be found in the Science User Product Guide. The Science User Product Guide contains in-depth information about Annual NLCD including characteristics of the science products, algorithm description, and accuracy assessment.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 2024, Annual NLCD Collection 1 Science Products: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
USGS EROS Facebook
USGS EROS Instagram
USGS EROS X (Twitter)
USGS Land Cover Newsletter
These are related science efforts related to Annual NLCD.
Eyes on Earth Episode 126 – Annual NLCD
Eyes on Earth Episode 130 – NLCD Accuracy
Eyes on Earth Episode 107 – EROS 50th: Land Cover, Part 2
Eyes on Earth Episode 106 – EROS 50th: Land Cover, Part 1
LCMAP and NLCD: Complementary Data for Understanding the Geography of the United States
Data releases for Annual NLCD.
Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Collection 1 Products
The New Annual (1985-2023) National Land Cover Database: Improving on a 30-Year Legacy
This video is a recording of a previous webinar entitled: “The New Annual (1985-2023) National Land Cover Database: Improving on a 30-year Legacy.” This webinar was recorded on October 24, 2024 at the USGS EROS. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center maintains one of the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface. At...

Poster introducing the 2023 Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD). "Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual NLCD for the United States". Created by USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.

Every pixel has a story. At least that’s how land remote sensing scientist Jo Horton sees it. The new Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was just released in October 2024. NLCD is widely used for land cover and change research in the U.S.
Every pixel has a story. At least that’s how land remote sensing scientist Jo Horton sees it. The new Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was just released in October 2024. NLCD is widely used for land cover and change research in the U.S.
In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk about the latest release of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). More than just a map, NLCD is a stack of maps—a database. It has long been the foundational land cover source for scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers across the United States, and now the next generation of USGS land cover mapping is here.
In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk about the latest release of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). More than just a map, NLCD is a stack of maps—a database. It has long been the foundational land cover source for scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers across the United States, and now the next generation of USGS land cover mapping is here.
Zoomed in image of Annual NLCD Land Cover in 1985 compared to the same area in 2023 for Silverdale, WA. Annual NLCD Land Cover science product represents the most likely thematic land cover type of the Anderson Level II classes. Notice the increase in development (shown in red) and the changed in forest in the west.
Zoomed in image of Annual NLCD Land Cover in 1985 compared to the same area in 2023 for Silverdale, WA. Annual NLCD Land Cover science product represents the most likely thematic land cover type of the Anderson Level II classes. Notice the increase in development (shown in red) and the changed in forest in the west.
Annual NLCD Reference and Validation (R&V) program is in the process of collecting an independent reference dataset of 10,000 plots at the Anderson Level II level. The TimeSync tool is used to record attribute information for each plot. On the interface, the drop in NDVI values is noticeable.
Annual NLCD Reference and Validation (R&V) program is in the process of collecting an independent reference dataset of 10,000 plots at the Anderson Level II level. The TimeSync tool is used to record attribute information for each plot. On the interface, the drop in NDVI values is noticeable.
Annual NLCD land cover confidence product provides the level of confidence that Annual NLCD land cover class per pixel values that matches the training data. The image shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover confidence product provides the level of confidence that Annual NLCD land cover class per pixel values that matches the training data. The image shown is around Marysville, WA.
Depicts the day-of-year (DOY) on which a significant deviation in Landsat surface reflectance was detected within the calendar year of an area around Marysville, WA
Depicts the day-of-year (DOY) on which a significant deviation in Landsat surface reflectance was detected within the calendar year of an area around Marysville, WA
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) impervious descriptor product generates a raster layer that differentiates between urban and road surfaces. The area depicted is around Marysville, WA
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) impervious descriptor product generates a raster layer that differentiates between urban and road surfaces. The area depicted is around Marysville, WA
Depicts the fractional surface area of the map unit (pixel) that is covered with artificial substrate or structures in an area around Marysville, WA.
Depicts the fractional surface area of the map unit (pixel) that is covered with artificial substrate or structures in an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover change product shows the change between the current year’s primary land cover and the prior year’s land cover when there is a change in primary class. The area shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover change product shows the change between the current year’s primary land cover and the prior year’s land cover when there is a change in primary class. The area shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD generates a product suite of six land use and land cover themes from 1985-2023. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product Depicts the predominant thematic land cover class within the mapping year with respect to broad categories of artificial or natural surface cover. The image shows an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD generates a product suite of six land use and land cover themes from 1985-2023. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product Depicts the predominant thematic land cover class within the mapping year with respect to broad categories of artificial or natural surface cover. The image shows an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual National Land Cover Database (Annual NLCD) land cover legend contains 16 land cover classes based on the Anderson Level II classification system.
Annual National Land Cover Database (Annual NLCD) land cover legend contains 16 land cover classes based on the Anderson Level II classification system.

Land cover change in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth area from 1985-2023 as shown by Annual NLCD Collection 1.0
linkAn animation of images from the Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for every year from 1985 through 2023 showing land cover changes and the progression of growth of urban areas (in red) in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, metropolitan area.
Land cover change in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth area from 1985-2023 as shown by Annual NLCD Collection 1.0
linkAn animation of images from the Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for every year from 1985 through 2023 showing land cover changes and the progression of growth of urban areas (in red) in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, metropolitan area.
Annual NLCD Collection 1.0 has six different land cover and land use science product that make up the product suite package. The six different Annual NLCD science products are Land Cover, Land Cover Change, Land Cover Confidence Index, Impervious Descriptor, Fractional Impervious Surface, and Spectral Change Day of Year.
Annual NLCD Collection 1.0 has six different land cover and land use science product that make up the product suite package. The six different Annual NLCD science products are Land Cover, Land Cover Change, Land Cover Confidence Index, Impervious Descriptor, Fractional Impervious Surface, and Spectral Change Day of Year.

An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
The Annual NLCD product suite offers six different land use and land cover products. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product depicts the predominant thematic land cover of 16 Anderson Level II classes within the current mapping year. The Annual NLCD Land Cover of the conterminous United States shows all Anderson Level II classes.
The Annual NLCD product suite offers six different land use and land cover products. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product depicts the predominant thematic land cover of 16 Anderson Level II classes within the current mapping year. The Annual NLCD Land Cover of the conterminous United States shows all Anderson Level II classes.

Terry Sohl helped develop the National Land Cover Database, NLCD, when he first arrived, and now he’s overseeing significant improvements to the widely used product. But that’s just one part of his new role.
Terry Sohl helped develop the National Land Cover Database, NLCD, when he first arrived, and now he’s overseeing significant improvements to the widely used product. But that’s just one part of his new role.
Based on Landsat Collection 2, NLCD 2023 will offer annual products from 1985 – 2023. Depicting urban growth for the Atlanta area, this animation shows a single Landsat U.S. ARD tile of Anderson Level II land cover classification generated from the latest prototypes.
Based on Landsat Collection 2, NLCD 2023 will offer annual products from 1985 – 2023. Depicting urban growth for the Atlanta area, this animation shows a single Landsat U.S. ARD tile of Anderson Level II land cover classification generated from the latest prototypes.

30 Years of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
The NLCD stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States
30 Years of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
The NLCD stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States

The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has a long history as the definitive U.S. land cover product. But the newer Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) effort takes a longer look back in time.
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has a long history as the definitive U.S. land cover product. But the newer Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) effort takes a longer look back in time.

Several decades ago, USGS EROS employees were pioneers in land cover mapping—turning satellite imagery into a record of what covers the land, from farmland to forest to urban areas. National and global datasets with a variety of uses resulted from these efforts.
Several decades ago, USGS EROS employees were pioneers in land cover mapping—turning satellite imagery into a record of what covers the land, from farmland to forest to urban areas. National and global datasets with a variety of uses resulted from these efforts.
Look at the Annual NLCD fact sheet and view other publications through the years.
Annual NLCD (National Land Cover Database)—The next generation of land cover mapping
An interagency perspective on improving consistency and transparency of land use and land cover mapping
Thematic accuracy assessment of the NLCD 2019 land cover for the conterminous United States
Toward consistent change detection across irregular remote sensing time series observations
National Land Cover Database 2019: A comprehensive strategy for creating the 1986-2019 forest disturbance product
National Land Cover Database 2019: A new strategy for creating clean leaf-on and leaf-off Landsat composite images
Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001–2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database
Overall methodology design for the United States National Land Cover Database 2016 products
A new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies
A land cover change detection and classification protocol for updating Alaska NLCD 2001 to 2011
Thematic accuracy assessment of the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
Completion of the 2011 National Land Cover Database for the conterminous United States – Representing a decade of land cover change information
A comprehensive change detection method for updating the National Land Cover Database to circa 2011
News items related to Annual NLCD.
USGS Releases New Products that Map Four Decades of Land Cover Change
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198
United States
USGS EROS User Services
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Land cover is foundational information for land managers, scientists, and the general public. Many types of scientific studies have applied annual land cover information including estimating biological carbon emissions, projecting future land use, tracking urban development and heat island effects, documenting forest fragmentation or conservation practices, modeling wildfire hazards, tracking water quality and quantity, and understanding change in wildlife habitat and ecosystem disturbance/disease.
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has harnessed the full Landsat data record to provide timely, long-term, and detailed land surface change information. Annual NLCD uses an ensemble of classification and change algorithms to map, monitor, and synthesize the complexities of land use, cover, and condition change through time. The Annual NLCD product suite offers data that describe nationwide land cover and land change over nearly four decades. A new generation of USGS Land Cover mapping, introduced in the Annual NLCD Collection 1 release, leverages advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques and runs within high-performance computing and cloud processing environments.

About Annual NLCD
Annual NLCD is a new generation of land cover mapping that offers annual land cover and land change science products nationwide with nearly four decades of data. Click on the link below to learn more about Annual NLCD.
Annual NLCD Science Products
Annual NLCD project has generated a product suite of six geospatial raster land use and land cover science products for the conterminous United States ranging from 1985-2023. There will be annual release of NLCD science products. Check out the Science Product User Guide for in-depth information about Annual NLCD.
Data Access
A suite of six annual integrated land cover and land surface change products are available for the conterminous United States. Products for Alaska and Hawaii are planned. The product suite provides powerful time-series information at a 30-m spatial resolution about annual land cover and its change across time. Products can be accessed via the data access page.
Reference and Validation
Validation of land cover and land cover change information is essential for providing authoritative products to our user community. Validation reports provide estimates of the accuracies and uncertainties of the NLCD land cover products and are derived from well-documented independent reference data. Processing flows, product specifications, uncertainties and known issues are published in validation reports to ensure consistency. See the Reference and Validation products page for more information.
Science Product User Guide
Additional information on Annual NLCD and Annual NLCD science products can be found in the Science User Product Guide. The Science User Product Guide contains in-depth information about Annual NLCD including characteristics of the science products, algorithm description, and accuracy assessment.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 2024, Annual NLCD Collection 1 Science Products: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
USGS EROS Facebook
USGS EROS Instagram
USGS EROS X (Twitter)
USGS Land Cover Newsletter
These are related science efforts related to Annual NLCD.
Eyes on Earth Episode 126 – Annual NLCD
Eyes on Earth Episode 130 – NLCD Accuracy
Eyes on Earth Episode 107 – EROS 50th: Land Cover, Part 2
Eyes on Earth Episode 106 – EROS 50th: Land Cover, Part 1
LCMAP and NLCD: Complementary Data for Understanding the Geography of the United States
Data releases for Annual NLCD.
Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Collection 1 Products
The New Annual (1985-2023) National Land Cover Database: Improving on a 30-Year Legacy
This video is a recording of a previous webinar entitled: “The New Annual (1985-2023) National Land Cover Database: Improving on a 30-year Legacy.” This webinar was recorded on October 24, 2024 at the USGS EROS. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center maintains one of the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface. At...

Poster introducing the 2023 Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD). "Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual NLCD for the United States". Created by USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.
Poster introducing the 2023 Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD). "Development and Cloud Implementation of the New Annual NLCD for the United States". Created by USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.

Every pixel has a story. At least that’s how land remote sensing scientist Jo Horton sees it. The new Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was just released in October 2024. NLCD is widely used for land cover and change research in the U.S.
Every pixel has a story. At least that’s how land remote sensing scientist Jo Horton sees it. The new Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) was just released in October 2024. NLCD is widely used for land cover and change research in the U.S.
In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk about the latest release of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). More than just a map, NLCD is a stack of maps—a database. It has long been the foundational land cover source for scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers across the United States, and now the next generation of USGS land cover mapping is here.
In this episode of Eyes on Earth, we talk about the latest release of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). More than just a map, NLCD is a stack of maps—a database. It has long been the foundational land cover source for scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers across the United States, and now the next generation of USGS land cover mapping is here.
Zoomed in image of Annual NLCD Land Cover in 1985 compared to the same area in 2023 for Silverdale, WA. Annual NLCD Land Cover science product represents the most likely thematic land cover type of the Anderson Level II classes. Notice the increase in development (shown in red) and the changed in forest in the west.
Zoomed in image of Annual NLCD Land Cover in 1985 compared to the same area in 2023 for Silverdale, WA. Annual NLCD Land Cover science product represents the most likely thematic land cover type of the Anderson Level II classes. Notice the increase in development (shown in red) and the changed in forest in the west.
Annual NLCD Reference and Validation (R&V) program is in the process of collecting an independent reference dataset of 10,000 plots at the Anderson Level II level. The TimeSync tool is used to record attribute information for each plot. On the interface, the drop in NDVI values is noticeable.
Annual NLCD Reference and Validation (R&V) program is in the process of collecting an independent reference dataset of 10,000 plots at the Anderson Level II level. The TimeSync tool is used to record attribute information for each plot. On the interface, the drop in NDVI values is noticeable.
Annual NLCD land cover confidence product provides the level of confidence that Annual NLCD land cover class per pixel values that matches the training data. The image shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover confidence product provides the level of confidence that Annual NLCD land cover class per pixel values that matches the training data. The image shown is around Marysville, WA.
Depicts the day-of-year (DOY) on which a significant deviation in Landsat surface reflectance was detected within the calendar year of an area around Marysville, WA
Depicts the day-of-year (DOY) on which a significant deviation in Landsat surface reflectance was detected within the calendar year of an area around Marysville, WA
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) impervious descriptor product generates a raster layer that differentiates between urban and road surfaces. The area depicted is around Marysville, WA
The Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) impervious descriptor product generates a raster layer that differentiates between urban and road surfaces. The area depicted is around Marysville, WA
Depicts the fractional surface area of the map unit (pixel) that is covered with artificial substrate or structures in an area around Marysville, WA.
Depicts the fractional surface area of the map unit (pixel) that is covered with artificial substrate or structures in an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover change product shows the change between the current year’s primary land cover and the prior year’s land cover when there is a change in primary class. The area shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD land cover change product shows the change between the current year’s primary land cover and the prior year’s land cover when there is a change in primary class. The area shown is around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD generates a product suite of six land use and land cover themes from 1985-2023. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product Depicts the predominant thematic land cover class within the mapping year with respect to broad categories of artificial or natural surface cover. The image shows an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual NLCD generates a product suite of six land use and land cover themes from 1985-2023. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product Depicts the predominant thematic land cover class within the mapping year with respect to broad categories of artificial or natural surface cover. The image shows an area around Marysville, WA.
Annual National Land Cover Database (Annual NLCD) land cover legend contains 16 land cover classes based on the Anderson Level II classification system.
Annual National Land Cover Database (Annual NLCD) land cover legend contains 16 land cover classes based on the Anderson Level II classification system.

Land cover change in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth area from 1985-2023 as shown by Annual NLCD Collection 1.0
linkAn animation of images from the Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for every year from 1985 through 2023 showing land cover changes and the progression of growth of urban areas (in red) in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, metropolitan area.
Land cover change in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth area from 1985-2023 as shown by Annual NLCD Collection 1.0
linkAn animation of images from the Annual National Land Cover Database (NLCD) for every year from 1985 through 2023 showing land cover changes and the progression of growth of urban areas (in red) in the northern Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, metropolitan area.
Annual NLCD Collection 1.0 has six different land cover and land use science product that make up the product suite package. The six different Annual NLCD science products are Land Cover, Land Cover Change, Land Cover Confidence Index, Impervious Descriptor, Fractional Impervious Surface, and Spectral Change Day of Year.
Annual NLCD Collection 1.0 has six different land cover and land use science product that make up the product suite package. The six different Annual NLCD science products are Land Cover, Land Cover Change, Land Cover Confidence Index, Impervious Descriptor, Fractional Impervious Surface, and Spectral Change Day of Year.

An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
The Annual NLCD product suite offers six different land use and land cover products. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product depicts the predominant thematic land cover of 16 Anderson Level II classes within the current mapping year. The Annual NLCD Land Cover of the conterminous United States shows all Anderson Level II classes.
The Annual NLCD product suite offers six different land use and land cover products. The Annual NLCD Land Cover product depicts the predominant thematic land cover of 16 Anderson Level II classes within the current mapping year. The Annual NLCD Land Cover of the conterminous United States shows all Anderson Level II classes.

Terry Sohl helped develop the National Land Cover Database, NLCD, when he first arrived, and now he’s overseeing significant improvements to the widely used product. But that’s just one part of his new role.
Terry Sohl helped develop the National Land Cover Database, NLCD, when he first arrived, and now he’s overseeing significant improvements to the widely used product. But that’s just one part of his new role.
Based on Landsat Collection 2, NLCD 2023 will offer annual products from 1985 – 2023. Depicting urban growth for the Atlanta area, this animation shows a single Landsat U.S. ARD tile of Anderson Level II land cover classification generated from the latest prototypes.
Based on Landsat Collection 2, NLCD 2023 will offer annual products from 1985 – 2023. Depicting urban growth for the Atlanta area, this animation shows a single Landsat U.S. ARD tile of Anderson Level II land cover classification generated from the latest prototypes.

30 Years of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
The NLCD stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States
30 Years of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
The NLCD stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States

The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has a long history as the definitive U.S. land cover product. But the newer Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) effort takes a longer look back in time.
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has a long history as the definitive U.S. land cover product. But the newer Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) effort takes a longer look back in time.

Several decades ago, USGS EROS employees were pioneers in land cover mapping—turning satellite imagery into a record of what covers the land, from farmland to forest to urban areas. National and global datasets with a variety of uses resulted from these efforts.
Several decades ago, USGS EROS employees were pioneers in land cover mapping—turning satellite imagery into a record of what covers the land, from farmland to forest to urban areas. National and global datasets with a variety of uses resulted from these efforts.
Look at the Annual NLCD fact sheet and view other publications through the years.
Annual NLCD (National Land Cover Database)—The next generation of land cover mapping
An interagency perspective on improving consistency and transparency of land use and land cover mapping
Thematic accuracy assessment of the NLCD 2019 land cover for the conterminous United States
Toward consistent change detection across irregular remote sensing time series observations
National Land Cover Database 2019: A comprehensive strategy for creating the 1986-2019 forest disturbance product
National Land Cover Database 2019: A new strategy for creating clean leaf-on and leaf-off Landsat composite images
Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001–2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database
Overall methodology design for the United States National Land Cover Database 2016 products
A new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies
A land cover change detection and classification protocol for updating Alaska NLCD 2001 to 2011
Thematic accuracy assessment of the 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
Completion of the 2011 National Land Cover Database for the conterminous United States – Representing a decade of land cover change information
A comprehensive change detection method for updating the National Land Cover Database to circa 2011
News items related to Annual NLCD.
USGS Releases New Products that Map Four Decades of Land Cover Change
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198
United States