FAQs by Category
123 earthquake FAQs organized by category.
Earthquake Myths
- Can you predict earthquakes?
- Can animals predict earthquakes?
- Why are we having so many earthquakes? Has naturally occurring earthquake activity been increasing? Does this mean a big one is going to hit? OR We haven't had any earthquakes in a long time; does this mean that the pressure is building up for a big one?
- Can "MegaQuakes" really happen? Like a magnitude 10 or larger?
- Can some people sense that an earthquake is about to happen (earthquake sensitives)?
- Can the ground open up during an earthquake?
- Will California eventually fall into the ocean?
- Is there earthquake weather?
- Can large amounts of rain in California cause an increase in earthquakes?
- Do solar flares or magnetic storms (space weather) cause earthquakes?
- Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field?
- What is the "Triangle of Life" and is it legitimate?
Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics
- What is an earthquake and what causes them to happen?
- Can we cause earthquakes? Is there any way to prevent earthquakes?
- Foreshocks, aftershocks - what's the difference?
- What is the difference between aftershocks and swarms?
- Why do earthquakes occur in the middle of the continent far from plate boundaries?
- Can the position of the moon or the planets affect seismicity? Are there more earthquakes in the morning/in the evening/at a certain time of the month?
- What is surface faulting or surface rupture in an earthquake?
- At what depth do earthquakes occur? What is the significance of the depth?
- Why are there so many earthquakes in the Geysers area in Northern California?
- Do earthquakes occur in Antarctica?
- What is a hotspot and how do you know it's there?
- Where can I find earthquake educational materials?
Latest Earthquakes
- Where can I find current earthquake lists and maps for the world or for a specific area?
- Did I feel an earthquake? Can I report feeling an earthquake?
- Why is the earthquake that was reported/recorded by network X, or that I felt, not on the map/list?
- Why do some earthquakes disappear from the map/list?
- What is UTC, and why do you report earthquakes in UTC?
- Why isn't the fault the earthquake occurred on or the distance to the nearest fault provided?
- Can I get on a list to receive an email message when there is an earthquake? How do I sign up for earthquake notifications? Are there any Feeds I can subscribe to?
- Why/When does the USGS update the magnitude of an earthquake?
- Why do so many earthquakes occur at a depth of 10km?
- How quickly does the earthquake information get posted to the web site, get sent out via the Earthquake Notification Service (ENS), ATOM feeds, etc?
- Where can I see current or past seismograms?
- Why do USGS earthquakes magnitudes differ from those published by other agencies?
- How do you determine the place name for an earthquake?
- Does the Latest Earthquakes map show non-earthquake seismic events?
- How do I sign up for the ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning System?
Measuring Earthquakes ...magnitudes, locations, seismometers, seismic waves
- How are earthquakes recorded? How are earthquakes measured? How is the magnitude of an earthquake determined?
- Moment magnitude, Richter scale - what are the different magnitude scales, and why are there so many?
- What is the difference between earthquake magnitude and earthquake intensity? What is the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale?
- How do you determine the magnitude for an earthquake that occurred prior to the creation of the magnitude scale?
- How do seismologists locate an earthquake?
- What was the duration of the earthquake? Why don't you report the duration of each earthquake? How does the duration affect the magnitude?
- How can an earthquake have a negative magnitude?
- What does it mean that the earthquake occurred at a depth of 0 km? How can an earthquake have a negative depth; that would mean it’s in the air. What is the geoid, and what does it have to do with earthquake depth?
- Seismometers, seismographs, seismograms - what's the difference? How do they work?
- How can I make my own seismometer?
- When was the first instrument that actually recorded an earthquake?
- What reference datum is used for earthquake depths?
- What is a Geoid? Why do they use the geoid, and where does its shape come from?
Earthquake Hazards ...maps, probabilities, and earthquake engineering
- What is the probability that an earthquake is a foreshock to a larger earthquake?
- What is the difference between earthquake early warning, earthquake forecasts, earthquake probabilities, and earthquake prediction?
- What is a seismic zone, or seismic hazard zone?
- What is seismic hazard? What is a seismic hazard map? How are they made? How are they used? Why are there different maps, and which one should I use?
- What are the earthquake hazards/risks where I live?
- How will my house hold up in an earthquake? Can the USGS send someone out to evaluate my property?
- How do I decide whether or not to get earthquake insurance?
- How do earthquakes affect buildings?
- What is the likelihood of a large earthquake at location X? Is it safe to go to X since they've been having a lot of earthquakes lately?
- What is the probability that an earthquake will occur in the Los Angeles Area? the San Francisco Bay area?
- What is the probability that an earthquake is a foreshock to a larger earthquake?
- Can the National Seismic Hazard Maps be used as an earthquake forecast tool for the near future?
- How do I get earthquake hazard maps for locations outside of the US?
- How are engineers working to make roads and buildings safer?
- What is the USGS doing to mitigate and respond to earthquake hazards?
Earthquake Effects and Experiences
- At what magnitude does damage begin to occur in an earthquake?
- What does an earthquake feel like?
- What are Tsunamis?
- What is it about an earthquake that causes a tsunami?
- What are those booms I sometimes hear before or during an earthquake?
- How does the USGS tell the difference between an earthquake and a sonic boom?
- Why do earthquakes in other countries seem to cause more damage and casualties than earthquakes in the U.S.?
- Can a large earthquake trigger earthquakes in distant locations or on other faults?
- How can an earthquake effect groundwater or changes in wells?
- Where can I find photographs of earthquake damage?
- What is liquefaction?
- Can you feel an earthquake if you're in a cave? Is it safer to be in a cave during an earthquake?
- What are earthquake lights?
Induced Earthquakes
- Does fracking cause earthquakes?
- Do all wastewater disposal wells induce earthquakes?
- Is it possible to anticipate whether a planned wastewater disposal activity will trigger earthquakes that are large enough to be of concern?
- How does the injection of fluid at depth cause earthquakes?
- How large are the earthquakes induced by fluid injection?
- Are earthquakes induced by fluid-injection activities always located close to the point of injection?
- Is there any possibility that a wastewater injection activity could interact with a nearby fault to trigger a major earthquake that causes extensive damage over a broad region?
- Does the production of oil and gas from shales cause earthquakes? If so, how are the earthquakes related to these operations?
- Oklahoma has had a surge of earthquakes since 2009? Are they due to fracking?
Historical Earthquakes and Statistics
- Where can I find a list of yearly estimated deaths from earthquakes around the world?
- Which States have the smallest number of earthquakes? Is there any place in the world that doesn't have earthquakes?
- Where do earthquakes occur?
- Where can I find a list of the largest earthquakes in the United States? in the World?
- Where can I find a list of the largest earthquakes near my town?
- Which Country has the most earthquakes?
- Which State has the most damaging earthquakes? Which State has the most natural earthquakes (not human-induced)?
- Where can I search an earthquake catalog for past events?
- What is a fault and what are the different types?
- What is the relationship between faults and earthquakes? What happens to a fault when an earthquake occurs?
- What is a "Quaternary" fault?
- Where can I find a fault map of the US? Is one available in GIS format?
- How do I find the nearest fault to a property or specific location?
- How do I find fault or hazard maps for California?
- Why are there no faults in the Great Valley of central California?
- Why are there so many earthquakes and faults in the Western United States?
- Where are the faults in the Central and Eastern U.S.?
- Why are there so many faults in the Quaternary Faults Database with the same name?
Earthquake Preparedness
- What can I do to be prepared for an earthquake?
- What emergency supplies do I need for an earthquake?
- What should I do DURING an earthquake?
- Things NOT to do during an earthquake?
- What do I do AFTER an earthquake?
- What can I expect in my house when an earthquake occurs? How do I identify it? What can be done?
- Why should people in the eastern U.S. be concerned about earthquakes?
- What are the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills?
- What is the "Triangle of Life" and is it legitimate?
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
- Why are there so many earthquakes at Yellowstone?
- When will the next large earthquake occur in Yellowstone?
- Are there earthquakes associated with Mount Hood?
- Can earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions?
- Do earthquakes large enough to collapse buildings and roads accompany volcanic eruptions?
Nuclear Explosions and Seismology
- Can nuclear explosions cause earthquakes?
- How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?
- Can we use a lot of explosives to cause small earthquakes in order to prevent having large ones?
- What is the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), and what is the role of seismology in monitoring it?