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Practical application of time-lapse camera imagery to develop water-level data for three hydrologic monitoring sites in Wisconsin during water year 2020
Using camera imagery to measure water level (camera-stage) is a well-researched area of study. Previous camera-stage studies have shown promising results when implementing this technology with tight constraints on test conditions. However, there is a need for a more comprehensive evaluation of the extensibility of camera-stage to practical applications. Therefore, the aim of this study...
Keegan Eland Johnson, Paul Reneau, Matthew J. Komiskey
Mapping river flow from thermal images in approximately real time: Proof of concept on the Sacramento River, California, USA
Image velocimetry has become an effective method of mapping flow conditions in rivers, but this analysis is typically performed in a post-processing mode after data collection is complete. In this study, we evaluated the potential to infer flow velocities in approximately real time as thermal images are being acquired from an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS). The sensitivity of thermal...
Carl J. Legleiter, Paul J. Kinzel, Michael Dille, Massimo Vespignani, Uland Wong, Isaac E Anderson, Elizabeth Hyde, Christopher L. Gazoorian, Jennifer Marie Cramer
The 3D Elevation Program—Supporting the Texas economy
Introduction High-resolution elevation data for Texas inform decision making to improve the State’s economy. Existing elevation data coverage is used to improve resiliency to natural disasters, manage energy infrastructure, and assess natural resources. The expanding availability of current and more accurate elevation data helps better support natural resources conservation, agriculture...
Claire DeVaughan
Photogrammetry-based body condition for monitoring an Arctic marine mammal experiencing habitat loss
Monitoring animal body condition can provide insight on population responses to environmental change. Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) are experiencing loss of their sea ice habitat which has decreased the time that females spend foraging during a critical period of pregnancy and lactation. Here we investigate the potential for body condition to track demographic change and...
Karyn D. Rode, Anthony S. Fischbach, Mitzi Synnott, John Stewart, Nick Northcraft, Erika Allen, Kelly Trotto, Catherine Vancsok, Nicolas Issenjou, Sheriden Ploof, Stephanie Rager, Stacy DiRocco, Staci Owens, Adriane Prahl
Topographic and bathymetric survey in support of the effectiveness assessment of the living shoreline restoration in Gandys Beach, New Jersey
High resolution topobathymetric field surveys were conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with Northeastern University and in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and The Nature Conservancy in a selected shoreline along Gandys Beach, New Jersey, from January to April 2018. These data are a critical model input for hydrodynamic and wave models and can...
William D. Capurso, Lukasz M. Niemoczynski, Hongqing Wang, Qin Chen, Gregg Snedden, Ling Zhu
Predicted potential for aquatic exposure effects of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Pennsylvania’s statewide network of streams
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are contaminants that can lead to adverse health effects in aquatic organisms, including reproductive toxicity and developmental abnormalities. To assess the ecological health risk of PFAS in Pennsylvania stream surface water, we conducted a comprehensive analysis that included both measured and predicted estimates. The potential combined...
Sara E. Breitmeyer, Amy Williams, Matthew D. Conlon, Timothy A. Wertz, Brian Heflin, Dustin Shull, Joseph W. Duris
ECCOE Landsat quarterly Calibration and Validation report—Quarter 2, 2024
Executive Summary The U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) Center of Excellence (ECCOE) focuses on improving the accuracy, precision, calibration, and product quality of remote-sensing data, leveraging years of multiscale optical system geometric and radiometric calibration and characterization experience. The ECCOE Landsat...
Md Obaidul Haque, Md Nahid Hasan, Ashish Shrestha, Rajagopalan Rengarajan, Mark Lubke, Jerad L. Shaw, Kathryn Ruslander, Esad Micijevic, Michael J. Choate, Cody Anderson, Jeff Clauson, Kurt Thome, Ed Kaita, Raviv Levy, Jeff Miller, Leibo Ding
Status of public-supply water sources in 2022 and the development of a geographic information system methodology for the Public Drinking Water Source Water Assessment Program in Tennessee
IntroductionIn 2021, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the U.S. Geological Survey worked in cooperation to develop a geographic information system (GIS)-based methodology that systematically assesses the vulnerability of public-supply drinking water to potential contaminants consistent with the standards set forth in the Tennessee Source Water Assessment...
Rebecca K. Ransom, Katherine J. Knierim, David Ladd, Brian Ham, Annabelle Dempsey
I am a...Science careers book for kids, part 2
This book is an illustrative guide designed to introduce young minds to the exciting world of geologic hazards science careers. From geomorphologist to volcanologist, this book showcases a variety of science-based professions through fun and engaging activities. Each section of the book features a different science career and includes information about how the job got its name and what a...
Steven Sobieszczyk
A case for occupancy as a state variable for wild bee monitoring
Reports of widespread pollinator declines, data deficiencies, and inabilities to assess status and trends underscore the need for wild bee monitoring. Chief among the challenges with wild bee monitoring is identifying monitoring objectives and state variables. Here we make the case for considering occupancy, the proportion of area occupied, as a primary state variable of interest for...
Clint R.V. Otto, S. Hollis Woodard, Larissa L. Bailey
Lithium resource in the Smackover Formation brines of Southern Arkansas
Lithium-rich brine deposits occur throughout the United States, including in the Smackover Formation. The concentration of lithium in Smackover Formation brines was predicted across southern Arkansas by using a machine-learning model that incorporated lithium concentration data and geologic information. Between 5.1 and 19.0 million metric tons of lithium are calculated to be present in...
Katherine J. Knierim, Andrew L. Masterson, Philip A. Freeman, Bonnie McDevitt, Amanda H. Herzberg, Peng Li, Ciara Mills, Colin Doolan, Aaron M. Jubb, Scott M. Ausbrooks, Jessica Chenault
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
The Central Valley of California (CVC) and Mid-Atlantic (MA) in the U.S. are both critical sites for nationwide food security, and many waterfowl species annually, especially during the winter, providing feeding and roosting locations for a variety of species. Mapping waterfowl distributions, using NEXRAD, may aid in the adaptive management of important waterfowl habitat and allow...
Matthew J. Hardy, Christopher K. Williams, Brian S. Ladman, Maurice E. Pitesky, Cory T. Overton, Michael L. Casazza, Elliott Matchett, Diann Prosser, Jeffrey J. Buler