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Web Tools

USGS web tools allow people to interactively explore the data we collect and view the results that come from our use of those data.

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Estimated Depth to Groundwater in the Portland, Oregon Area

This application provides access to estimates of depth-to-water and the water-table elevation for the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area.

Health-Based Screening Levels for Evaluating Water-Quality Data

Search a table containing 835 contaminants and their associated water-quality benchmarks and standards.

USGS Upper Klamath Basin Well Mapper

This mapper identifies wells that are monitored in the Upper Klamath Basin Oregon and California by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD), and California Department of Water Resources (CDWR). This web page provides access to current and historic groundwater-level data collected by those agencies, as well as water-level graphs and maps.

USGS Klamath River Basin Mapper

Explore an interactive map of USGS stream gages in the Klamath basin. These gages belong to a sediment network established to monitor suspended-sediment movement from Keno dam to the estuary.

Oregon Lake Profile Analysis Tools

In response to recent harmful algal blooms (HABs) that have occurred in many of the large water storage reservoirs in the Willamette River Basin the USGS is measuring related water-quality parameters in Detroit Lake, Blue River Lake, and Cougar Lake. The USGS has also developed profiler tools that allow users to see how the water quality parameters vary with depth in those reservoirs.

National Water Dashboard (NWD)

The National Water Dashboard (NWD) is a mobile, interactive tool that provides real-time information on water levels, weather, and flood forecasts - all in one place on a computer, smartphone, or other mobile device. The NWD presents real-time stream, lake and reservoir, precipitation, and groundwater data from more than 13,500 USGS observation stations across the country.

StreamStats Application

StreamStats provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more. Available information varies from state to state.

Flood Inundation Mapper

USGS Flood Inundation Maps, along with Internet information regarding current stage from the USGS streamgage, provide emergency management personnel and residents with information that is critical for flood-response activities, such as evacuations and road closures, as well as for post-flood recovery efforts.

Wapato Lake Interactive Lake Level Tool

The water level of Wapato Lake dictates the size (surface area) of the lake and the amount of water that it stores. This web page allows the user to interactively explore Wapato Lake water level data and how the water level translates into lake area and volume.

Photographs of Willow Creek Reservoir near Heppner, OR

Interactive photograph viewer used to see changes to Willow Creek Reservoir. Includes 5 cameras. Best viewing starts after September 17, 2016. This web tool is no longer updated because data from the photo monitor is no longer available. Retained for historical reference.

USGS Data Grapher

This is a data graphing utility that allows the user to build graphs of data from selected USGS stations. Select the station, the type of graph, the parameter(s) to plot, and the starting and ending dates for the graph.
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