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The National Land Imaging Program supports a variety of geospatial data programs and projects, including the USGS Landsat Program. Browse the images below to see some of the imagery produced using NLI-supported data sources.

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UAS Pre-flight check on Mosquito Ridge
Preflight Checks at Mosquito
Preflight Checks at Mosquito
Preflight Checks at Mosquito

Isaac Anderson (National Innovation Center) preforms a pre-flight check of a UAS before a photogrammetry mission in post-fire, landslide-prone terrain in Tahoe National Forest.

Isaac Anderson (National Innovation Center) preforms a pre-flight check of a UAS before a photogrammetry mission in post-fire, landslide-prone terrain in Tahoe National Forest.

Arizona and Landsat fact sheet image
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Arizona
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Arizona
Nevada factsheet on top of many factsheets
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Nevada
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Nevada
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Nevada

Scattered fact sheets, highlighting the "Nevada-Landsat Benefits" fact sheet.     

South Dakota fact sheet on top of other fact sheets
State Fact Sheets - Highlight South Dakota
State Fact Sheets - Highlight South Dakota
State Fact Sheets - Highlight South Dakota

Scattered fact sheets, highlighting the "South Dakota-Landsat Benefits" fact sheet.

factsheet about Montana highlighted amongst a group
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Montana
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Montana
State Fact Sheets - Highlight Montana

Scattered fact sheets, highlighting the "Montana-Landsat Benefits" fact sheet. 

Learn more about the Landsat program.

brown landscape satellite image
Boulder, Colorado (2023)
Boulder, Colorado (2023)
Boulder, Colorado (2023)

Landsat 8’s first image captured the area where the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains meet in Colorado. The natural-color image shows the coniferous forest of the mountains coming down to the dormant plains. Boulder, Colorado, sits in the middle of the image.

Landsat 8’s first image captured the area where the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains meet in Colorado. The natural-color image shows the coniferous forest of the mountains coming down to the dormant plains. Boulder, Colorado, sits in the middle of the image.

UAS landing on Mosquito Ridge
Landing at Mosquito
Landing at Mosquito
Landing at Mosquito

Isaac Anderson and Liz Hyde (National Innovation Center) bring in a drone for a landing, after flying a photogrammetry mission over landslide-prone terrain recently burned in the Mosquito fire (2022).

Isaac Anderson and Liz Hyde (National Innovation Center) bring in a drone for a landing, after flying a photogrammetry mission over landslide-prone terrain recently burned in the Mosquito fire (2022).

Mosquito Ridge field area at golden hour
Mosquito Ridge at Sunset
Mosquito Ridge at Sunset
Mosquito Ridge at Sunset

USGS researches and remote pilots coordinate their operations during a break in the action during a photogrammetry flight campaign in post-fire terrain in Tahoe National Forest.

USGS researches and remote pilots coordinate their operations during a break in the action during a photogrammetry flight campaign in post-fire terrain in Tahoe National Forest.

Bright light on the left side. Volcano lava at night from a satellite image
Landsat 9 Captures Mauna Loa and Kilauea Eruption
Landsat 9 Captures Mauna Loa and Kilauea Eruption
Landsat 9 Captures Mauna Loa and Kilauea Eruption

Rare spotting! Dueling volcanoes captured by Landsat 9 satellite. Mauna Loa's 11.3-mile-long lava flow illuminates the plume of ash in the atmosphere above. The small red spot in the lower right is Kilauea—it began erupting nine days ago. USGS Volcanoes says a dual eruption has not occurred in Hawaii since 1984, making this a rare event.

Rare spotting! Dueling volcanoes captured by Landsat 9 satellite. Mauna Loa's 11.3-mile-long lava flow illuminates the plume of ash in the atmosphere above. The small red spot in the lower right is Kilauea—it began erupting nine days ago. USGS Volcanoes says a dual eruption has not occurred in Hawaii since 1984, making this a rare event.

USGS scientist checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park
USGS scientist checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park
USGS scientist checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park
USGS scientist checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park

USGS scientist Matt Burgess checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park 

NUSO scientists, along with USGS landslide researchers, in December 2022 undertook a topographic analysis of slide-prone areas of the National Park Service Vicksburg National Military Park near Vicksburg, Mississippi.

USGS scientist Matt Burgess checking a UAS with a mounted lidar sensor at Vicksburg National Military Park 

NUSO scientists, along with USGS landslide researchers, in December 2022 undertook a topographic analysis of slide-prone areas of the National Park Service Vicksburg National Military Park near Vicksburg, Mississippi.

UAS Research Center Engineer walks with Sandy the Rover following close behind
Test Platform Sandy the Rover uses BisonCore-Vehicle Formation Programs to follow Engineer around.
Test Platform Sandy the Rover uses BisonCore-Vehicle Formation Programs to follow Engineer around.
Test Platform Sandy the Rover uses BisonCore-Vehicle Formation Programs to follow Engineer around.

UAS Research Center BisonCore Project, using onboard autopilot systems, BisonCore on Sandy the Rover instructs the Autopilot to deviate course to follow the UAS Engineer around the parking lot. Acting like a ‘duckling’. 

UAS Research Center BisonCore Project, using onboard autopilot systems, BisonCore on Sandy the Rover instructs the Autopilot to deviate course to follow the UAS Engineer around the parking lot. Acting like a ‘duckling’. 

Eye of the Hurricane. Clouds in a swirl pattern.
Eye of Hurricane Ian
Eye of Hurricane Ian
Eye of Hurricane Ian

On September 28, Landsat 8 passed over Hurricane Ian, capturing its eye just before landfall. The storm's center measured 42 kilometers (26 miles) wide.

On September 28, Landsat 8 passed over Hurricane Ian, capturing its eye just before landfall. The storm's center measured 42 kilometers (26 miles) wide.

UAS Research Center's BisonCore in use predicting vehicle movement, for better following.
Visualized plot of BisonCore’s Vehicle Formation Programs’ predictive path
Visualized plot of BisonCore’s Vehicle Formation Programs’ predictive path
Visualized plot of BisonCore’s Vehicle Formation Programs’ predictive path

UASRC BisonCore Project, using onboard systems inherent to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Autopilots, BisonCore-Vehicle Formation Program predicts the path of the vehicle ahead. 

UASRC BisonCore Project, using onboard systems inherent to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Autopilots, BisonCore-Vehicle Formation Program predicts the path of the vehicle ahead. 

Three Landsats in Space
Three Landsats in Space
Three Landsats in Space
Three Landsats in Space

For the first time in Landsat history, a trio of imaging satellites (Landsat 7, Landsat 8, and Landsat 9) have been recording thousands of images of the planet weekly. The trio has been working together since October 2021.

Learn more about the Landsat Program at

For the first time in Landsat history, a trio of imaging satellites (Landsat 7, Landsat 8, and Landsat 9) have been recording thousands of images of the planet weekly. The trio has been working together since October 2021.

Learn more about the Landsat Program at

Green vegetation, satellite image of Charlotte and Monroe, North Carolina
Charlotte and Monroe, North Carolina
Charlotte and Monroe, North Carolina
Charlotte and Monroe, North Carolina

In 2022, President Joe Biden pardoned two turkeys, Chocolate and Chip. The two holiday birds hail from a ranch in Monroe, North Carolina.

In 2022, President Joe Biden pardoned two turkeys, Chocolate and Chip. The two holiday birds hail from a ranch in Monroe, North Carolina.

USGS NIC UASRC Saucer Shark equipment marker showing the Saucer flying over trees, with a ‘I WANT TO BELIEVE’ phrase below it
Saucer Shark project equipment identifying marker​
Saucer Shark project equipment identifying marker​
Saucer Shark project equipment identifying marker​

USGS NIC UASRC Saucer Shark equipment marker showing the Saucer flying over trees, with a ‘I WANT TO BELIEVE’ phrase below it. ​

Landsat 7 Captures Hurricane Ian Aftermath
Landsat 7 Captures Hurricane Ian Aftermath
Landsat 7 Captures Hurricane Ian Aftermath
Landsat 7 Captures Hurricane Ian Aftermath

On October 2, 2022, this gap-filled Landsat 7 image captured brownish-black sediment runoff from rivers and streams on the southwest coast of Florida. These are the first Landsat images after Hurricane Ian devastated the area on Wednesday, September 28. Water runoff can carry away debris, fertilizers, metals, and other pollutants.

On October 2, 2022, this gap-filled Landsat 7 image captured brownish-black sediment runoff from rivers and streams on the southwest coast of Florida. These are the first Landsat images after Hurricane Ian devastated the area on Wednesday, September 28. Water runoff can carry away debris, fertilizers, metals, and other pollutants.

Landsat Level-1 Scenes Available in EarthExplorer+
EE C2 L1 Scenes.png
EE C2 L1 Scenes.png
EE C2 L1 Scenes.png

This graphic shows the number of Landsat Level-1 scenes available for download from EarthExplorer

View more statistics on the Landsat Project Statistics page. 

This graphic shows the number of Landsat Level-1 scenes available for download from EarthExplorer

View more statistics on the Landsat Project Statistics page. 

Landsat Collection 2 Stats
EE C2 L2 Scenes.png
EE C2 L2 Scenes.png
EE C2 L2 Scenes.png

This graphic displays the number of Landsat Level-2 scenes available on Earth Explorer

View more statistics on the Landsat Project Statistics page. 

Primary Uses of Landsat Data FY 2022
Earth Explorer Primary Uses August 2022
Earth Explorer Primary Uses August 2022
Earth Explorer Primary Uses August 2022

In 2008 Landsat data became accessible to all users at no cost. This graphic displays the primary uses of Landsat data. 

View more statistics on the Landsat Project Statistics page. 

In 2008 Landsat data became accessible to all users at no cost. This graphic displays the primary uses of Landsat data. 

View more statistics on the Landsat Project Statistics page. 

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