Jeanne M Jones
Jeanne Jones is a Geographer and software developer with the USGS Western Geographic Science Center in Moffett Field, CA.
She designs and develops software tools for research, often involving spatial analysis with big datasets over large geographic areas.
Professional Experience
2010 - Current: Geographer, Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC)
Education and Certifications
M.A. in Geography/GIS from San Jose State University
Graduate coursework in computer science and applied mathematics from Santa Clara University
B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Boston University
Science and Products
Subsidence Susceptibility Map for the Conterminous U.S.
Sinkholes present hazards to humans due to subsidence and by focusing contaminated surface water runoff into groundwater. Sinkholes create instability in the foundations of buildings, roads and other infrastructure, resulting in damage and in some cases loss of life, but may also play an important role as vernal pools in some ecosystems. This project created a prototype nationwide...
CDI Risk Map
The Community for Data Integration (CDI) Risk Map Project is developing modular tools and services to benefit a wide group of scientists and managers that deal with various aspects of risk research and planning. Risk is the potential that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence to an asset such as human or natural resources. This project builds upon a Department of the...
The 2004 Indian Ocean, 2010 Chilean, and 2011 Tohoku disasters have shown how tsunamis are significant threats to coastal communities. To help U.S. coastal communities prepare for future tsunamis, the Hazards Vulnerability Team completed projects related to population exposure and sensitivity, pedestrian evacuation modeling, and vertical-evacuation decision support. A recent article of ours in the...
Coastal Change
The continued devastation from recent hurricanes and tropical storms demonstrates the vulnerability of coastal communities to coastal-change hazards. Changes in sea level and storm-wave intensity are changing the areas that are prone to erosion and storm-related flooding. The Hazards Vulnerability Team has worked with USGS coastal researchers and partners to improve our understanding of community...
The U.S. Pacific Northwest is an active seismic zone, as evidenced by the 2001 Nisqually earthquake near Olympia (WA) and several other earthquakes in the 1990's. The Hazards Vulnerability Team worked with emergency managers and USGS earthquake researchers to better understand how communities are vulnerable to earthquake hazards.
Hazards Vulnerability Team
Our country faces a wide array of natural hazards that threaten its safety, security, economic well-being, and natural resources. To minimize future losses, communities need a clear understanding of how they are vulnerable to natural hazards and of strategies for increasing their resilience. Vulnerability and resilience are influenced by (1) how communities choose to use hazard-prone land, (2) pre...
A data management and visualization framework for community vulnerability to hazards
USGS research in the Western Geographic Science Center has produced several geospatial datasets estimating the time required to evacuate on foot from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake-generated tsunami in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. These data, created as a result of research performed under the Risk and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards project, are useful for emergency managers and...
Filter Total Items: 20
Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico
Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains...
Community Exposure in U.S. American Samoa to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the territory of American Samoa, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census Bureau data on the number of residents, land cover estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and infrastructure data on...
Community Exposure in U.S. Hawaiian Islands to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of the U.S. Hawaiian Islands. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and...
Community Exposure in U.S. Northern Mariana Islands to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of the U.S. Northern Mariana Islands. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover...
Community Exposure in U.S. Guam to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of U.S. Guam. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure) in...
Community Exposure in U.S. California to Future Shoreline Change Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to shoreline change hazards are presented for communities along the coast of California, U.S. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and...
Geospatial files and tabular exposure estimates of sinkhole susceptibility for counties in the conterminous United States for current conditions and projections for the years 2070-2079 - Overview
These datasets support the conclusions in the journal article entitled "Current and future sinkhole susceptibility in karst and pseudokarst areas of the conterminous United States" as described in the abstract below: Sinkholes in karst and pseudokarst regions threaten infrastructure, property, and lives. We mapped closed depressions in karst and pseudokarst regions of the conterminous...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Georgia, USA
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Georgia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Virginia, USA
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Virginia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Florida, USA
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to future coastal hazards are presented for communities along the coast of U.S. Florida. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure) in...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards in U.S. South Carolina, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure flooding exposure for coastal communities of the state of South Carolina, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure data...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards in U.S. North Carolina, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of North Carolina, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and...
Filter Total Items: 22
Projections of multiple climate-related coastal hazards for the US Southeast Atlantic
Faced with accelerating sea level rise and changing ocean storm conditions, coastal communities require comprehensive assessments of climate-driven hazard impacts to inform adaptation measures. Previous studies have focused on flooding but rarely on other climate-related coastal hazards, such as subsidence, beach erosion and groundwater. Here, we project societal exposure to multiple...
Patrick L. Barnard, Kevin M. Befus, Jeffrey J. Danielson, Anita C Engelstad, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Maya Kumari Hayden, Daniel J. Hoover, Tim Leijnse, Chris Massey, Robert T. McCall, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Kees Nederhoff, Andrea C. O'Neill, Kai Alexander Parker, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Leonard O. Ohenhen, Peter W Swarzenski, Jennifer Anne Thomas, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Killian Vos, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Jamie Jones
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
Landslide susceptibility maps are fundamental tools for risk reduction, but the coarse resolution of current continental-scale models is insufficient for local application. Complex relations between topographic and environmental attributes characterizing landslide susceptibility at local scales are not transferrable across areas without landslide data. Existing maps with multiple...
Benjamin B. Mirus, Gina Marie Belair, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Sabrina N. Martinez
Current and future sinkhole susceptibility in karst and pseudokarst areas of the conterminous United States
Sinkholes in karst and pseudokarst regions threaten infrastructure, property, and lives. We mapped closed depressions in karst and pseudokarst regions of the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 10-m-resolution elevation data using high-performance computing, and then created a heuristic additive model of sinkhole susceptibility that also included nationally consistent data for factors...
Nathan J. Wood, Daniel H. Doctor, Jay R. Alder, Jeanne M. Jones
Community for data integration 2019 project report
The U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration annually supports small projects focusing on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and demonstration of new technologies. This report provides a summary of the 14 projects supported in fiscal year 2019 and outlines their goals, activities, and accomplishments. Proposals in 2019 were...
Amanda N. Liford, Caitlin M. Andrews, Aparna Bamzai, Joseph A. Bard, David S. Blehert, John B. Bradford, Wesley M. Daniel, Sara L. Caldwell Eldridge, Frank Engel, Jason A. Ferrante, Amy K. Gilmer, Margaret E. Hunter, Jeanne M. Jones, Benjamin Letcher, Frances L. Lightsom, Richard R. McDonald, Leah E. Morgan, Sasha C. Reed, Leslie Hsu
Ecosystems Mission Area, Water Resources Mission Area, Science Synthesis, Analysis and Research Program, Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program, Volcano Hazards Program, Community for Data Integration (CDI), Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, National Wildlife Health Center, Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center, Southwest Biological Science Center, Volcano Science Center, Western Geographic Science Center, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center , Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Science Data Management
Multi-hazard risk analysis for the U.S. Department of the Interior: An integration of expert elicitation, planning priorities, and geospatial analysis
An integral part of disaster risk management is identifying and prioritizing hazards and their potential impacts in a meaningful way to support risk-reduction planning. There has been considerable use and subsequent criticism of threat prioritization efforts that simply compare likelihoods and consequences of plausible threats. This article summarizes a new mixed-methods and scalable...
Nathan J. Wood, Alice Pennaz, Jason Marineau, Jeanne M. Jones, Jamie Jones, Peter Ng, Kevin Henry
Community for data integration 2018 funded project report
The U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration annually funds small projects focusing on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and demonstration of new technologies. This report provides a summary of the 10 projects funded in fiscal year 2018, outlining their goals, activities, and accomplishments.
Leslie Hsu, Caitlin M. Andrews, John B. Bradford, Daniel D. Buscombe, Katherine J. Chase, Wesley M. Daniel, Jeanne M. Jones, Pam Fuller, Benjamin B. Mirus, Matthew E. Neilson, Hans W. Vraga, Jessica J. Walker, Dennis H. Walworth, Jonathan Warrick, Jake Weltzin, Daniel J. Wieferich, Nathan J. Wood
Progress toward a preliminary karst depression density map for the conterminous United States
Most methods for the assessment of sinkhole hazard susceptibility are predicated upon knowledge of pre-existing closed depressions in karst areas. In the United States (U.S.), inventories of existing karst depressions are piecemeal, and are often obtained through inconsistent methodologies applied at the state or county level and at various scales. Here, we present a first attempt at...
Daniel H. Doctor, Jeanne M. Jones, Nathan J. Wood, Jeff T. Falgout, Natalya Igorevna Rapstine
Dynamic flood modeling essential to assess the coastal impacts of climate change
Coastal inundation due to sea level rise (SLR) is projected to displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide over the next century, creating significant economic, humanitarian, and national-security challenges. However, the majority of previous efforts to characterize potential coastal impacts of climate change have focused primarily on long-term SLR with a static tide level, and...
Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Juliette A. Finzi Hart, Patrick W. Limber, Andrea C. O'Neill, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Nathan J. Wood, Maya K. Hayden, Jeanne M. Jones
Assessing hazards and risks at the Department of the Interior—A workshop report
On February 27–28, 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey and Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of Emergency Management (OEM) hosted a workshop to gather input from DOI subject matter experts (SMEs), resource managers, facility managers, emergency managers, and law enforcement personnel. Workshop goals were to (1) determine how DOI Bureaus and Offices use risk information for strategic...
Nathan Wood, Alice Pennaz, Kristin Ludwig, Jeanne Jones, Kevin Henry, Jason Sherba, Peter Ng, Jason Marineau, John Juskie
Population vulnerability to tsunami hazards informed by previous and projected disasters: A case study of American Samoa
Population vulnerability from tsunamis is a function of the number and location of individuals in hazard zones and their ability to reach safety before wave arrival. Previous tsunami disasters can provide insight on likely evacuation behavior, but post-disaster assessments have not been used extensively in evacuation modeling. We demonstrate the utility of post-disaster assessments in...
Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Yoshiki Yamazaki, Kwok-Fai Cheung, Jacinta Brown, Jamie Jones, Nina Abdollahian
Assessing and communicating the impacts of climate change on the Southern California coast
Over the course of this and the next century, the combination of rising sea levels, severe storms, and coastal erosion will threaten the sustainability of coastal communities, development, and ecosystems as we currently know them. To clearly identify coastal vulnerabilities and develop appropriate adaptation strategies for projected increased levels of coastal flooding and erosion...
Li H. Erikson, Patrick L. Barnard, Andrea C. O'Neill, Patrick Limber, Sean Vitousek, Juliette Finzi Hart, Maya Hayden, Jeanne M. Jones, Nathan J. Wood, Michael Fitzgibbon, Amy C. Foxgrover, Jessica Lovering
Projected 21st century coastal flooding in the Southern California Bight. Part 2: Tools for assessing climate change-driven coastal hazards and socio-economic impacts
This paper is the second of two that describes the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) approach for quantifying physical hazards and socio-economic hazard exposure in coastal zones affected by sea-level rise and changing coastal storms. The modelling approach, presented in Part 1, downscales atmospheric global-scale projections to local scale coastal flood impacts by deterministically...
Li H. Erikson, Patrick L. Barnard, Andrea C. O'Neill, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Juliette Finzi Hart, Sean Vitousek, Patrick W. Limber, Maya Hayden, Michael Fitzgibbon, Jessica Lovering, Amy C. Foxgrover
Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA)
The Hazard Exposure and Reporting Analytics (HERA) website helps communities understand how natural hazards could impact their land, people, infrastructure, and livelihoods. HERA provides tools and data to help communities as they plan and prepare for natural hazards.
USDOT traffic data processing source code, v1.0.0
This code contains the data processing for research described in xxxx by Wood et al., 2024. U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) highway traffic data for each state and month is processed into a single CSV file containing the monthly total of vehicles passing each traffic station camera, the maximum hourly rate for each station and month, and the timestamp when the maximum occurred...
Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst software source code, v2.0.0
The Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst is an ArcGIS Pro toolbox that estimates how long it would take for someone to travel on foot out of a hazardous area that was threatened by a sudden event such as a tsunami, flash flood, or volcanic lahar. It takes into account the elevation changes and the different types of landcover that a person would encounter along the way.
Landslide Automated Geospatial Processing Software Using a High-Performance Computer
This software contains the data processing for nationwide landslide research described in Mirus et al. 2024, Parsimonious landslide-susceptibility modeling at continental scales: Application for the conterminous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. To perform geospatial processing over the large geographic area, each 1/3 arc-second (10-meter) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is...
Prism Engine software source code v2.0.0
A continually increasing number of high-quality digital strong-motion records from stations of the National Strong Motion Project (NSMP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as well as data from regional seismic networks within the U.S., called for automated processing of strong-motion records with human review limited to selected significant or flagged records. This PRISM (Processing...
Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst Tool
The Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst is an ArcGIS extension that estimates how long it would take for someone to travel on foot out of a hazardous area that was threatened by a sudden event such as a tsunami, flash flood, or volcanic lahar. It takes into account the elevation changes and the different types of landcover that a person would encounter along the way.
Science and Products
Subsidence Susceptibility Map for the Conterminous U.S.
Sinkholes present hazards to humans due to subsidence and by focusing contaminated surface water runoff into groundwater. Sinkholes create instability in the foundations of buildings, roads and other infrastructure, resulting in damage and in some cases loss of life, but may also play an important role as vernal pools in some ecosystems. This project created a prototype nationwide...
CDI Risk Map
The Community for Data Integration (CDI) Risk Map Project is developing modular tools and services to benefit a wide group of scientists and managers that deal with various aspects of risk research and planning. Risk is the potential that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence to an asset such as human or natural resources. This project builds upon a Department of the...
The 2004 Indian Ocean, 2010 Chilean, and 2011 Tohoku disasters have shown how tsunamis are significant threats to coastal communities. To help U.S. coastal communities prepare for future tsunamis, the Hazards Vulnerability Team completed projects related to population exposure and sensitivity, pedestrian evacuation modeling, and vertical-evacuation decision support. A recent article of ours in the...
Coastal Change
The continued devastation from recent hurricanes and tropical storms demonstrates the vulnerability of coastal communities to coastal-change hazards. Changes in sea level and storm-wave intensity are changing the areas that are prone to erosion and storm-related flooding. The Hazards Vulnerability Team has worked with USGS coastal researchers and partners to improve our understanding of community...
The U.S. Pacific Northwest is an active seismic zone, as evidenced by the 2001 Nisqually earthquake near Olympia (WA) and several other earthquakes in the 1990's. The Hazards Vulnerability Team worked with emergency managers and USGS earthquake researchers to better understand how communities are vulnerable to earthquake hazards.
Hazards Vulnerability Team
Our country faces a wide array of natural hazards that threaten its safety, security, economic well-being, and natural resources. To minimize future losses, communities need a clear understanding of how they are vulnerable to natural hazards and of strategies for increasing their resilience. Vulnerability and resilience are influenced by (1) how communities choose to use hazard-prone land, (2) pre...
A data management and visualization framework for community vulnerability to hazards
USGS research in the Western Geographic Science Center has produced several geospatial datasets estimating the time required to evacuate on foot from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake-generated tsunami in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. These data, created as a result of research performed under the Risk and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards project, are useful for emergency managers and...
Filter Total Items: 20
Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico
Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains...
Community Exposure in U.S. American Samoa to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the territory of American Samoa, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census Bureau data on the number of residents, land cover estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and infrastructure data on...
Community Exposure in U.S. Hawaiian Islands to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of the U.S. Hawaiian Islands. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and...
Community Exposure in U.S. Northern Mariana Islands to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of the U.S. Northern Mariana Islands. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover...
Community Exposure in U.S. Guam to Future Coastal Flooding Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to coastal flooding hazards are presented for communities along the coast of U.S. Guam. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure) in...
Community Exposure in U.S. California to Future Shoreline Change Hazards, reference year 2020
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to shoreline change hazards are presented for communities along the coast of California, U.S. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and...
Geospatial files and tabular exposure estimates of sinkhole susceptibility for counties in the conterminous United States for current conditions and projections for the years 2070-2079 - Overview
These datasets support the conclusions in the journal article entitled "Current and future sinkhole susceptibility in karst and pseudokarst areas of the conterminous United States" as described in the abstract below: Sinkholes in karst and pseudokarst regions threaten infrastructure, property, and lives. We mapped closed depressions in karst and pseudokarst regions of the conterminous...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Georgia, USA
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Georgia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Virginia, USA
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of Virginia, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards for Florida, USA
Socioeconomic impact estimates of community exposure to future coastal hazards are presented for communities along the coast of U.S. Florida. The provided data were generated using the Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA) web application ( HERA uses geospatial analysis of socioeconomic indicators (population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure) in...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards in U.S. South Carolina, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure flooding exposure for coastal communities of the state of South Carolina, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and infrastructure data...
Community Exposure to Future Coastal Hazards in U.S. North Carolina, reference year 2020
The data set contains information on potential population, economic, land cover, and infrastructure exposure to coastal hazards for coastal communities of the state of North Carolina, USA. The type of information includes U.S. Census data on the number and types of residents, InfoGroup data on numbers and types of employees, county parcel values, NLCD land cover estimates, and...
Filter Total Items: 22
Projections of multiple climate-related coastal hazards for the US Southeast Atlantic
Faced with accelerating sea level rise and changing ocean storm conditions, coastal communities require comprehensive assessments of climate-driven hazard impacts to inform adaptation measures. Previous studies have focused on flooding but rarely on other climate-related coastal hazards, such as subsidence, beach erosion and groundwater. Here, we project societal exposure to multiple...
Patrick L. Barnard, Kevin M. Befus, Jeffrey J. Danielson, Anita C Engelstad, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Maya Kumari Hayden, Daniel J. Hoover, Tim Leijnse, Chris Massey, Robert T. McCall, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Kees Nederhoff, Andrea C. O'Neill, Kai Alexander Parker, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Leonard O. Ohenhen, Peter W Swarzenski, Jennifer Anne Thomas, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Killian Vos, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Jamie Jones
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
Landslide susceptibility maps are fundamental tools for risk reduction, but the coarse resolution of current continental-scale models is insufficient for local application. Complex relations between topographic and environmental attributes characterizing landslide susceptibility at local scales are not transferrable across areas without landslide data. Existing maps with multiple...
Benjamin B. Mirus, Gina Marie Belair, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Sabrina N. Martinez
Current and future sinkhole susceptibility in karst and pseudokarst areas of the conterminous United States
Sinkholes in karst and pseudokarst regions threaten infrastructure, property, and lives. We mapped closed depressions in karst and pseudokarst regions of the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 10-m-resolution elevation data using high-performance computing, and then created a heuristic additive model of sinkhole susceptibility that also included nationally consistent data for factors...
Nathan J. Wood, Daniel H. Doctor, Jay R. Alder, Jeanne M. Jones
Community for data integration 2019 project report
The U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration annually supports small projects focusing on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and demonstration of new technologies. This report provides a summary of the 14 projects supported in fiscal year 2019 and outlines their goals, activities, and accomplishments. Proposals in 2019 were...
Amanda N. Liford, Caitlin M. Andrews, Aparna Bamzai, Joseph A. Bard, David S. Blehert, John B. Bradford, Wesley M. Daniel, Sara L. Caldwell Eldridge, Frank Engel, Jason A. Ferrante, Amy K. Gilmer, Margaret E. Hunter, Jeanne M. Jones, Benjamin Letcher, Frances L. Lightsom, Richard R. McDonald, Leah E. Morgan, Sasha C. Reed, Leslie Hsu
Ecosystems Mission Area, Water Resources Mission Area, Science Synthesis, Analysis and Research Program, Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program, Volcano Hazards Program, Community for Data Integration (CDI), Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, National Wildlife Health Center, Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center, Southwest Biological Science Center, Volcano Science Center, Western Geographic Science Center, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center , Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Science Data Management
Multi-hazard risk analysis for the U.S. Department of the Interior: An integration of expert elicitation, planning priorities, and geospatial analysis
An integral part of disaster risk management is identifying and prioritizing hazards and their potential impacts in a meaningful way to support risk-reduction planning. There has been considerable use and subsequent criticism of threat prioritization efforts that simply compare likelihoods and consequences of plausible threats. This article summarizes a new mixed-methods and scalable...
Nathan J. Wood, Alice Pennaz, Jason Marineau, Jeanne M. Jones, Jamie Jones, Peter Ng, Kevin Henry
Community for data integration 2018 funded project report
The U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration annually funds small projects focusing on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and demonstration of new technologies. This report provides a summary of the 10 projects funded in fiscal year 2018, outlining their goals, activities, and accomplishments.
Leslie Hsu, Caitlin M. Andrews, John B. Bradford, Daniel D. Buscombe, Katherine J. Chase, Wesley M. Daniel, Jeanne M. Jones, Pam Fuller, Benjamin B. Mirus, Matthew E. Neilson, Hans W. Vraga, Jessica J. Walker, Dennis H. Walworth, Jonathan Warrick, Jake Weltzin, Daniel J. Wieferich, Nathan J. Wood
Progress toward a preliminary karst depression density map for the conterminous United States
Most methods for the assessment of sinkhole hazard susceptibility are predicated upon knowledge of pre-existing closed depressions in karst areas. In the United States (U.S.), inventories of existing karst depressions are piecemeal, and are often obtained through inconsistent methodologies applied at the state or county level and at various scales. Here, we present a first attempt at...
Daniel H. Doctor, Jeanne M. Jones, Nathan J. Wood, Jeff T. Falgout, Natalya Igorevna Rapstine
Dynamic flood modeling essential to assess the coastal impacts of climate change
Coastal inundation due to sea level rise (SLR) is projected to displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide over the next century, creating significant economic, humanitarian, and national-security challenges. However, the majority of previous efforts to characterize potential coastal impacts of climate change have focused primarily on long-term SLR with a static tide level, and...
Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Juliette A. Finzi Hart, Patrick W. Limber, Andrea C. O'Neill, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Nathan J. Wood, Maya K. Hayden, Jeanne M. Jones
Assessing hazards and risks at the Department of the Interior—A workshop report
On February 27–28, 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey and Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of Emergency Management (OEM) hosted a workshop to gather input from DOI subject matter experts (SMEs), resource managers, facility managers, emergency managers, and law enforcement personnel. Workshop goals were to (1) determine how DOI Bureaus and Offices use risk information for strategic...
Nathan Wood, Alice Pennaz, Kristin Ludwig, Jeanne Jones, Kevin Henry, Jason Sherba, Peter Ng, Jason Marineau, John Juskie
Population vulnerability to tsunami hazards informed by previous and projected disasters: A case study of American Samoa
Population vulnerability from tsunamis is a function of the number and location of individuals in hazard zones and their ability to reach safety before wave arrival. Previous tsunami disasters can provide insight on likely evacuation behavior, but post-disaster assessments have not been used extensively in evacuation modeling. We demonstrate the utility of post-disaster assessments in...
Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Yoshiki Yamazaki, Kwok-Fai Cheung, Jacinta Brown, Jamie Jones, Nina Abdollahian
Assessing and communicating the impacts of climate change on the Southern California coast
Over the course of this and the next century, the combination of rising sea levels, severe storms, and coastal erosion will threaten the sustainability of coastal communities, development, and ecosystems as we currently know them. To clearly identify coastal vulnerabilities and develop appropriate adaptation strategies for projected increased levels of coastal flooding and erosion...
Li H. Erikson, Patrick L. Barnard, Andrea C. O'Neill, Patrick Limber, Sean Vitousek, Juliette Finzi Hart, Maya Hayden, Jeanne M. Jones, Nathan J. Wood, Michael Fitzgibbon, Amy C. Foxgrover, Jessica Lovering
Projected 21st century coastal flooding in the Southern California Bight. Part 2: Tools for assessing climate change-driven coastal hazards and socio-economic impacts
This paper is the second of two that describes the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) approach for quantifying physical hazards and socio-economic hazard exposure in coastal zones affected by sea-level rise and changing coastal storms. The modelling approach, presented in Part 1, downscales atmospheric global-scale projections to local scale coastal flood impacts by deterministically...
Li H. Erikson, Patrick L. Barnard, Andrea C. O'Neill, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Juliette Finzi Hart, Sean Vitousek, Patrick W. Limber, Maya Hayden, Michael Fitzgibbon, Jessica Lovering, Amy C. Foxgrover
Hazard Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA)
The Hazard Exposure and Reporting Analytics (HERA) website helps communities understand how natural hazards could impact their land, people, infrastructure, and livelihoods. HERA provides tools and data to help communities as they plan and prepare for natural hazards.
USDOT traffic data processing source code, v1.0.0
This code contains the data processing for research described in xxxx by Wood et al., 2024. U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) highway traffic data for each state and month is processed into a single CSV file containing the monthly total of vehicles passing each traffic station camera, the maximum hourly rate for each station and month, and the timestamp when the maximum occurred...
Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst software source code, v2.0.0
The Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst is an ArcGIS Pro toolbox that estimates how long it would take for someone to travel on foot out of a hazardous area that was threatened by a sudden event such as a tsunami, flash flood, or volcanic lahar. It takes into account the elevation changes and the different types of landcover that a person would encounter along the way.
Landslide Automated Geospatial Processing Software Using a High-Performance Computer
This software contains the data processing for nationwide landslide research described in Mirus et al. 2024, Parsimonious landslide-susceptibility modeling at continental scales: Application for the conterminous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. To perform geospatial processing over the large geographic area, each 1/3 arc-second (10-meter) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is...
Prism Engine software source code v2.0.0
A continually increasing number of high-quality digital strong-motion records from stations of the National Strong Motion Project (NSMP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as well as data from regional seismic networks within the U.S., called for automated processing of strong-motion records with human review limited to selected significant or flagged records. This PRISM (Processing...
Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst Tool
The Pedestrian Evacuation Analyst is an ArcGIS extension that estimates how long it would take for someone to travel on foot out of a hazardous area that was threatened by a sudden event such as a tsunami, flash flood, or volcanic lahar. It takes into account the elevation changes and the different types of landcover that a person would encounter along the way.