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An official website of the United States government

Integrated Land Change Monitoring

Satellite images that have been continuously acquired for many decades represent a unique record of our planet’s surface. At EROS, we analyze satellite and other data to determine not only how the Earth’s land cover has changed over time, but also the driving forces behind the changes. Understanding the how and why of past land cover and land use change makes it possible to more accura

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SRTM NED Vertical Differencing

Image differencing has long been used as an effective change detection technique for coregistered digital remote sensing datasets. One image is simply subtracted from another image on a pixel-by-pixel basis. As applied to gridded DEMs, the result of image differencing is a differential surface, which is a measure of the spatial distribution of mass displacement. In a differential surface, the...

SRTM NED Vertical Differencing

Image differencing has long been used as an effective change detection technique for coregistered digital remote sensing datasets. One image is simply subtracted from another image on a pixel-by-pixel basis. As applied to gridded DEMs, the result of image differencing is a differential surface, which is a measure of the spatial distribution of mass displacement. In a differential surface, the...
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Significant Topographic Changes in the United States

The USGS has developed a national inventory of significant topographic changes based on seamless multitemporal elevation data and land cover data. The National Elevation Dataset (NED) and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data form a unique pair of seamless elevation datasets that can be used to detect and analyze 20th century topographic surface changes in the United States.

Significant Topographic Changes in the United States

The USGS has developed a national inventory of significant topographic changes based on seamless multitemporal elevation data and land cover data. The National Elevation Dataset (NED) and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data form a unique pair of seamless elevation datasets that can be used to detect and analyze 20th century topographic surface changes in the United States.
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Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Project

High-resolution coastal elevation data is required to identify flood, hurricane, and sea-level rise inundation hazard zones and other earth science applications, such as the development of sediment transport and storm surge models. Light detection and ranging (lidar) enables the rapid collection of very accurate elevation data over large areas, and during the last decade, airborne laser altimetry...

Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Project

High-resolution coastal elevation data is required to identify flood, hurricane, and sea-level rise inundation hazard zones and other earth science applications, such as the development of sediment transport and storm surge models. Light detection and ranging (lidar) enables the rapid collection of very accurate elevation data over large areas, and during the last decade, airborne laser altimetry...
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United Nations Environment Programme Global Resource Information Database (UNEP-GRID)

A planet with a changing climate and growing population forces tough decisions about the use of limited resources. Making sustainable choices in the face of global change requires an accurate cataloging of those resources. Since 1991, EROS has been the North American node for the United Nations Environment Programme’s Global Resource Information Database (UNEP-GRID), which tracks environmental...

United Nations Environment Programme Global Resource Information Database (UNEP-GRID)

A planet with a changing climate and growing population forces tough decisions about the use of limited resources. Making sustainable choices in the face of global change requires an accurate cataloging of those resources. Since 1991, EROS has been the North American node for the United Nations Environment Programme’s Global Resource Information Database (UNEP-GRID), which tracks environmental...
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Cheatgrass Dieoff Time-series Dynamics (2000 – 2010)

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) is a winter annual grass that has invaded and altered the shrub steppe ecosystem in the Great Basin for about 100 years. This highly competitive grass invades recently disturbed areas and then outcompetes most native vegetation by using requisite resources like soil water and nutrients in early spring before other native plants. It also can alter its phenotype and...

Cheatgrass Dieoff Time-series Dynamics (2000 – 2010)

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) is a winter annual grass that has invaded and altered the shrub steppe ecosystem in the Great Basin for about 100 years. This highly competitive grass invades recently disturbed areas and then outcompetes most native vegetation by using requisite resources like soil water and nutrients in early spring before other native plants. It also can alter its phenotype and...
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Inland Lakes, Rivers and Streams

Water bodies surrounded by land serve as sources of fresh drinking water, play host to millions of species of fish, underwater vegetation and wildlife and maintain the vibrancy of surrounding ecosystems. These water bodies can also be hubs for recreational activities such as boating, fishing, waterskiing, swimming that boost local economies.

Inland Lakes, Rivers and Streams

Water bodies surrounded by land serve as sources of fresh drinking water, play host to millions of species of fish, underwater vegetation and wildlife and maintain the vibrancy of surrounding ecosystems. These water bodies can also be hubs for recreational activities such as boating, fishing, waterskiing, swimming that boost local economies.
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Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability

The importance of sea-level rise in shaping coastal landscapes is well recognized within the earth science community, but as with many natural hazards, communicating the risks associated with sea-level rise remains a challenge.

Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability

The importance of sea-level rise in shaping coastal landscapes is well recognized within the earth science community, but as with many natural hazards, communicating the risks associated with sea-level rise remains a challenge.
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Western U.S. Cheatgrass and Shrubland Monitoring

The USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center National Land Cover Database team in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has produced the most comprehensive remote-sensing based quantification of western United States shrublands to date.

Western U.S. Cheatgrass and Shrubland Monitoring

The USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center National Land Cover Database team in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has produced the most comprehensive remote-sensing based quantification of western United States shrublands to date.
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National Land Cover Database

EROS is central to the creation of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), which is updated every two to three years and stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States.

National Land Cover Database

EROS is central to the creation of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), which is updated every two to three years and stands as the definitive land cover database for the United States.
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Land Cover Trends and Assessments

Land Cover Trends was a research project focused on understanding the rates, trends, causes, and consequences of contemporary U.S. land use and land cover change.

Land Cover Trends and Assessments

Land Cover Trends was a research project focused on understanding the rates, trends, causes, and consequences of contemporary U.S. land use and land cover change.
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Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity

Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) is an interagency program whose goal is to consistently map the burn severity and extent of large fires across all lands of the United States from 1984 to present. This includes all fires 1,000 acres or greater in the western United States and 500 acres or greater in the eastern Unites States. The extent of coverage includes the continental U.S., Alaska...

Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity

Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) is an interagency program whose goal is to consistently map the burn severity and extent of large fires across all lands of the United States from 1984 to present. This includes all fires 1,000 acres or greater in the western United States and 500 acres or greater in the eastern Unites States. The extent of coverage includes the continental U.S., Alaska...
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Wetland Landscape Characterization

Wetlands purify and store our water, process carbon and nutrients and serve a crucial role in the life cycle of a wide range of flora and fauna. Wetland disturbance from urban development or agriculture can alter the natural flow of runoff and increase the risk for flooding.

Wetland Landscape Characterization

Wetlands purify and store our water, process carbon and nutrients and serve a crucial role in the life cycle of a wide range of flora and fauna. Wetland disturbance from urban development or agriculture can alter the natural flow of runoff and increase the risk for flooding.
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