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Mission Area Publications
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Advancing the science of headwater streamflow for global water protection
The protection of headwater streams faces increasing challenges, exemplified by limited global recognition of headwater contributions to watershed resiliency and a recent US Supreme Court decision limiting federal safeguards. Despite accounting for ~77% of global river networks, the lack of adequate headwaters protections is caused, in part, by limited information on their extent and...
Heather E. Golden, Jay Christiensen, Hilary McMillan, Christa A. Kelleher, Charles R. Lane, Admin Husic, Li Li, Adam S. Ward, John C. Hammond, Erin C. Seybold, Kristin Jaeger, Margaret Ann Zimmer, Roy Sando, C. Nathan Jones, Catalina Segura, D. Tyler Mahoney, Adam N. Price, Frederick Chang
A review of the effects of climate change on visitor use in US public lands and waters
Climate change is affecting recreational visitor use in U.S. public lands and waters, causing changes to visitation levels, timing of trips, activity participation, and visitor safety. This report reviews the literature on how climate change is influencing visitor use in the United States and how visitor use may be affected in the future. Our goal is to provide the current state of the...
Emily J. Wilkins, Sarah Lynn Rappaport, Wylie Carr, Julianne Reas, Samantha G. Winder, Spencer A. Wood
The progression of basaltic–rhyolitic melt storage at Yellowstone Caldera
Yellowstone Caldera is one of the largest volcanic systems on Earth, hosting three major caldera-forming eruptions in the past two million years, interspersed with periods of less explosive, smaller-volume eruptions1. Caldera-forming eruptions at Yellowstone are sourced by rhyolitic melts stored within the mid- to upper crust. Seismic tomography studies have suggested that a broad region...
Ninfa Lucia Bennington, Adam Schultz, Paul A. Bedrosian, Esteban Bowles-Martinez, Kendra J. Lynn, Mark E. Stelten, Xiaolei Tu, Clifford Thurber
Evaluating effects of tracking device attachment methods on Black Oystercatchers Haematopus bachmani
Advances in tracking technology are greatly improving our understanding of many aspects of avian ecology. However, the diversity of tracking devices and attachment methods necessitates better evaluation of how they affect particular taxa. We evaluated effects of tracking devices mounted on leg bands or attached using leg-loop harnesses on resighting rates of Black Oystercatchers...
Cole Rankin, Lena Ware, Brian H. Robinson, Daniel Esler, Heather Coletti, Mark Maftei, J. Mark Hipfner, David Green
Public, bottled, and private drinking water: Shared contaminant-mixture exposures and effects challenge
BACKGROUND: Humans are primary drivers of environmental contaminant exposures worldwide, including in drinking-water (DW). In the United States (US), point-of-use DW (POU DW) is supplied via private tapwater (TW, predominantly private wells), public-supply TW, and bottled water (BW). Differences in management, monitoring, and messaging and lack of directly intercomparable exposure data...
Paul M. Bradley, Kristin M. Romanok, Kelly Smalling, Stephanie Gordon, Bradley J. Huffman, Katie Paul Friedman, Daniel L. Villeneuve, Brett R. Blackwell, Suzanne C. Fitzpatrick, Michael Focazio, Elizabeth Medlock-Kakaley, Shannon M. Meppelink, Ana Navas-Acien, Anne E. Nigra, Molly L. Schreiner
Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model
Consideration of the full annual cycle population dynamics can provide useful insight for conservation efforts, but collecting data needed to estimate demographic parameters is often logistically difficult. For species that breed in remote areas, monitoring is often conducted during migratory stopover or at nonbreeding sites, and the recruitment rate of new breeding adults can be...
Anna Maureen Tucker, Conor P. McGowan, Bryan L. Nuse, James E. Lyons, Clinton T. Moore, David R. Smith, John A. Sweka, Kristen A. Anstead, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Nigel A. Clark
Habitat management for stopover and breeding songbird communities along rights-of-way in forest-dominated landscapes
The proliferation of energy rights-of-way (pipelines and powerlines; ROWs) in the central Appalachian region has prompted wildlife management agencies to consider ways to use these features to manage and conserve at-risk songbird species. However, little empirical evidence exists regarding best management strategies to enhance habitat surrounding ROWs for the songbird community during...
Eric L. Margenau, Petra B. Wood, Christopher T. Rota
Pollen records, postglacial: Southeastern North America
Pollen records from the unglaciated southeastern region of North America provide an overview of biogeographic changes associated with vegetational migration northward following the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Changing insolation during the Holocene affected forest composition on the Coastal Plain, and rising sea level controlled the distribution of marsh and forested wetlands...
Debra A. Willard
Simulating present and future groundwater/surface-water interactions and stream temperatures in Beaver Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
In many places, coldwater ecosystems are facing increasing pressure from anthropogenic warming. This study examined stream temperatures and the water balance in the Beaver Creek watershed on the Kenai Peninsula in south-central Alaska—an area that is experiencing rapid warming. Low-gradient streams near the Kenai coast provide important spawning and rearing habitat for salmon but may be...
Andrew T. Leaf, Megan J. Haserodt, Benjamin E. Meyer, Stephen, M. Westenbroek, Joshua C. Koch
Hydrologic investigations and a preliminary conceptual model of the groundwater system at North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site, Souderton, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted hydrogeologic investigations, reviewed existing data, and developed a preliminary conceptual model of the groundwater system as part of technical support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at the North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site (hereafter, the NP1 Site) located within the Borough of Souderton in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania...
Lisa A. Senior, Dennis W. Risser, Daniel J. Goode, Philip H. Bird
Dynamic treeline and cryosphere response to pronounced mid-Holocene climatic variability in the US Rocky Mountains
Climate-driven changes in high-elevation forest distribution and reductions in snow and ice cover have major implications for ecosystems and global water security. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of the Rocky Mountains (United States), recent melting of a high-elevation (3,091 m asl) ice patch exposed a mature stand of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) trees, located ~180 m in...
Gregory T. Pederson, Daniel Stahle, David B McWethy, Matthew Toohey, Johann Jungclaus, Craig Lee, Justin Martin, Mio Alt, Nickolas E. Kichas, Nathan J. Chellman, Joseph R. McConnell, Cathy Whitlock
Integrating Sr isotopes, microchemistry, and genetics to reconstruct Salmonidae species and life history
Recent approaches to fisheries research emphasize the importance of the coproduction of knowledge in building resilient and culturally mindful fisheries management frameworks. Despite widespread recognition of the need for Indigenous knowledge and historical reference points as baseline data, archaeological data are rarely included in conservation biology research designs. Here we...
Ross Anthony Salerno, Remi Murdoch, Taylor Wilcox, Joanna Elmore, Jens Hegg, Catherine S Austin, Michael LeMoine, Jade Luckhurst, Alexandra Fraik, Molly Carney