Streamflow monitoring Shohola Creek near Walker Lake, PA (01432495)
Updating Pennsylvania Streamgage Datums
USGS is updating streamgage datums to reflect elevations in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)
Gages through the Ages
How the history of streamgaging reflects the evolving water needs of the nation
Surface Water Data and Monitoring tools for Pennsylvania
Surface Water Toolbox
- Flood Inundation Mapper
View maps of current and historic flood inundation - Baseline Streamflow Estimator (BaSE)
Estimate baseline streamflow for ungaged streams in Pennsylvania - Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET)
Software simulation of streamflow at a daily time step for an ungaged stream location in the Delaware River Basin - StreamStats
Delineate watersheds and estimate streamflow - WaterWatch
Compare current streamflow to historical record - WaterAlert (new)
Get condition updates by text message or email - NWIS Mapper
View the locations of sites with USGS water data - Rain Fall Calculator
Enter area size and rainfall amount to estimate the volume of total water from a rainstorm
USGS Ratings Depot
Ratings are available to agencies and other interested parties from the depot via the following URL: where XXXXXXXX is the 8-15 digit USGS station number. [example:]
Currently the depot is limited to stage-discharge ratings. For a slope station, only the base stage-discharge rating will be available and for an index-velocity station no rating will be available.
It is important to note that ratings will change, and sometimes frequently. Checking the depot regularly will ensure that the currently applicable shifted rating is used for the current data, and that the current rating cannot necessarily be used on historical data. A standard disclaimer statement at the head of each rating file is included indicating this.
"Stage-discharge relations (ratings) are usually developed from a graphical analysis of numerous discharge measurements. Measurements are made on various schedules and sometimes for different purposes. All discharge measurements are compiled and maintained in a data base. Each measurement is carefully made, and undergoes quality assurance review. Some measurements indicate a temporary change in the rating, often due to a change in the streambed (for example, erosion or deposition) or growth of riparian vegetation. Such changes are called shifts; they may indicate a short- or long-term change in the rating for the gage. In normal usage, the measured shifts (or corrections) are applied mathematically to a defined rating.
The tables being provided are shift corrected, incorporating the mathematical adjustments for ease of use by the user. The shift adjustments are applied to the individual ratings as measured data becomes available, resulting in an adjusted rating. Some ratings may change as often as weekly, others may not change for months or years.
Streamflow Estimation from Advanced Imaging (LSPIV) in Pennsylvania
USGS-derived 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Flood-Flow Estimates at Flood Insurance Study Locations Across Pennsylvania
Data in support of Development of Regression Equations for the Estimation of Flood Flows at Ungaged Streams in Pennsylvania
Streamflow—Water year 2022
The importance of U.S. Geological Survey water-quality super gages
Near-field remote sensing of surface velocity and river discharge using radars and the probability concept at 10 USGS streamgages
StreamStats, version 4
National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper
The National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper provides access to over 1.5 million sites contained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), including sites where current and historical surface-water, groundwater, springs, and atmospheric data has been collected. Users can search by site type, data type, site number, or place.
StreamStats Application
StreamStats provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more. Available information varies from state to state.
The Pennsylvania Baseline Streamflow Estimator (BaSE)
Estimation of Baseline Daily Mean Streamflows for Ungaged Locations on Pennsylvania Streams, Water Years 1960–2008
The Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET)
The Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET) estimates baseline and altered streamflow at a daily time step for ungaged stream locations in the Delaware River Basin for water years 1960-2010.
Surface Water Data and Monitoring tools for Pennsylvania
Surface Water Toolbox
- Flood Inundation Mapper
View maps of current and historic flood inundation - Baseline Streamflow Estimator (BaSE)
Estimate baseline streamflow for ungaged streams in Pennsylvania - Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET)
Software simulation of streamflow at a daily time step for an ungaged stream location in the Delaware River Basin - StreamStats
Delineate watersheds and estimate streamflow - WaterWatch
Compare current streamflow to historical record - WaterAlert (new)
Get condition updates by text message or email - NWIS Mapper
View the locations of sites with USGS water data - Rain Fall Calculator
Enter area size and rainfall amount to estimate the volume of total water from a rainstorm
USGS Ratings Depot
Ratings are available to agencies and other interested parties from the depot via the following URL: where XXXXXXXX is the 8-15 digit USGS station number. [example:]
Currently the depot is limited to stage-discharge ratings. For a slope station, only the base stage-discharge rating will be available and for an index-velocity station no rating will be available.
It is important to note that ratings will change, and sometimes frequently. Checking the depot regularly will ensure that the currently applicable shifted rating is used for the current data, and that the current rating cannot necessarily be used on historical data. A standard disclaimer statement at the head of each rating file is included indicating this.
"Stage-discharge relations (ratings) are usually developed from a graphical analysis of numerous discharge measurements. Measurements are made on various schedules and sometimes for different purposes. All discharge measurements are compiled and maintained in a data base. Each measurement is carefully made, and undergoes quality assurance review. Some measurements indicate a temporary change in the rating, often due to a change in the streambed (for example, erosion or deposition) or growth of riparian vegetation. Such changes are called shifts; they may indicate a short- or long-term change in the rating for the gage. In normal usage, the measured shifts (or corrections) are applied mathematically to a defined rating.
The tables being provided are shift corrected, incorporating the mathematical adjustments for ease of use by the user. The shift adjustments are applied to the individual ratings as measured data becomes available, resulting in an adjusted rating. Some ratings may change as often as weekly, others may not change for months or years.
Streamflow Estimation from Advanced Imaging (LSPIV) in Pennsylvania
USGS-derived 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Flood-Flow Estimates at Flood Insurance Study Locations Across Pennsylvania
Data in support of Development of Regression Equations for the Estimation of Flood Flows at Ungaged Streams in Pennsylvania
Streamflow—Water year 2022
The importance of U.S. Geological Survey water-quality super gages
Near-field remote sensing of surface velocity and river discharge using radars and the probability concept at 10 USGS streamgages
StreamStats, version 4
National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper
The National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper provides access to over 1.5 million sites contained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), including sites where current and historical surface-water, groundwater, springs, and atmospheric data has been collected. Users can search by site type, data type, site number, or place.
StreamStats Application
StreamStats provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more. Available information varies from state to state.
The Pennsylvania Baseline Streamflow Estimator (BaSE)
Estimation of Baseline Daily Mean Streamflows for Ungaged Locations on Pennsylvania Streams, Water Years 1960–2008
The Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET)
The Delaware River Basin Streamflow Estimator Tool (DRB-SET) estimates baseline and altered streamflow at a daily time step for ungaged stream locations in the Delaware River Basin for water years 1960-2010.