USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
Plant Detectives
A portable lab speeds the detection of pathogens responsible for disease affecting a keystone tree species in Hawai’i.
Sagebrush Habitat
The sagebrush ecosystem faces major challenges including an increasing risk of wildfire and invasive grasses. USGS is a leader in sagebrush ecosystem research to meet the priority science needs of management agencies.
U.S. Register of Introduced & Invasive Species
The USGS developed a national inventory for non-native and invasive species currently established within all 50 states.
National Seed Strategy
The USGS is collaborating with partners to increase the supply of native seeds for restoration through the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration.
Where would we be without plants? They are the basis of the food chain and producers of oxygen - and so much more. From marsh grasses to mangroves, from sagebrush to sunflowers, getting to the root of the biology and ecology of plants is a critical component of USGS research.
An Integral Part of Life on Earth
Life as we know it wouldn’t be possible without plants. Plants maintain the atmosphere by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, help keep our waterways clean, and provide us with food, shelter, and medicine. Plant communities are influenced by soil, terrain, climate, animals, and human activities, so different groups and types of plants are found in different regions of the country. Grassland plants such as the western prairie fringed orchid are found in the Great Plains, while desert plants such as the saguaro cactus are found in the Southwest. Approximately 391,000 species of vascular plants are currently known to science. Explore examples of USGS science on different plant types below.
Science to Support Healthy Ecosystems
Healthy plants are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. In an era of global change, our Nation’s forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other critical habitats are facing multiple threats that challenge our ability to maintain these ecosystems and the species that depend on them. USGS science provides the information needed to address these challenges and support healthy, thriving plant communities across the country.
Threats to Plants
Understanding, monitoring, and predicting threats to plants contributes to the USGS goal of providing science to support the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the Nation’s biodiversity. Through activities such as identifying strategies for controlling invasive cheatgrass, using novel techniques to identify the presence of disease-causing plant pathogens, and informing recovery plans for at-risk species, USGS science is tackling some of the biggest threats facing plants today.
Land Use Change
The single biggest threat facing plants today is habitat loss. Changes in land use, such as the encroachment of agriculture or urban development into areas that were once covered by natural vegetation, reduce plant population sizes and alter the ecosystems that plants, animals, and humans rely on. Changes in land use can cause species extinctions, destabilize soil, increase erosion, and reduce water quality. USGS scientists are monitoring changes in land use to understand how they are affecting the plants and wildlife that depend on them. Explore examples of our science below:
- Monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of habitat management projects in southwest Wyoming, a 19-million-acre region that supports some of the highest quality wildlife habitats in the Intermountain West, as well as agriculture and energy production. Learn more>>
- Identifying the effects of wind turbines and associated infrastructure on vegetation and how wildlife use these landscapes. Learn more>>
- Understanding how agricultural drainage systems affect wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region. Learn more>>
- Using satellite imagery to monitor changes in vegetation across the country. Learn more>>
Invasive Plants
Every plant and animal species has a native range where it evolved. When a species exists in a location beyond its natural range, it is considered a “non-native” species in that area. When a non-native species establishes in a new habitat, causing harm to the environment or humans, it becomes “invasive”. The annual estimated economic and health-related costs of invasive species in the U.S. have been reported at more than $21 billion and adversely affect every state in the country. Invasive plants represent a major threat to global and local biodiversity while also having negative socio-economic and human health impacts. Invasive plants displace native plants, prevent native plant growth, reduce agricultural production, and induce allergies.
Invasive plants such as cheatgrass and buffelgrass have increased fire vulnerability and diminished grazing value across the western U.S. Aquatic invasive plants such as the weed hydrilla and giant fern salvinia are clogging waterways. To help combat these invaders, USGS scientists are using new tools to model the potential spread of high impact invasive species and to support the early detection and rapid response of invasive species before they are able to spread and cause harm. If an invasive plant is already established, USGS science is helping land managers reverse and mitigate the negative impacts these invasions are causing. Explore examples of our science to understand and reduce the threat of invasive plants below:
- Understanding how invasive plants affect wildfire patterns. Learn more>>
- Developing the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Alert Risk Mapper: A tool to characterize waterbodies at risk of invasion from new non-native species. Learn more>>
- Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to track the spread of Salvinia molesta, a non-native aquatic species that reduces light and oxygen levels in water, making it unsuitable for fish and other aquatic life. Learn more>>
- Identifying strategies for controlling invasive cheatgrass in the western U.S. Learn more>>
Visit our Invasive Species webpage to learn more about USGS activities to monitor and respond to the threat of invasive species across the country.
USGS research is addressing numerous diseases in both plants and animals and leading development efforts in advanced tools such as environmental DNA (eDNA) to assist in prevention and early detection. Explore examples of our science on plant diseases and pathogens below:
- Using new environmental DNA (eDNA) methods to identify the presence of pathogens known to cause the decline of eelgrass, which provides important habitat for birds, fish, and invertebrates in southwestern Alaska. Learn more>>
- Deploying a portable lab to speed detection of pathogens responsible for Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD), a rapidly spreading disease affecting a keystone tree species in Hawai’i. Learn more>>
- Using decades of Landsat satellite imagery to map bark beetle outbreaks, which have devastated certain species of evergreen trees in the Rocky Mountains. Learn more>>
Climate Change
Climate helps shape ecosystems. Things like average temperatures, humidity, and rainfall determine where plants and animals lives. If a region’s climate changes, the ecosystem changes as well. Climate change poses one of the biggest threats to plants, leading to an increased spread of invasive species, increased vulnerability to insect pests, the loss of native plant species and changes in their distribution. USGS scientists are leading efforts to understand the current and future impacts of climate change on plants. This information helps management agencies identify adaptation strategies and actions that can help support vulnerable plant species in the face of a changing climate. Explore examples of our science below:
- Monitoring the conversion of tidal freshwater wetlands in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic to “Ghost Forests”—forests in which trees have died due to increases in salinity as sea levels rise and push saltier water upstream. Learn more>>
- Identifying how changes in the amount and timing of precipitation affect big sagebrush in the Great Basin. Learn more>>
- Investigating the effects of drought and warming temperatures on plants in the southwestern U.S. Learn more>>
- Exploring the effects of estimated future sea-level rise on mangrove forests in Micronesia. Learn more>>
- Using satellite data to monitor changes in phenology, or the study of animal and plant life cycles, a powerful tool for understanding life cycle trends and the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. Learn more>>
Species at Risk
As a result of threats such as the spread of invasive species, disease, and climate and land use change, some plant species are in decline or in danger of extinction. The USGS provides management agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and National Park Service with scientific information to support conservation decisions for at-risk plant species. Explore examples of our science below:
Ecosystem Restoration
Ecosystem restoration is the act of rehabilitating a degraded or lost ecosystems through activities such as planting native trees and shrubs and controlling invasive species. To do this, land managers need tools to help get the right plants, in the right place, at the right time for successful restoration. The USGS develops strategies and techniques to understand and facilitate the restoration of native species and habitats that have deteriorated due to threats such as invasive species and climate change. Explore examples of our science below:
Spatiotemporal conditions of vegetation and invasive plant species on mine lands.
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Microbial Interactions to Foster the Restoration of Great Lakes Wetlands
Predicting risk of annual grass invasion following fire in sagebrush steppe and rangeland ecosystems
Fostering greater use of habitat models for managing rare and invasive plants on public lands
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Cutting-Edge Genetic Approaches to Develop New Management Tools for the Control of Invasive Phragmites
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
The Powerhouse of USGS Paleo-research
Trees in cities are beyond shady
The science that transformed a dry streambed into an oasis
The science listed below is a sampling of USGS science on this topic and does not represent an exhaustive list.
Spatiotemporal conditions of vegetation and invasive plant species on mine lands.
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Microbial Interactions to Foster the Restoration of Great Lakes Wetlands
Predicting risk of annual grass invasion following fire in sagebrush steppe and rangeland ecosystems
Fostering greater use of habitat models for managing rare and invasive plants on public lands
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Cutting-Edge Genetic Approaches to Develop New Management Tools for the Control of Invasive Phragmites
The iconic giant saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert
Effects of High-Priority Non-Native and Dominant Native Plant Species on the Water Cycle
Effects of Great Lakes water levels on coastal populations of Phragmites australis GeoNarrative
Drought & Grazing Experiment: Understanding Impacts and Identifying Mitigation Strategies
Ecosystem Engineering Impacts of Water Primrose in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Researching Climate Conditions for CAL FIRE Wildfire Restoration Efforts
Remote Sensing Phenology
These data listed below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
Biome-wide sagebrush core habitat and growth areas estimated from a threat-based conservation design
National Vegetation Classification Standard
The multimedia listed below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
A prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) stands out from the dry landscape of sand and beach grass at West Beach in Indiana Dunes National Park. Photo credit: Johanna Nifosi, USGS.
A prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) stands out from the dry landscape of sand and beach grass at West Beach in Indiana Dunes National Park. Photo credit: Johanna Nifosi, USGS.
Hawkmoth flying near milkweed plant in North Dakota. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is monitoring milkweed populations across the Central United States.
Hawkmoth flying near milkweed plant in North Dakota. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is monitoring milkweed populations across the Central United States.
A paddle through wetlands at Fish Point State Game Area in Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. Photo credit: Wes Bickford, USGS.
A paddle through wetlands at Fish Point State Game Area in Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. Photo credit: Wes Bickford, USGS.
Connecting powerline rights-of-way vegetation management to improve pollinator habitat. A USGS RAMPS technician samples pollinating insects along the Salt River Project powerline that crosses through Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests.
Connecting powerline rights-of-way vegetation management to improve pollinator habitat. A USGS RAMPS technician samples pollinating insects along the Salt River Project powerline that crosses through Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests.
The extensive rangelands across the Western United States are threatened by invasive grasses, climate change, and altered fire regimes that can disturb the landscape. The largely semi-arid lands are also important for the survival of species that need undisturbed sagebrush ecosystems to thrive.
The extensive rangelands across the Western United States are threatened by invasive grasses, climate change, and altered fire regimes that can disturb the landscape. The largely semi-arid lands are also important for the survival of species that need undisturbed sagebrush ecosystems to thrive.
Research scientist Lesley DeFalco works on native and invasive annual plant sampling at the site of the Tramp Fire,one of 12 fires for which the USGS and the BLM are implementing landscape scale restoration treatments.
Research scientist Lesley DeFalco works on native and invasive annual plant sampling at the site of the Tramp Fire,one of 12 fires for which the USGS and the BLM are implementing landscape scale restoration treatments.
Three researchers on the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain set up tapes and grids to complete a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments network (GLORIA) vegetation survey.
Three researchers on the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain set up tapes and grids to complete a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments network (GLORIA) vegetation survey.
Researchers evaluate vegetation during a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine (GLORIA) alpine plant survey near the summit of Seward Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researchers evaluate vegetation during a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine (GLORIA) alpine plant survey near the summit of Seward Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researcher evaluates vegetation during a GLORIA alpine plant survey near the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researcher evaluates vegetation during a GLORIA alpine plant survey near the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
A farmer at the foot of a corn stalk can tell how well the plant is faring. That same farmer might survey his entire field for crop health. But assessing the health of crops or forests at regional, national, and international scales requires remote sensing, most often via satellite.
A farmer at the foot of a corn stalk can tell how well the plant is faring. That same farmer might survey his entire field for crop health. But assessing the health of crops or forests at regional, national, and international scales requires remote sensing, most often via satellite.
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water
The news below is a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
The FAQs below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
What are the differences between endangered, threatened, imperiled, and at-risk species?
Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), plant and animal species may be listed as either endangered or threatened. “Endangered” means a species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. “Threatened” means a species is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. States have their own ESA-type laws, so species can have different Threatened...
What is an invasive species and why are they a problem?
An invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism (disease, parasite, plant, or animal) that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health. A few well-known examples include the unintentional introduction of the West Nile virus, chestnut blight, the South American...
How far has Chinese tallow spread in the United States?
Chinese tallow has been cultivated in nurseries and sold as an ornamental tree used for landscaping; however, it is now classified as a nuisance species in some locations and can no longer be sold. It has separate pollen and seed-bearing flowers, and seeds can be spread by birds and by moving water. Chinese tallow has spread from South Carolina all the way down to Florida, west into Texas, and has...
How do Chinese tallow's characteristics make it such an aggressive invader?
The invasive Chinese tallow tree has the ability to reach reproductive age in as little as 3 years and to remain productive for at least 60 years. It does not seem to have a preference for disturbed areas over undisturbed areas and can grow in a variety of places. It can also grow in both full sunlight and shade. It is more tolerant of salinity and flooding than quite a few other native species...
What is buffelgrass?
Buffelgrass is a perennial grass from Africa that is invasive to the Sonoran Desert of the Southwest United States, where it threatens desert ecosystems by out-competing native plants and altering fire regimes. It has the potential to transform the Sonoran Desert ecosystem from a diverse assemblage of plants to a grassland monoculture. Buffelgrass was brought to Arizona in the 1930s for erosion...
What is tamarisk?
Tamarisk is an invasive shrub or small tree that is found across the American West. Also known as saltcedar, tamarisk favors sites that are inhospitable to native streamside plants because of high salinity, low water availability, and altered streamflow regimes created by dams. Researchers debate the extent of tamarisk’s negative impacts, but this invasive species can and does alter habitat...
Does the loss of plant diversity affect the health of native bees?
Loss of plant diversity is the primary cause of native bee decline. About 30-50% of all native bees are highly specialized, so if the plant they rely on disappears, the bees go away. If the bees disappear, the plant is unable to reproduce and dies out. While some of the plants pollinated by native bees are important food crops, other plants pollinated by native bees are critical for healthy...
Do bees feed on both nectar and pollen?
Bees feed on and require both nectar and pollen. The nectar is for energy and the pollen provides protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used by bees as larvae food, but bees also transfer it from plant-to-plant, providing the pollination services needed by plants and nature as a whole. Learn more: USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program Bees of the Northeastern U.S.
What is the role of native bees in the United States?
About 75% of North American plant species require an insect—mostly bees—to move their pollen from one plant to another to effect pollination. Unlike the well-known behavior of the non-native honeybees, there is much that we don’t know about native bees. Many native bees are smaller in size than a grain of rice. Of approximately 4,000 native bee species in the United States, 10% have not been named...
Why are pollinating bats, birds, bees, butterflies, and other animals important?
Do you enjoy a hot cup of coffee, a juicy peach, an-apple-a-day, almonds, rich and creamy dates, a handful of plump cashews, or vine-ripened tomatoes? Do you enjoy seeing the native flowers and plants that surround you? If so, you depend on pollinators. Wherever flowering plants flourish, pollinating bees, birds, butterflies, bats and other animals are hard at work, providing vital but often...
Why are wetlands important?
Wetlands provide habitat for thousands of species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Wetlands are valuable for flood protection, water quality improvement, shoreline erosion control, natural products, recreation, and aesthetics. Wetlands are among the most productive habitats on earth providing shelter and nursery areas for commercially and recreationally important animals like fish...
What are wetlands?
Wetlands are transitional areas, sandwiched between permanently flooded deepwater environments and well-drained uplands, where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. They include mangroves, marshes (salt, brackish, intermediate, and fresh), swamps, forested wetlands, bogs, wet prairies, prairie potholes, and vernal pools. In general terms...
Where would we be without plants? They are the basis of the food chain and producers of oxygen - and so much more. From marsh grasses to mangroves, from sagebrush to sunflowers, getting to the root of the biology and ecology of plants is a critical component of USGS research.
An Integral Part of Life on Earth
Life as we know it wouldn’t be possible without plants. Plants maintain the atmosphere by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, help keep our waterways clean, and provide us with food, shelter, and medicine. Plant communities are influenced by soil, terrain, climate, animals, and human activities, so different groups and types of plants are found in different regions of the country. Grassland plants such as the western prairie fringed orchid are found in the Great Plains, while desert plants such as the saguaro cactus are found in the Southwest. Approximately 391,000 species of vascular plants are currently known to science. Explore examples of USGS science on different plant types below.
Science to Support Healthy Ecosystems
Healthy plants are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. In an era of global change, our Nation’s forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other critical habitats are facing multiple threats that challenge our ability to maintain these ecosystems and the species that depend on them. USGS science provides the information needed to address these challenges and support healthy, thriving plant communities across the country.
Threats to Plants
Understanding, monitoring, and predicting threats to plants contributes to the USGS goal of providing science to support the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the Nation’s biodiversity. Through activities such as identifying strategies for controlling invasive cheatgrass, using novel techniques to identify the presence of disease-causing plant pathogens, and informing recovery plans for at-risk species, USGS science is tackling some of the biggest threats facing plants today.
Land Use Change
The single biggest threat facing plants today is habitat loss. Changes in land use, such as the encroachment of agriculture or urban development into areas that were once covered by natural vegetation, reduce plant population sizes and alter the ecosystems that plants, animals, and humans rely on. Changes in land use can cause species extinctions, destabilize soil, increase erosion, and reduce water quality. USGS scientists are monitoring changes in land use to understand how they are affecting the plants and wildlife that depend on them. Explore examples of our science below:
- Monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of habitat management projects in southwest Wyoming, a 19-million-acre region that supports some of the highest quality wildlife habitats in the Intermountain West, as well as agriculture and energy production. Learn more>>
- Identifying the effects of wind turbines and associated infrastructure on vegetation and how wildlife use these landscapes. Learn more>>
- Understanding how agricultural drainage systems affect wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region. Learn more>>
- Using satellite imagery to monitor changes in vegetation across the country. Learn more>>
Invasive Plants
Every plant and animal species has a native range where it evolved. When a species exists in a location beyond its natural range, it is considered a “non-native” species in that area. When a non-native species establishes in a new habitat, causing harm to the environment or humans, it becomes “invasive”. The annual estimated economic and health-related costs of invasive species in the U.S. have been reported at more than $21 billion and adversely affect every state in the country. Invasive plants represent a major threat to global and local biodiversity while also having negative socio-economic and human health impacts. Invasive plants displace native plants, prevent native plant growth, reduce agricultural production, and induce allergies.
Invasive plants such as cheatgrass and buffelgrass have increased fire vulnerability and diminished grazing value across the western U.S. Aquatic invasive plants such as the weed hydrilla and giant fern salvinia are clogging waterways. To help combat these invaders, USGS scientists are using new tools to model the potential spread of high impact invasive species and to support the early detection and rapid response of invasive species before they are able to spread and cause harm. If an invasive plant is already established, USGS science is helping land managers reverse and mitigate the negative impacts these invasions are causing. Explore examples of our science to understand and reduce the threat of invasive plants below:
- Understanding how invasive plants affect wildfire patterns. Learn more>>
- Developing the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Alert Risk Mapper: A tool to characterize waterbodies at risk of invasion from new non-native species. Learn more>>
- Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to track the spread of Salvinia molesta, a non-native aquatic species that reduces light and oxygen levels in water, making it unsuitable for fish and other aquatic life. Learn more>>
- Identifying strategies for controlling invasive cheatgrass in the western U.S. Learn more>>
Visit our Invasive Species webpage to learn more about USGS activities to monitor and respond to the threat of invasive species across the country.
USGS research is addressing numerous diseases in both plants and animals and leading development efforts in advanced tools such as environmental DNA (eDNA) to assist in prevention and early detection. Explore examples of our science on plant diseases and pathogens below:
- Using new environmental DNA (eDNA) methods to identify the presence of pathogens known to cause the decline of eelgrass, which provides important habitat for birds, fish, and invertebrates in southwestern Alaska. Learn more>>
- Deploying a portable lab to speed detection of pathogens responsible for Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD), a rapidly spreading disease affecting a keystone tree species in Hawai’i. Learn more>>
- Using decades of Landsat satellite imagery to map bark beetle outbreaks, which have devastated certain species of evergreen trees in the Rocky Mountains. Learn more>>
Climate Change
Climate helps shape ecosystems. Things like average temperatures, humidity, and rainfall determine where plants and animals lives. If a region’s climate changes, the ecosystem changes as well. Climate change poses one of the biggest threats to plants, leading to an increased spread of invasive species, increased vulnerability to insect pests, the loss of native plant species and changes in their distribution. USGS scientists are leading efforts to understand the current and future impacts of climate change on plants. This information helps management agencies identify adaptation strategies and actions that can help support vulnerable plant species in the face of a changing climate. Explore examples of our science below:
- Monitoring the conversion of tidal freshwater wetlands in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic to “Ghost Forests”—forests in which trees have died due to increases in salinity as sea levels rise and push saltier water upstream. Learn more>>
- Identifying how changes in the amount and timing of precipitation affect big sagebrush in the Great Basin. Learn more>>
- Investigating the effects of drought and warming temperatures on plants in the southwestern U.S. Learn more>>
- Exploring the effects of estimated future sea-level rise on mangrove forests in Micronesia. Learn more>>
- Using satellite data to monitor changes in phenology, or the study of animal and plant life cycles, a powerful tool for understanding life cycle trends and the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. Learn more>>
Species at Risk
As a result of threats such as the spread of invasive species, disease, and climate and land use change, some plant species are in decline or in danger of extinction. The USGS provides management agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and National Park Service with scientific information to support conservation decisions for at-risk plant species. Explore examples of our science below:
Ecosystem Restoration
Ecosystem restoration is the act of rehabilitating a degraded or lost ecosystems through activities such as planting native trees and shrubs and controlling invasive species. To do this, land managers need tools to help get the right plants, in the right place, at the right time for successful restoration. The USGS develops strategies and techniques to understand and facilitate the restoration of native species and habitats that have deteriorated due to threats such as invasive species and climate change. Explore examples of our science below:
Spatiotemporal conditions of vegetation and invasive plant species on mine lands.
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Microbial Interactions to Foster the Restoration of Great Lakes Wetlands
Predicting risk of annual grass invasion following fire in sagebrush steppe and rangeland ecosystems
Fostering greater use of habitat models for managing rare and invasive plants on public lands
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Cutting-Edge Genetic Approaches to Develop New Management Tools for the Control of Invasive Phragmites
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
The Powerhouse of USGS Paleo-research
Trees in cities are beyond shady
The science that transformed a dry streambed into an oasis
The science listed below is a sampling of USGS science on this topic and does not represent an exhaustive list.
Spatiotemporal conditions of vegetation and invasive plant species on mine lands.
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Microbial Interactions to Foster the Restoration of Great Lakes Wetlands
Predicting risk of annual grass invasion following fire in sagebrush steppe and rangeland ecosystems
Fostering greater use of habitat models for managing rare and invasive plants on public lands
Invasive Phragmites Science: Using Cutting-Edge Genetic Approaches to Develop New Management Tools for the Control of Invasive Phragmites
The iconic giant saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert
Effects of High-Priority Non-Native and Dominant Native Plant Species on the Water Cycle
Effects of Great Lakes water levels on coastal populations of Phragmites australis GeoNarrative
Drought & Grazing Experiment: Understanding Impacts and Identifying Mitigation Strategies
Ecosystem Engineering Impacts of Water Primrose in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Researching Climate Conditions for CAL FIRE Wildfire Restoration Efforts
Remote Sensing Phenology
These data listed below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
Biome-wide sagebrush core habitat and growth areas estimated from a threat-based conservation design
National Vegetation Classification Standard
The multimedia listed below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
USGS Director David Applegate along with Associate Director Anne Kinsinger and Dr. Kurt Kowalski listen to Dr. Wes Bickford describe invasive Phragmites australis and the research being done at the Great Lakes Science Center to control it. Photo Credit: Josh Miller (USGS)
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
Sam Droege (fore) arrived from Patuxent with plants for the Conte Lab's new pollinator garden. Sam Parker (back) assists with the planting.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
American Beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is planted on a beach in the town of Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts for stabilization.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A saguaro flowering in the desert near Tucson, AZ. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS, SBSC. Taken in spring, 2022.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
A bee visits a saguaro flower near Tucson in Saguaro National Park, southern Arizona. Photo courtesy of Daniel Winkler, USGS SBSC.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
Biological carbon sequestration is the natural ability of life and ecosystems to store carbon. Forests, peat marshes, and coastal wetlands are particularly good as storing carbon. Carbon can be stored in plant tissue, such as long-lived tree bark or in extensive root systems. Microbes break down plant and animal tissue through decomposition.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
A basic overview of the nitrogen cycle. Red arrows represent the portions of the nitrogen cycle (decomposition and nitrification) that are performed by our laboratory’s microbial culture.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Thumbnail for "I Am A...Disease Ecologist" whiteboard video.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
Tidal freshwater forest transitioning to brackish marsh along the Pamunkey River, Virginia, as low-level salinization kills trees (forming ‘ghost forest’) that are replaced with marsh plants.
A prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) stands out from the dry landscape of sand and beach grass at West Beach in Indiana Dunes National Park. Photo credit: Johanna Nifosi, USGS.
A prairie sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) stands out from the dry landscape of sand and beach grass at West Beach in Indiana Dunes National Park. Photo credit: Johanna Nifosi, USGS.
Hawkmoth flying near milkweed plant in North Dakota. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is monitoring milkweed populations across the Central United States.
Hawkmoth flying near milkweed plant in North Dakota. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is monitoring milkweed populations across the Central United States.
A paddle through wetlands at Fish Point State Game Area in Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. Photo credit: Wes Bickford, USGS.
A paddle through wetlands at Fish Point State Game Area in Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. Photo credit: Wes Bickford, USGS.
Connecting powerline rights-of-way vegetation management to improve pollinator habitat. A USGS RAMPS technician samples pollinating insects along the Salt River Project powerline that crosses through Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests.
Connecting powerline rights-of-way vegetation management to improve pollinator habitat. A USGS RAMPS technician samples pollinating insects along the Salt River Project powerline that crosses through Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests.
The extensive rangelands across the Western United States are threatened by invasive grasses, climate change, and altered fire regimes that can disturb the landscape. The largely semi-arid lands are also important for the survival of species that need undisturbed sagebrush ecosystems to thrive.
The extensive rangelands across the Western United States are threatened by invasive grasses, climate change, and altered fire regimes that can disturb the landscape. The largely semi-arid lands are also important for the survival of species that need undisturbed sagebrush ecosystems to thrive.
Research scientist Lesley DeFalco works on native and invasive annual plant sampling at the site of the Tramp Fire,one of 12 fires for which the USGS and the BLM are implementing landscape scale restoration treatments.
Research scientist Lesley DeFalco works on native and invasive annual plant sampling at the site of the Tramp Fire,one of 12 fires for which the USGS and the BLM are implementing landscape scale restoration treatments.
Three researchers on the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain set up tapes and grids to complete a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments network (GLORIA) vegetation survey.
Three researchers on the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain set up tapes and grids to complete a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments network (GLORIA) vegetation survey.
Researchers evaluate vegetation during a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine (GLORIA) alpine plant survey near the summit of Seward Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researchers evaluate vegetation during a Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine (GLORIA) alpine plant survey near the summit of Seward Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researcher evaluates vegetation during a GLORIA alpine plant survey near the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
Researcher evaluates vegetation during a GLORIA alpine plant survey near the summit of Dancing Lady Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana.
A farmer at the foot of a corn stalk can tell how well the plant is faring. That same farmer might survey his entire field for crop health. But assessing the health of crops or forests at regional, national, and international scales requires remote sensing, most often via satellite.
A farmer at the foot of a corn stalk can tell how well the plant is faring. That same farmer might survey his entire field for crop health. But assessing the health of crops or forests at regional, national, and international scales requires remote sensing, most often via satellite.
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water
The World's Water - Distribution of Earth's Water
The news below is a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
The FAQs below are a sampling of USGS science on this topic and do not represent an exhaustive list.
What are the differences between endangered, threatened, imperiled, and at-risk species?
Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), plant and animal species may be listed as either endangered or threatened. “Endangered” means a species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. “Threatened” means a species is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. States have their own ESA-type laws, so species can have different Threatened...
What is an invasive species and why are they a problem?
An invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism (disease, parasite, plant, or animal) that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health. A few well-known examples include the unintentional introduction of the West Nile virus, chestnut blight, the South American...
How far has Chinese tallow spread in the United States?
Chinese tallow has been cultivated in nurseries and sold as an ornamental tree used for landscaping; however, it is now classified as a nuisance species in some locations and can no longer be sold. It has separate pollen and seed-bearing flowers, and seeds can be spread by birds and by moving water. Chinese tallow has spread from South Carolina all the way down to Florida, west into Texas, and has...
How do Chinese tallow's characteristics make it such an aggressive invader?
The invasive Chinese tallow tree has the ability to reach reproductive age in as little as 3 years and to remain productive for at least 60 years. It does not seem to have a preference for disturbed areas over undisturbed areas and can grow in a variety of places. It can also grow in both full sunlight and shade. It is more tolerant of salinity and flooding than quite a few other native species...
What is buffelgrass?
Buffelgrass is a perennial grass from Africa that is invasive to the Sonoran Desert of the Southwest United States, where it threatens desert ecosystems by out-competing native plants and altering fire regimes. It has the potential to transform the Sonoran Desert ecosystem from a diverse assemblage of plants to a grassland monoculture. Buffelgrass was brought to Arizona in the 1930s for erosion...
What is tamarisk?
Tamarisk is an invasive shrub or small tree that is found across the American West. Also known as saltcedar, tamarisk favors sites that are inhospitable to native streamside plants because of high salinity, low water availability, and altered streamflow regimes created by dams. Researchers debate the extent of tamarisk’s negative impacts, but this invasive species can and does alter habitat...
Does the loss of plant diversity affect the health of native bees?
Loss of plant diversity is the primary cause of native bee decline. About 30-50% of all native bees are highly specialized, so if the plant they rely on disappears, the bees go away. If the bees disappear, the plant is unable to reproduce and dies out. While some of the plants pollinated by native bees are important food crops, other plants pollinated by native bees are critical for healthy...
Do bees feed on both nectar and pollen?
Bees feed on and require both nectar and pollen. The nectar is for energy and the pollen provides protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used by bees as larvae food, but bees also transfer it from plant-to-plant, providing the pollination services needed by plants and nature as a whole. Learn more: USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program Bees of the Northeastern U.S.
What is the role of native bees in the United States?
About 75% of North American plant species require an insect—mostly bees—to move their pollen from one plant to another to effect pollination. Unlike the well-known behavior of the non-native honeybees, there is much that we don’t know about native bees. Many native bees are smaller in size than a grain of rice. Of approximately 4,000 native bee species in the United States, 10% have not been named...
Why are pollinating bats, birds, bees, butterflies, and other animals important?
Do you enjoy a hot cup of coffee, a juicy peach, an-apple-a-day, almonds, rich and creamy dates, a handful of plump cashews, or vine-ripened tomatoes? Do you enjoy seeing the native flowers and plants that surround you? If so, you depend on pollinators. Wherever flowering plants flourish, pollinating bees, birds, butterflies, bats and other animals are hard at work, providing vital but often...
Why are wetlands important?
Wetlands provide habitat for thousands of species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Wetlands are valuable for flood protection, water quality improvement, shoreline erosion control, natural products, recreation, and aesthetics. Wetlands are among the most productive habitats on earth providing shelter and nursery areas for commercially and recreationally important animals like fish...
What are wetlands?
Wetlands are transitional areas, sandwiched between permanently flooded deepwater environments and well-drained uplands, where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. They include mangroves, marshes (salt, brackish, intermediate, and fresh), swamps, forested wetlands, bogs, wet prairies, prairie potholes, and vernal pools. In general terms...