To understand information needs and respond to the many challenges in bird conservation, USGS scientists participate in Flyway committees, on Joint Venture boards and working groups, in professional organizations, and in other conservation partnerships. These activities connect USGS scientists to conservation partners with whom they work to address substantial challenges. More than one hundred USGS scientists are dedicated to the scientific study of birds.
Bird Research
North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database
Shorebird Research
Seabirds and Forage Fish Ecology
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Migratory Birds
USGS Alaska Science Center Wildlife Tracking Data Collection
Informing Renewable Energy Development Siting Decisions with Vertebrate Biodiversity Measures
Changing Arctic Ecosystems
Landbird Research in Alaska
Boreal Partners in Flight
Waterfowl Research
Pacific Island Bird Survey Design and Data Analysis
Mapping Grassland Bird Community Distribution under a Changing Climate
Demographic Analysis of the Endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
Use and History of the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD)
Knowledge Synthesis of Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Science
Productivity of Species of Concern – Least Tern and Common Tern on Poplar Island
Deep Learning for Automated Detection and Classification of Waterfowl, Seabirds, and other Wildlife from Digital Aerial Imagery
Fish and Wildlife seasonal and temporary wetland assessment
Post-fledging movement and habitat selection by mallards in the fall and their effect on spring recruitment
Managing for Grassland Health at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge
Aerial Seabird and Marine Mammal Surveys
Recent data (2020-2022) related to USGS migratory bird research is listed below. A complete listing of USGS migratory bird data is available from the button below.
Observation Data of Migratory Birds during Spring and Fall Migration and their use of Habitats in the Yakutat Foreland of Alaska
Aquatic Prey Resources in Response to Estuary Restoration in Willapa Bay, Washington (2014-2015)
Data Supporting Studies of Waterbird and Arctic Lake Ecosystems within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 1974-1992
Migration stopover ecology of cinnamon teal in western North America
Egg Morphometric Data Obtained for White-faced Ibis Nesting in Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, Utah (2010-2012)
Aerial surveys of shorebirds at pre-migratory staging sites in western Alaska, 2018-2019
Tule Greater White-fronted Goose Migration Tracks (2019-2020) and Atmospheric Smoke Concentrations (2020).
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2021 retrieved 2021-07-25
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2020 retrieved 2020-06-26
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Satellite Telemetry and Observational Data, Western North America, 1993-1997
Western sandpiper diet composition in south San Francisco Bay, CA
Nest data for white-faced Ibis in Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, Utah in summer 2012
Recent publications (2020-2022) related to USGS migratory bird research are listed below. A complete listing of USGS migratory bird publications is available from the button below.
Balancing future renewable energy infrastructure siting and associated habitat loss for migrating whooping cranes
Museum genomics provide evidence for persistent genetic differentiation in a threatened seabird species in the Western Atlantic
Prioritizing habitats based on abundance and distribution of molting waterfowl in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska
Interpreting long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles: Prospecting and nomadism?
Grassland conservation supports migratory birds and produces economic benefits for the commercial beekeeping industry in the U.S. Great Plains
Functional wetland loss drives emerging risks to waterbird migration networks
The Pacific as the world’s greatest theater of bird migration: Extreme flights spark questions about physiological capabilities, behavior, and the evolution of migratory pathways
The impact of future climate on wetland habitat in a critical migratory waterfowl corridor of the Prairie Pothole Region
Revealing migratory path, important stopovers and non-breeding areas of a boreal songbird in steep decline
Life-history attributes of Arctic-breeding birds drive uneven responses to environmental variability across different phases of the reproductive cycle
Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers
A review of algal toxin exposures on reserved federal lands and among trust species in the United States
Find out what's new!
To understand information needs and respond to the many challenges in bird conservation, USGS scientists participate in Flyway committees, on Joint Venture boards and working groups, in professional organizations, and in other conservation partnerships. These activities connect USGS scientists to conservation partners with whom they work to address substantial challenges. More than one hundred USGS scientists are dedicated to the scientific study of birds.
Bird Research
North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database
Shorebird Research
Seabirds and Forage Fish Ecology
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Migratory Birds
USGS Alaska Science Center Wildlife Tracking Data Collection
Informing Renewable Energy Development Siting Decisions with Vertebrate Biodiversity Measures
Changing Arctic Ecosystems
Landbird Research in Alaska
Boreal Partners in Flight
Waterfowl Research
Pacific Island Bird Survey Design and Data Analysis
Mapping Grassland Bird Community Distribution under a Changing Climate
Demographic Analysis of the Endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
Use and History of the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD)
Knowledge Synthesis of Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Science
Productivity of Species of Concern – Least Tern and Common Tern on Poplar Island
Deep Learning for Automated Detection and Classification of Waterfowl, Seabirds, and other Wildlife from Digital Aerial Imagery
Fish and Wildlife seasonal and temporary wetland assessment
Post-fledging movement and habitat selection by mallards in the fall and their effect on spring recruitment
Managing for Grassland Health at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge
Aerial Seabird and Marine Mammal Surveys
Recent data (2020-2022) related to USGS migratory bird research is listed below. A complete listing of USGS migratory bird data is available from the button below.
Observation Data of Migratory Birds during Spring and Fall Migration and their use of Habitats in the Yakutat Foreland of Alaska
Aquatic Prey Resources in Response to Estuary Restoration in Willapa Bay, Washington (2014-2015)
Data Supporting Studies of Waterbird and Arctic Lake Ecosystems within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, 1974-1992
Migration stopover ecology of cinnamon teal in western North America
Egg Morphometric Data Obtained for White-faced Ibis Nesting in Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, Utah (2010-2012)
Aerial surveys of shorebirds at pre-migratory staging sites in western Alaska, 2018-2019
Tule Greater White-fronted Goose Migration Tracks (2019-2020) and Atmospheric Smoke Concentrations (2020).
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2021 retrieved 2021-07-25
North American Bird Banding Program Dataset 1960-2020 retrieved 2020-06-26
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Satellite Telemetry and Observational Data, Western North America, 1993-1997
Western sandpiper diet composition in south San Francisco Bay, CA
Nest data for white-faced Ibis in Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Great Salt Lake, Utah in summer 2012
Recent publications (2020-2022) related to USGS migratory bird research are listed below. A complete listing of USGS migratory bird publications is available from the button below.
Balancing future renewable energy infrastructure siting and associated habitat loss for migrating whooping cranes
Museum genomics provide evidence for persistent genetic differentiation in a threatened seabird species in the Western Atlantic
Prioritizing habitats based on abundance and distribution of molting waterfowl in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska
Interpreting long-distance movements of non-migratory golden eagles: Prospecting and nomadism?
Grassland conservation supports migratory birds and produces economic benefits for the commercial beekeeping industry in the U.S. Great Plains
Functional wetland loss drives emerging risks to waterbird migration networks
The Pacific as the world’s greatest theater of bird migration: Extreme flights spark questions about physiological capabilities, behavior, and the evolution of migratory pathways
The impact of future climate on wetland habitat in a critical migratory waterfowl corridor of the Prairie Pothole Region
Revealing migratory path, important stopovers and non-breeding areas of a boreal songbird in steep decline
Life-history attributes of Arctic-breeding birds drive uneven responses to environmental variability across different phases of the reproductive cycle
Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers
A review of algal toxin exposures on reserved federal lands and among trust species in the United States
Find out what's new!