The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Snow, Ice, and Permafrost
Why should I care about glaciers?
Long-term USGS research uncovers how climate change impacts glaciers and the impacts on communities around the world.
Arctic Rivers Project
The Arctic Rivers Projects weaves together Indigenous and Western knowledge to strengthen our collective understanding of climate change effects in Alaska
Repeat Photography Collection
How much have the glaciers in Glacier National Park changed over the last 100 years? Check out this photograph collection to see glaciers then and now!
Benchmark Glacier Research Project
The USGS has been systemically monitoring five "benchmark" glaciers since the 1950s, the longest continuous record of North American glaciers!
Climate change has a profound effect on the Earth’s cryosphere, the portions of the planet's surface dominated by snow and ice. This has diverse impacts on global water supplies, economies, coastal communities, and ecosystems. The USGS monitors snow, ice, and permafrost across the country and develops science to help communities respond to a warming cryosphere.
How does Climate Change Affect Snow and Ice?
Frozen landscapes profoundly shape their natural and human communities. Plants, animals, and humans have evolved to deal with the challenges that characterize the cold – navigating slippery ice and deep snow, finding and storing food through long winters, staying warm, etc. Yet a warming Earth is shifting seasonal temperatures and precipitation patterns, affecting rain, snow, and ice across the globe. This has a particularly dramatic impact on the parts of the Earth dominated by snow, ice, and frozen ground, called the cryosphere.
Snow and ice are critical elements of the Earth’s water supply. While rainwater gets absorbed into watersheds almost immediately, frozen water is effectively inaccessible until it melts. Thus, snow and ice can “store” water over cold periods (such as winter months or ice ages) and release it during warmer periods. Winter snowpack is a seasonal “savings account,” releasing meltwater slowly over warm summer months. Sea ice and glaciers are more like long-term water “savings bonds.” Sea ice freezes for months or years, capping oceans at the poles with bright white reflective surfaces. Glaciers can store water for millennia at a time, trapping so much water on land that it affects global sea levels. However, warming temperatures are melting these resources at rates never seen before, threatening wildlife, water supplies, and coastal communities facing sea level rise.

When snow falls on higher elevations, it accumulates as snowpack. As the snowpack melts, it waters lower elevation landscapes over spring and summer months. In some areas of the Rocky Mountains, snowmelt provides almost 70% of the water local communities depend on for municipal water, irrigation, and hydroelectric dams. The timing of snowmelt affects not only when water is available for communities and ecosystems, but also the risk of hazards like avalanches, floods, and wildfires.
Warmer temperatures from climate change often translate into less snowy winters, or winters where it rains instead of snows. This means less snowpack, and less water “saved up” for later in the year. Many communities are also experiencing earlier and faster snowmelt, leading to repercussions on water supply, risk management, tourism, and ecosystem health in Western watersheds. Less snow also impacts plants and animals of the region. Some species benefit from earlier spring green-ups or from not having to navigate icy hazards. Yet this is bad news for snow-dependent species, like snowshoe hares that need white snow for camouflage or small animals that hibernate underneath insulating snowbanks.

Sea Ice
For at least part of the year, sea ice covers approximately 15 percent of the global ocean, mainly in polar regions. All this sea ice influences global climate and major weather patterns. In winter, it acts as a thermal blanket, trapping heat in the oceans. Sea ice also reflects solar radiation, keeping polar temperatures much cooler than those at the equator. Sea ice is crucial to wildlife and human communities in the Arctic. Walruses, seals, polar bears, Arctic foxes, many bird species, and even microorganisms such as phytoplankton rely on sea ice as habitat. People in the Arctic also depend on stable sea ice for winter transportation and hunting.
Warming temperatures delay the formation of sea ice and hasten its melting. This results in larger areas of open water—which absorb more solar radiation—for longer periods each year. This raises ocean temperatures and sets off a feedback cycle of warming and melting. This is especially pronounced in the Arctic, where ice forms over open water. Changes in sea ice cover also disrupt how ocean currents behave, affecting nutrient flows and marine communities. As the ice-free season lengthens, the Arctic coast is more susceptible to erosion from waves and storm surge, threatening Arctic communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems.

Glaciers play an important role in both local and global water cycles. Glaciers typically gain ice through snow accumulation each winter (accumulation season) and lose ice through melting each summer (melt season). Glacier meltwater released during summer months dumps cold freshwater into lakes, streams, and oceans. These freshwater influxes feed unique local ecosystems, for example creating ideal habitat for coldwater salmon in Alaska. Glaciers are also important for human communities, contributing to agriculture, hydropower, recreation, and tourism. On a global scale, glaciers act as “long term savings” for much of the world’s freshwater (almost 70%, to be exact). If all the glaciers were to melt at once, the ocean would rise 230 feet, creating a very different world!
Glaciers are tightly linked to climate. Climatic warming in the last century has resulted in substantial glacier ice loss around the world. As climate change has intensified over the several decades, glacial melting has become noticeable even within a human lifespan. Loss of glaciers contributes to sea-level rise and can alter both freshwater and marine habitats. Retreating glaciers leave behind scarred and destabilized landscapes, increasing the risks of hazards such as ice avalanches and glacial lake outburst floods. Over time, these landscapes will transform into new ecosystems, altering the biological communities of the region.
Water is not the only frozen resource in cold climates. Soil can also freeze, locking nutrients and organic matter into an underground material called permafrost. The top layer of soil above permafrost thaws and re-freezes every year, providing a seasonal foothold for hardy plants and releasing water and nutrients into the ecosystem.
Climate change is causing permafrost across the world to melt. This dramatically alters the specialized ecosystems that have evolved around them – softening the soil, shifting nutrient flows, even releasing different minerals into both surface water and groundwater. Thawed permafrost also releases previously locked-away carbon dioxide, transforming permafrost landscapes from an important carbon sink into a major carbon source. Thawing permafrost coastlines are also more susceptible to erosion from waves and storms, transforming coastlines across the Arctic.
USGS Science helps Understand the Impacts to Cryosphere
Reduced high elevation snowpack and declining sea ice, glaciers, and lake ice is not something that is easily reversed. However, we can work to understand how these losses will affect people and the Earth’s ecosystems. USGS scientists provide critical information and tools to mitigate climate impacts to snow, ice, and permafrost.
USGS research helps to:
Understand current and predict future changes to the cryosphere, including seasonal snowpack, sea ice, glacier, and permafrost dynamics
Understand impacts of snow and ice loss on plants, animals, and human communities
Identify climate refugia that may retain cold conditions and shelter cold-dependent species
Quantify climate change repercussions of greenhouse gas emissions from melting ice and permafrost
Help communities understand, predict, and prepare for hazards such as landslides, avalanches, and glacial lake outburst floods
Understand relationships between snow/ice loss and droughts, floods, and fires
Understand, monitor, and predict coastal erosion in the Arctic
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Downscaling of climate model output for Alaskan stakeholders
Multidecadal increases in the Yukon River Basin of chemical fluxes as indicators of changing flowpaths, groundwater, and permafrost
State of the Earth’s cryosphere at the beginning of the 21st century : glaciers, global snow cover, floating ice, and permafrost and periglacial environments
Polar Bear Research
Arctic Biogeochemical Response to Permafrost Thaw (ABRUPT)
Atmospheric Warming, Loss of Snow Cover, and Declining Colorado River Flow
Webinar: Climate Adaptation Planning with Alaska-Based Adaptation Tools
From Public Hazard to Key Drivers of Landscape Change: Understanding the Role of Avalanches in Southeast Alaska
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) Headquarters
2327 University Way
Suite 2
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
4210 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
United States
National Climate Adaptation Science Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 516
Reston, VA 20192
United States
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.

These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.
These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.

Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.
Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.

Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.

USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.

Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
April Showers may Bring May Flowers, but Winter Snow is Water in the Bank
Rivers in the Sky: 6 Facts You Should Know about Atmospheric Rivers
Project Spotlight: Alaska CASC Helps Juneau Community Understand Mysterious Glacial Outburst Floods
The USGS has hundreds of publications on snow, ice, and permafrost! Explore a few of our favorites.
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Downscaling of climate model output for Alaskan stakeholders
Multidecadal increases in the Yukon River Basin of chemical fluxes as indicators of changing flowpaths, groundwater, and permafrost
State of the Earth’s cryosphere at the beginning of the 21st century : glaciers, global snow cover, floating ice, and permafrost and periglacial environments
Explore some of the many USGS science projects on snow, ice, and permafrost.
Glaciers and Landscape Change
Polar Bear Research
Arctic Biogeochemical Response to Permafrost Thaw (ABRUPT)
Atmospheric Warming, Loss of Snow Cover, and Declining Colorado River Flow
Webinar: Climate Adaptation Planning with Alaska-Based Adaptation Tools
From Public Hazard to Key Drivers of Landscape Change: Understanding the Role of Avalanches in Southeast Alaska
Walrus Sea-Ice Habitats Melting Away
Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems (CCME)
Snow and Avalanche Research
Glacier Research
Snow Drought: Recognizing and Understanding its Impacts in Alaska
Check out some of our favorite tools and visually stunning interactive narratives describing our ice, snow, and permafrost work.
Geodetic Data for USGS Benchmark Glaciers: Orthophotos, Digital Elevation Models, Glacier Boundaries and Surveyed Positions
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: Juneau Icefield Glaciers
Arctic Rivers Project: Connecting Indigenous knowledge and western science to strengthen collective understanding of the changing Arctic
Soil data and age models used to investigate the effects of permafrost thaw on carbon storage, Interior Alaska
From Snow to Flow (data visualization story)
Coastal Change in Alaska
Sea Level Change
Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA
Check out some of the amazing USGS photos, videos, podcasts, and webinars on snow, ice, and permafrost.
Timelapse imagery from Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
The timelapse imagery provided here shows the lower half of Wolverine Glacier from 2012 to 2019. This imagery gives an intuitive view of the scale of change happening at glaciers across Alaska. For reference, the volume of ice lost at Wolverine Glacier during the timeframe of this video would be enough to cover the cover the full Delaney Park Strip in downtown Anchorage with ice over 4,000 feet...
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.

These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.
These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.

USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.

Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.
Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.

Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.

Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
This is the first in a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this series we will be highlighting stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is the first in a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this series we will be highlighting stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This video showcases the latest polar bear point-of-view footage to date along with an interview of the research scientist who is responsible for the project. Released in conjunction with a new scientific study led by the USGS.
This video showcases the latest polar bear point-of-view footage to date along with an interview of the research scientist who is responsible for the project. Released in conjunction with a new scientific study led by the USGS.

Thermal satellite images are tracking A-68, a newly calved iceberg off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antartica.
At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change, operate the Landsat satellites, and maintain the longest, continuously acquired collection of images of the Earth's land surface.
Thermal satellite images are tracking A-68, a newly calved iceberg off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antartica.
At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change, operate the Landsat satellites, and maintain the longest, continuously acquired collection of images of the Earth's land surface.

Ahern Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 2 of 6
Ahern Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 2 of 6

Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 1 of 3.
Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 1 of 3.

Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1913. Image 2 of 3.
Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1913. Image 2 of 3.

Chaney Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1962. Image 6 of 6.
Chaney Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1962. Image 6 of 6.
Rapidly changing glaciers in Alaska demonstrate tight physical and ecological linkages with downstream ecosystems that bridge the icefield-to-ocean continuum.
Rapidly changing glaciers in Alaska demonstrate tight physical and ecological linkages with downstream ecosystems that bridge the icefield-to-ocean continuum.

Impressive columns like these form along the margins of ice-confined lava flows but usually are eroded off the sides due to continued glacial movement after an eruption ceases. Columns are better preserved at the ends of the flows (this photo) where they are protected somewhat from the ice.
Impressive columns like these form along the margins of ice-confined lava flows but usually are eroded off the sides due to continued glacial movement after an eruption ceases. Columns are better preserved at the ends of the flows (this photo) where they are protected somewhat from the ice.

A glacial lake outburst flood pours out from under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to overflow the Mendenhall Lake.
A glacial lake outburst flood pours out from under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to overflow the Mendenhall Lake.
Ice shelves are retreating along the Antarctic Peninsula due to climate change. This could result in glacier retreat and sea-level rise if warming continues.
USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno discusses the USGS project that is for the first time studying the entire Antarctic coastline in detail.
Ice shelves are retreating along the Antarctic Peninsula due to climate change. This could result in glacier retreat and sea-level rise if warming continues.
USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno discusses the USGS project that is for the first time studying the entire Antarctic coastline in detail.
Explore some of USGS programs who conduct climate change research on snow, ice, and permafrost and start a conversation with their social media accounts.
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) Headquarters
2327 University Way
Suite 2
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
4210 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
United States
National Climate Adaptation Science Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 516
Reston, VA 20192
United States
Which mountain in the conterminous U.S. has the most glaciers?
How do we know glaciers are shrinking?
How would sea level change if all glaciers melted?
How does present glacier extent and sea level compare to the extent of glaciers and global sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)?
Where are Earth’s glaciers located?
Where on Earth are temperate glaciers located?
How much of the Earth's water is stored in glaciers?
Where are glaciers found in continental North America?
How many glaciers currently exist in Alaska?
Was all of Alaska covered by glaciers during the Pleistocene Ice Age?
Are today's glaciers leftovers from the Pleistocene ice age?
Climate change has a profound effect on the Earth’s cryosphere, the portions of the planet's surface dominated by snow and ice. This has diverse impacts on global water supplies, economies, coastal communities, and ecosystems. The USGS monitors snow, ice, and permafrost across the country and develops science to help communities respond to a warming cryosphere.
How does Climate Change Affect Snow and Ice?
Frozen landscapes profoundly shape their natural and human communities. Plants, animals, and humans have evolved to deal with the challenges that characterize the cold – navigating slippery ice and deep snow, finding and storing food through long winters, staying warm, etc. Yet a warming Earth is shifting seasonal temperatures and precipitation patterns, affecting rain, snow, and ice across the globe. This has a particularly dramatic impact on the parts of the Earth dominated by snow, ice, and frozen ground, called the cryosphere.
Snow and ice are critical elements of the Earth’s water supply. While rainwater gets absorbed into watersheds almost immediately, frozen water is effectively inaccessible until it melts. Thus, snow and ice can “store” water over cold periods (such as winter months or ice ages) and release it during warmer periods. Winter snowpack is a seasonal “savings account,” releasing meltwater slowly over warm summer months. Sea ice and glaciers are more like long-term water “savings bonds.” Sea ice freezes for months or years, capping oceans at the poles with bright white reflective surfaces. Glaciers can store water for millennia at a time, trapping so much water on land that it affects global sea levels. However, warming temperatures are melting these resources at rates never seen before, threatening wildlife, water supplies, and coastal communities facing sea level rise.

When snow falls on higher elevations, it accumulates as snowpack. As the snowpack melts, it waters lower elevation landscapes over spring and summer months. In some areas of the Rocky Mountains, snowmelt provides almost 70% of the water local communities depend on for municipal water, irrigation, and hydroelectric dams. The timing of snowmelt affects not only when water is available for communities and ecosystems, but also the risk of hazards like avalanches, floods, and wildfires.
Warmer temperatures from climate change often translate into less snowy winters, or winters where it rains instead of snows. This means less snowpack, and less water “saved up” for later in the year. Many communities are also experiencing earlier and faster snowmelt, leading to repercussions on water supply, risk management, tourism, and ecosystem health in Western watersheds. Less snow also impacts plants and animals of the region. Some species benefit from earlier spring green-ups or from not having to navigate icy hazards. Yet this is bad news for snow-dependent species, like snowshoe hares that need white snow for camouflage or small animals that hibernate underneath insulating snowbanks.

Sea Ice
For at least part of the year, sea ice covers approximately 15 percent of the global ocean, mainly in polar regions. All this sea ice influences global climate and major weather patterns. In winter, it acts as a thermal blanket, trapping heat in the oceans. Sea ice also reflects solar radiation, keeping polar temperatures much cooler than those at the equator. Sea ice is crucial to wildlife and human communities in the Arctic. Walruses, seals, polar bears, Arctic foxes, many bird species, and even microorganisms such as phytoplankton rely on sea ice as habitat. People in the Arctic also depend on stable sea ice for winter transportation and hunting.
Warming temperatures delay the formation of sea ice and hasten its melting. This results in larger areas of open water—which absorb more solar radiation—for longer periods each year. This raises ocean temperatures and sets off a feedback cycle of warming and melting. This is especially pronounced in the Arctic, where ice forms over open water. Changes in sea ice cover also disrupt how ocean currents behave, affecting nutrient flows and marine communities. As the ice-free season lengthens, the Arctic coast is more susceptible to erosion from waves and storm surge, threatening Arctic communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems.

Glaciers play an important role in both local and global water cycles. Glaciers typically gain ice through snow accumulation each winter (accumulation season) and lose ice through melting each summer (melt season). Glacier meltwater released during summer months dumps cold freshwater into lakes, streams, and oceans. These freshwater influxes feed unique local ecosystems, for example creating ideal habitat for coldwater salmon in Alaska. Glaciers are also important for human communities, contributing to agriculture, hydropower, recreation, and tourism. On a global scale, glaciers act as “long term savings” for much of the world’s freshwater (almost 70%, to be exact). If all the glaciers were to melt at once, the ocean would rise 230 feet, creating a very different world!
Glaciers are tightly linked to climate. Climatic warming in the last century has resulted in substantial glacier ice loss around the world. As climate change has intensified over the several decades, glacial melting has become noticeable even within a human lifespan. Loss of glaciers contributes to sea-level rise and can alter both freshwater and marine habitats. Retreating glaciers leave behind scarred and destabilized landscapes, increasing the risks of hazards such as ice avalanches and glacial lake outburst floods. Over time, these landscapes will transform into new ecosystems, altering the biological communities of the region.
Water is not the only frozen resource in cold climates. Soil can also freeze, locking nutrients and organic matter into an underground material called permafrost. The top layer of soil above permafrost thaws and re-freezes every year, providing a seasonal foothold for hardy plants and releasing water and nutrients into the ecosystem.
Climate change is causing permafrost across the world to melt. This dramatically alters the specialized ecosystems that have evolved around them – softening the soil, shifting nutrient flows, even releasing different minerals into both surface water and groundwater. Thawed permafrost also releases previously locked-away carbon dioxide, transforming permafrost landscapes from an important carbon sink into a major carbon source. Thawing permafrost coastlines are also more susceptible to erosion from waves and storms, transforming coastlines across the Arctic.
USGS Science helps Understand the Impacts to Cryosphere
Reduced high elevation snowpack and declining sea ice, glaciers, and lake ice is not something that is easily reversed. However, we can work to understand how these losses will affect people and the Earth’s ecosystems. USGS scientists provide critical information and tools to mitigate climate impacts to snow, ice, and permafrost.
USGS research helps to:
Understand current and predict future changes to the cryosphere, including seasonal snowpack, sea ice, glacier, and permafrost dynamics
Understand impacts of snow and ice loss on plants, animals, and human communities
Identify climate refugia that may retain cold conditions and shelter cold-dependent species
Quantify climate change repercussions of greenhouse gas emissions from melting ice and permafrost
Help communities understand, predict, and prepare for hazards such as landslides, avalanches, and glacial lake outburst floods
Understand relationships between snow/ice loss and droughts, floods, and fires
Understand, monitor, and predict coastal erosion in the Arctic
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Downscaling of climate model output for Alaskan stakeholders
Multidecadal increases in the Yukon River Basin of chemical fluxes as indicators of changing flowpaths, groundwater, and permafrost
State of the Earth’s cryosphere at the beginning of the 21st century : glaciers, global snow cover, floating ice, and permafrost and periglacial environments
Polar Bear Research
Arctic Biogeochemical Response to Permafrost Thaw (ABRUPT)
Atmospheric Warming, Loss of Snow Cover, and Declining Colorado River Flow
Webinar: Climate Adaptation Planning with Alaska-Based Adaptation Tools
From Public Hazard to Key Drivers of Landscape Change: Understanding the Role of Avalanches in Southeast Alaska
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) Headquarters
2327 University Way
Suite 2
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
4210 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
United States
National Climate Adaptation Science Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 516
Reston, VA 20192
United States
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.

These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.
These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.

Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.
Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.

Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.

USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.

Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
April Showers may Bring May Flowers, but Winter Snow is Water in the Bank
Rivers in the Sky: 6 Facts You Should Know about Atmospheric Rivers
Project Spotlight: Alaska CASC Helps Juneau Community Understand Mysterious Glacial Outburst Floods
The USGS has hundreds of publications on snow, ice, and permafrost! Explore a few of our favorites.
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Downscaling of climate model output for Alaskan stakeholders
Multidecadal increases in the Yukon River Basin of chemical fluxes as indicators of changing flowpaths, groundwater, and permafrost
State of the Earth’s cryosphere at the beginning of the 21st century : glaciers, global snow cover, floating ice, and permafrost and periglacial environments
Explore some of the many USGS science projects on snow, ice, and permafrost.
Glaciers and Landscape Change
Polar Bear Research
Arctic Biogeochemical Response to Permafrost Thaw (ABRUPT)
Atmospheric Warming, Loss of Snow Cover, and Declining Colorado River Flow
Webinar: Climate Adaptation Planning with Alaska-Based Adaptation Tools
From Public Hazard to Key Drivers of Landscape Change: Understanding the Role of Avalanches in Southeast Alaska
Walrus Sea-Ice Habitats Melting Away
Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems (CCME)
Snow and Avalanche Research
Glacier Research
Snow Drought: Recognizing and Understanding its Impacts in Alaska
Check out some of our favorite tools and visually stunning interactive narratives describing our ice, snow, and permafrost work.
Geodetic Data for USGS Benchmark Glaciers: Orthophotos, Digital Elevation Models, Glacier Boundaries and Surveyed Positions
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: USGS Benchmark Glaciers
Glacier-Wide Mass Balance and Compiled Data Inputs: Juneau Icefield Glaciers
Arctic Rivers Project: Connecting Indigenous knowledge and western science to strengthen collective understanding of the changing Arctic
Soil data and age models used to investigate the effects of permafrost thaw on carbon storage, Interior Alaska
From Snow to Flow (data visualization story)
Coastal Change in Alaska
Sea Level Change
Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA
Check out some of the amazing USGS photos, videos, podcasts, and webinars on snow, ice, and permafrost.
Timelapse imagery from Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
The timelapse imagery provided here shows the lower half of Wolverine Glacier from 2012 to 2019. This imagery gives an intuitive view of the scale of change happening at glaciers across Alaska. For reference, the volume of ice lost at Wolverine Glacier during the timeframe of this video would be enough to cover the cover the full Delaney Park Strip in downtown Anchorage with ice over 4,000 feet...
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.

These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.
These northeast-looking photographs, on the southeastern side of White Thunder Ridge, show the changes between 1941 and 2004 to the lower reaches of Muir Glacier, then a large tidewater calving valley glacier, and its tributary Riggs Glacier.

USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.
USGS Wildlife Research Biologist Heather Johnson uses collar-mounted video cameras to peer into the lives of climate-threatened caribou.

Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.
Research Wildlife Biologist Steve Matsuoka explores how climate change affects the reproductive success of Alaska’s diverse bird communities, which include more than 100 species that migrate to Alaska each year world to breed.

Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this episode we highlight stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.

Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
Glacial outburst flooding from Suicide Basin submerges trails around the Mendenhall Glacier visitors center
linkA path near the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau, Alaska is completely submerged by floodwaters from a glacial lake outburst flood.
This is the first in a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this series we will be highlighting stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This is the first in a special edition of Outstanding in the Field, the U.S. Geological Survey’s podcast series produced by the Ecosystems Mission Area. In this series we will be highlighting stories from the Alaska Voices podcast, a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
This video showcases the latest polar bear point-of-view footage to date along with an interview of the research scientist who is responsible for the project. Released in conjunction with a new scientific study led by the USGS.
This video showcases the latest polar bear point-of-view footage to date along with an interview of the research scientist who is responsible for the project. Released in conjunction with a new scientific study led by the USGS.

Thermal satellite images are tracking A-68, a newly calved iceberg off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antartica.
At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change, operate the Landsat satellites, and maintain the longest, continuously acquired collection of images of the Earth's land surface.
Thermal satellite images are tracking A-68, a newly calved iceberg off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antartica.
At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change, operate the Landsat satellites, and maintain the longest, continuously acquired collection of images of the Earth's land surface.

Ahern Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 2 of 6
Ahern Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 2 of 6

Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 1 of 3.
Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1911. Image 1 of 3.

Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1913. Image 2 of 3.
Shepard Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1913. Image 2 of 3.

Chaney Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1962. Image 6 of 6.
Chaney Glacier in Glacier National Park, circa 1962. Image 6 of 6.
Rapidly changing glaciers in Alaska demonstrate tight physical and ecological linkages with downstream ecosystems that bridge the icefield-to-ocean continuum.
Rapidly changing glaciers in Alaska demonstrate tight physical and ecological linkages with downstream ecosystems that bridge the icefield-to-ocean continuum.

Impressive columns like these form along the margins of ice-confined lava flows but usually are eroded off the sides due to continued glacial movement after an eruption ceases. Columns are better preserved at the ends of the flows (this photo) where they are protected somewhat from the ice.
Impressive columns like these form along the margins of ice-confined lava flows but usually are eroded off the sides due to continued glacial movement after an eruption ceases. Columns are better preserved at the ends of the flows (this photo) where they are protected somewhat from the ice.

A glacial lake outburst flood pours out from under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to overflow the Mendenhall Lake.
A glacial lake outburst flood pours out from under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to overflow the Mendenhall Lake.
Ice shelves are retreating along the Antarctic Peninsula due to climate change. This could result in glacier retreat and sea-level rise if warming continues.
USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno discusses the USGS project that is for the first time studying the entire Antarctic coastline in detail.
Ice shelves are retreating along the Antarctic Peninsula due to climate change. This could result in glacier retreat and sea-level rise if warming continues.
USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno discusses the USGS project that is for the first time studying the entire Antarctic coastline in detail.
Explore some of USGS programs who conduct climate change research on snow, ice, and permafrost and start a conversation with their social media accounts.
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) Headquarters
2327 University Way
Suite 2
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
4210 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508
United States
National Climate Adaptation Science Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 516
Reston, VA 20192
United States