The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Ocean and Climate
The USGS works to understand Earth’s history, past climate conditions, and to forecast climate change impacts. The ocean is an amazing repository for Earth’s climatic history. Earth’s ocean and climate are intrinsically connected and heavily influence one another in many ways. The USGS uses ocean geologic records to better understand current and future climate changes and potential impacts.

Changing climate influences many aspects of the ocean, from warming surface waters and altering ocean chemistry to affecting ecosystem function and health. The ocean and its circulation patterns are critical drivers of Earth’s climate and weather patterns.
With the ocean covering more than 70% of the Earth, it plays a large role in controlling the planet’s temperature. The ocean absorbs an enormous amount of heat from the sun—in fact, the top few meters alone store as much heat as the Earth’s atmosphere! As water is very good at storing heat, it spreads the heat around the planet through circulating currents driven by temperature and density differences. These global circulation patterns affect our daily weather and influence long-term climate patterns.
A Changing Ocean
As water heats up, it also expands in volume—a process known as thermal expansion—which causes sea levels to rise. As the Earth warms and cools, the volume of the ocean changes, affecting the volume of ice and land areas covered with ocean or ice. These changes can occur abruptly, such as during transitions from glacial to interglacial conditions, or over long periods of time. Learn more about sea level rise research here.
Changes in water temperatures, salinity and other chemical properties, can alter related circulation patterns. Altogether, these changes can also affect the behavior and physiology of many species by having profound impacts on the timing and availability and timing such as changing food webs, of food, reproduction and migratory patterns. Coral bleaching is one way corals respond to warming sea water temperatures.
The ocean also absorbs gases, which can affect its chemical properties. For example, as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean, it causes the pH to lower in a process called ocean acidification. Ocean acidification can lead to dissolution of the shells and skeletons of many marine organisms—including economically important shellfish in the seafood industry and ecologically important corals that support biodiversity. It can also dissolve carbonate sediment and alter seafloor elevation and form. USGS monitors the effects of ocean acidification on coastal and marine ecosystems to help inform efforts to mitigate these impacts.

USGS Ocean and Climate Research
Ocean science is critical to improving the understanding of Earth's inner workings. From remote-sensing to marine geology and paleoclimate analyses, USGS is an important partner with other federal agencies and international experts working to expand our knowledge about Earth's climate history, especially as related to current conditions. This science improves our ability to understand the factors that affect climate change as well as forecast future climate conditions, their potential impacts and how best to mitigate or adapt to them.
With remote-sensing technology, for example, cameras on satellites can make images of temperature shifts in the open ocean or monitor changes in the formation of sea ice at the poles. Remote-sensing also includes sonar systems on ships, which can be used to create images of the ocean floor and uncover clues about past climatic conditions: USGS researchers studying iceberg tracks, or scours, on the Atlantic seafloor found that during the Last Glacial Period 30,000 years ago, icebergs perhaps as tall as the Eiffel Tower drifted south along the Atlantic coast of North America, ferried along by cold-water currents created during periods of catastrophic glacial melting.
The USGS develops and uses innovative methods to measure climatic and oceanic conditions throughout Earth’s history including sea surface and bottom water temperatures, salinity, relative sea level, precipitation patterns, oceanic productivity, and terrestrial inputs to the ocean system. Data on past climatic conditions in the oceans—the study of geologic records known as paleoceanography—can be combined with data on current conditions to try to predict how our ocean will affect Earth’s future climate patterns.
In order to understand the past, USGS scientists analyze “proxies” which serve to indicate past conditions through biological or geological evidence. Some proxies include marine sediment and organisms that secrete their shells from seawater such as plankton, clams, and corals. Proxies for seawater geochemistry reflect the environmental conditions when and where they were formed. These proxies obtained in geologic deposits serve as archives that can be used to reconstruct Earth’s historic conditions so we can better predict what changes might occur in the future.
Comparison of sediment composition by smear slides to quantitative shipboard data: A case study on the utility of smear slide percent estimates, IODP Expedition 353, northern Indian Ocean
A characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities along the California and Oregon coast using a remotely operated vehicle on the EXPRESS 2018 expedition
Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry
Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events
Bomb-produced radiocarbon across the South Pacific Gyre — A new record from American Samoa with utility for fisheries science
Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC): Adapting Together
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Paleoclimate Proxies
Paleoclimate Research
Ecosystems: EXPRESS
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a

Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.

USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Marine clams shed light on past climate patterns of the North Atlantic
The Future of Climate Change on Coastal Biodiversity in the Boston Harbor Islands
Sediment Trap in Gulf of America Recovered for the Last Time, Marking the Culmination of a 12-year Time Series of Climate Data Collection
Comparison of sediment composition by smear slides to quantitative shipboard data: A case study on the utility of smear slide percent estimates, IODP Expedition 353, northern Indian Ocean
A characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities along the California and Oregon coast using a remotely operated vehicle on the EXPRESS 2018 expedition
Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry
Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events
Bomb-produced radiocarbon across the South Pacific Gyre — A new record from American Samoa with utility for fisheries science
New geochemical tools for investigating resource and energy functions at deep-sea cold seeps using amino-acid δ15N in chemosymbiotic mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi)
Biogeography and ecology of Ostracoda in the U.S. northern Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
Stony coral tissue loss disease in Florida is associated with disruption of host–zooxanthellae physiology
Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida Bay Islands, Everglades National Park, U.S.A.
Ross Ice Shelf response to climate driven by the tectonic imprint on seafloor bathymetry
It’s about time: A synthesis of changing phenology in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem
The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods in Eastern North America during the past two millennia
Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC): Adapting Together
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Paleoclimate Proxies
Paleoclimate Research
Ecosystems: EXPRESS
Climate Change and Land-use Histories
Coral Response to Land-to-Ocean Freshwater Flux: A Ridge-to-Reef Perspective
Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Assess Coral Reef Bleaching Events and Recovery Rates in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change Impacts to Reefs
Examining How Ridge-to-Reef Governance in Palau Can Enhance Coastal Food Security in a Changing Climate
Identifying Locations for Coral Reef Climate Resilience
Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision Support
Geochemistry time series and growth parameters from Tutuila, American Samoa coral record (ver. 2.0, June 2021)
Coral geochemistry time series from Kahekili, west Maui
Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic
Geochemical data supporting investigation of solute and particle cycling and fluxes from two tidal wetlands on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2012-19 (ver. 3.0, January 2025)
Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea black corals collected off the southeastern United States
Vertical chemical profiles collected across haloclines in the water column of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula in January 2015 and January 2016
SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Viewer Web Mapping Application
Globigerinoides ruber Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico
Temporal hydrologic and chemical records from the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from January 2015 to January 2016
Globorotalia truncatulinoides Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico
Olowalu chronology and geochemistry time-series, West Maui
Sediment trap and water column chemistry, Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a

Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.

USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Photo shows USGS geologists obtaining microfossil and biomarker samples from the Calvert Formation at Scientists Cliffs.
Photo shows USGS geologists obtaining microfossil and biomarker samples from the Calvert Formation at Scientists Cliffs.
Nancy Prouty and a team of water chemistry specialists collected water column samples from several deep-sea locations off Washington, Oregon, and California. Collecting samples from various depths helps build vertical profiles of nutrients, major/minor elements, water isotopes, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved inorganic carbon.
Nancy Prouty and a team of water chemistry specialists collected water column samples from several deep-sea locations off Washington, Oregon, and California. Collecting samples from various depths helps build vertical profiles of nutrients, major/minor elements, water isotopes, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved inorganic carbon.
A few months after Hurricane Irma hit Florida, a team from the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center visited the Florida Bay area to collect overwash samples and cores from the interior of several playas.
A few months after Hurricane Irma hit Florida, a team from the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center visited the Florida Bay area to collect overwash samples and cores from the interior of several playas.
Computerized tomography (CT) images and respective photographs of coral core showing the high degree of bioerosion and loss of calcium carbonate skeleton due to nutrient-driven bioerosion. (image from Prouty et al., 2017)
Computerized tomography (CT) images and respective photographs of coral core showing the high degree of bioerosion and loss of calcium carbonate skeleton due to nutrient-driven bioerosion. (image from Prouty et al., 2017)

Lauren Toth preparing to drill a coral reef framework core from Pulaski Shoal, Dry Tortugas National Park.
Lauren Toth preparing to drill a coral reef framework core from Pulaski Shoal, Dry Tortugas National Park.
A USGS SCUBA Diver Collects a Core from a Coral Using a Hydraulic Drilling System in the U.S. Virgin Islands. USGS Image (I. Kuffner).
A USGS SCUBA Diver Collects a Core from a Coral Using a Hydraulic Drilling System in the U.S. Virgin Islands. USGS Image (I. Kuffner).

Multicores collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico while aboard the R/V Pelican in 2013. These cores are sampled at 5 mm increments and used to reconstruct sea surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico over the past 1000 years.
Multicores collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico while aboard the R/V Pelican in 2013. These cores are sampled at 5 mm increments and used to reconstruct sea surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico over the past 1000 years.
Deployment of a gravity corer aboard USCGC Healy during an expedition to the Chukchi Sea.
Deployment of a gravity corer aboard USCGC Healy during an expedition to the Chukchi Sea.

A USGS diver beside a Massive Starlet (Siderastrea siderea) coral colony in Dry Tortugas National Park. Scientists used a core from this coral to reconstruct ocean temperatures going back to 1837. Photo: USGS, May 2012
A USGS diver beside a Massive Starlet (Siderastrea siderea) coral colony in Dry Tortugas National Park. Scientists used a core from this coral to reconstruct ocean temperatures going back to 1837. Photo: USGS, May 2012

Paleo-sea level = 7.5 meters (top of shoal) + 1.0 meter (depth for ooids) = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 7.5 meters (top of shoal) + 1.0 meter (depth for ooids) = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 5.5 meters + 3.0 meters = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 5.5 meters + 3.0 meters = 8.5 meters above present
USGS scientist Nancy Prouty (left) recovers coral samples from ROV SuBastian while British Geological Survey scientist Diana Sahy looks on.
USGS scientist Nancy Prouty (left) recovers coral samples from ROV SuBastian while British Geological Survey scientist Diana Sahy looks on.
Why are coral reefs in peril and what is being done to protect them?
What is the difference between global warming and climate change?
How can climate change affect natural disasters?
The USGS works to understand Earth’s history, past climate conditions, and to forecast climate change impacts. The ocean is an amazing repository for Earth’s climatic history. Earth’s ocean and climate are intrinsically connected and heavily influence one another in many ways. The USGS uses ocean geologic records to better understand current and future climate changes and potential impacts.

Changing climate influences many aspects of the ocean, from warming surface waters and altering ocean chemistry to affecting ecosystem function and health. The ocean and its circulation patterns are critical drivers of Earth’s climate and weather patterns.
With the ocean covering more than 70% of the Earth, it plays a large role in controlling the planet’s temperature. The ocean absorbs an enormous amount of heat from the sun—in fact, the top few meters alone store as much heat as the Earth’s atmosphere! As water is very good at storing heat, it spreads the heat around the planet through circulating currents driven by temperature and density differences. These global circulation patterns affect our daily weather and influence long-term climate patterns.
A Changing Ocean
As water heats up, it also expands in volume—a process known as thermal expansion—which causes sea levels to rise. As the Earth warms and cools, the volume of the ocean changes, affecting the volume of ice and land areas covered with ocean or ice. These changes can occur abruptly, such as during transitions from glacial to interglacial conditions, or over long periods of time. Learn more about sea level rise research here.
Changes in water temperatures, salinity and other chemical properties, can alter related circulation patterns. Altogether, these changes can also affect the behavior and physiology of many species by having profound impacts on the timing and availability and timing such as changing food webs, of food, reproduction and migratory patterns. Coral bleaching is one way corals respond to warming sea water temperatures.
The ocean also absorbs gases, which can affect its chemical properties. For example, as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean, it causes the pH to lower in a process called ocean acidification. Ocean acidification can lead to dissolution of the shells and skeletons of many marine organisms—including economically important shellfish in the seafood industry and ecologically important corals that support biodiversity. It can also dissolve carbonate sediment and alter seafloor elevation and form. USGS monitors the effects of ocean acidification on coastal and marine ecosystems to help inform efforts to mitigate these impacts.

USGS Ocean and Climate Research
Ocean science is critical to improving the understanding of Earth's inner workings. From remote-sensing to marine geology and paleoclimate analyses, USGS is an important partner with other federal agencies and international experts working to expand our knowledge about Earth's climate history, especially as related to current conditions. This science improves our ability to understand the factors that affect climate change as well as forecast future climate conditions, their potential impacts and how best to mitigate or adapt to them.
With remote-sensing technology, for example, cameras on satellites can make images of temperature shifts in the open ocean or monitor changes in the formation of sea ice at the poles. Remote-sensing also includes sonar systems on ships, which can be used to create images of the ocean floor and uncover clues about past climatic conditions: USGS researchers studying iceberg tracks, or scours, on the Atlantic seafloor found that during the Last Glacial Period 30,000 years ago, icebergs perhaps as tall as the Eiffel Tower drifted south along the Atlantic coast of North America, ferried along by cold-water currents created during periods of catastrophic glacial melting.
The USGS develops and uses innovative methods to measure climatic and oceanic conditions throughout Earth’s history including sea surface and bottom water temperatures, salinity, relative sea level, precipitation patterns, oceanic productivity, and terrestrial inputs to the ocean system. Data on past climatic conditions in the oceans—the study of geologic records known as paleoceanography—can be combined with data on current conditions to try to predict how our ocean will affect Earth’s future climate patterns.
In order to understand the past, USGS scientists analyze “proxies” which serve to indicate past conditions through biological or geological evidence. Some proxies include marine sediment and organisms that secrete their shells from seawater such as plankton, clams, and corals. Proxies for seawater geochemistry reflect the environmental conditions when and where they were formed. These proxies obtained in geologic deposits serve as archives that can be used to reconstruct Earth’s historic conditions so we can better predict what changes might occur in the future.
Comparison of sediment composition by smear slides to quantitative shipboard data: A case study on the utility of smear slide percent estimates, IODP Expedition 353, northern Indian Ocean
A characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities along the California and Oregon coast using a remotely operated vehicle on the EXPRESS 2018 expedition
Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry
Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events
Bomb-produced radiocarbon across the South Pacific Gyre — A new record from American Samoa with utility for fisheries science
Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC): Adapting Together
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Paleoclimate Proxies
Paleoclimate Research
Ecosystems: EXPRESS
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a

Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.

USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Marine clams shed light on past climate patterns of the North Atlantic
The Future of Climate Change on Coastal Biodiversity in the Boston Harbor Islands
Sediment Trap in Gulf of America Recovered for the Last Time, Marking the Culmination of a 12-year Time Series of Climate Data Collection
Comparison of sediment composition by smear slides to quantitative shipboard data: A case study on the utility of smear slide percent estimates, IODP Expedition 353, northern Indian Ocean
A characterization of deep-sea coral and sponge communities along the California and Oregon coast using a remotely operated vehicle on the EXPRESS 2018 expedition
Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry
Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events
Bomb-produced radiocarbon across the South Pacific Gyre — A new record from American Samoa with utility for fisheries science
New geochemical tools for investigating resource and energy functions at deep-sea cold seeps using amino-acid δ15N in chemosymbiotic mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi)
Biogeography and ecology of Ostracoda in the U.S. northern Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
Stony coral tissue loss disease in Florida is associated with disruption of host–zooxanthellae physiology
Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida Bay Islands, Everglades National Park, U.S.A.
Ross Ice Shelf response to climate driven by the tectonic imprint on seafloor bathymetry
It’s about time: A synthesis of changing phenology in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem
The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods in Eastern North America during the past two millennia
Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC): Adapting Together
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Paleoclimate Proxies
Paleoclimate Research
Ecosystems: EXPRESS
Climate Change and Land-use Histories
Coral Response to Land-to-Ocean Freshwater Flux: A Ridge-to-Reef Perspective
Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Assess Coral Reef Bleaching Events and Recovery Rates in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change Impacts to Reefs
Examining How Ridge-to-Reef Governance in Palau Can Enhance Coastal Food Security in a Changing Climate
Identifying Locations for Coral Reef Climate Resilience
Sea-Level Rise Hazards and Decision Support
Geochemistry time series and growth parameters from Tutuila, American Samoa coral record (ver. 2.0, June 2021)
Coral geochemistry time series from Kahekili, west Maui
Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic
Geochemical data supporting investigation of solute and particle cycling and fluxes from two tidal wetlands on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2012-19 (ver. 3.0, January 2025)
Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea black corals collected off the southeastern United States
Vertical chemical profiles collected across haloclines in the water column of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula in January 2015 and January 2016
SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Viewer Web Mapping Application
Globigerinoides ruber Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico
Temporal hydrologic and chemical records from the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from January 2015 to January 2016
Globorotalia truncatulinoides Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico
Olowalu chronology and geochemistry time-series, West Maui
Sediment trap and water column chemistry, Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
The "From Icefield to Ocean Poster" depicts the important linkages between glaciers and the ocean. The product is a result of Alaska Climate Science Center research projects and workshops.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Steep watersheds with dramatic environmental gradients are common features of both the Pacific Islands and Southeast Alaska.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
Figure 3. Map of the North Atlantic Ocean illustrating the approximate path of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Current system.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project develops and tests new tools to address the critical knowledge gaps identified as scientists analyze hydrate-bearing pressure cores recovered during field programs.
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a
The USGS Gas Hydrates Project manages the standalone Hydrate Pressure Core Analysis Laboratory (HyPrCAL) at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) to study hydrate-bearing sediments in support of energy resources a

Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
Timing is Everything: How Fish and Wildlife are Responding to Climate Change Through Shifts in the Timing of Life Events
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
One of the coral species most susceptible to stony coral tissue loss disease show active lesions of the disease around St. John.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Razorbill with Atlantic herring in bill on Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge.

USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
USGS scientist Summer Praetorius of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, & Geophysics (GMEG) Science Center collects samples from an ocean sediment core in the Pacific Ocean Paleoclimatology Lab at Menlo Park, CA. The sediment core is from Tanner Basin, located about 200 miles due west of San Diego in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Photo shows USGS geologists obtaining microfossil and biomarker samples from the Calvert Formation at Scientists Cliffs.
Photo shows USGS geologists obtaining microfossil and biomarker samples from the Calvert Formation at Scientists Cliffs.
Nancy Prouty and a team of water chemistry specialists collected water column samples from several deep-sea locations off Washington, Oregon, and California. Collecting samples from various depths helps build vertical profiles of nutrients, major/minor elements, water isotopes, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved inorganic carbon.
Nancy Prouty and a team of water chemistry specialists collected water column samples from several deep-sea locations off Washington, Oregon, and California. Collecting samples from various depths helps build vertical profiles of nutrients, major/minor elements, water isotopes, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved inorganic carbon.
A few months after Hurricane Irma hit Florida, a team from the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center visited the Florida Bay area to collect overwash samples and cores from the interior of several playas.
A few months after Hurricane Irma hit Florida, a team from the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center visited the Florida Bay area to collect overwash samples and cores from the interior of several playas.
Computerized tomography (CT) images and respective photographs of coral core showing the high degree of bioerosion and loss of calcium carbonate skeleton due to nutrient-driven bioerosion. (image from Prouty et al., 2017)
Computerized tomography (CT) images and respective photographs of coral core showing the high degree of bioerosion and loss of calcium carbonate skeleton due to nutrient-driven bioerosion. (image from Prouty et al., 2017)

Lauren Toth preparing to drill a coral reef framework core from Pulaski Shoal, Dry Tortugas National Park.
Lauren Toth preparing to drill a coral reef framework core from Pulaski Shoal, Dry Tortugas National Park.
A USGS SCUBA Diver Collects a Core from a Coral Using a Hydraulic Drilling System in the U.S. Virgin Islands. USGS Image (I. Kuffner).
A USGS SCUBA Diver Collects a Core from a Coral Using a Hydraulic Drilling System in the U.S. Virgin Islands. USGS Image (I. Kuffner).

Multicores collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico while aboard the R/V Pelican in 2013. These cores are sampled at 5 mm increments and used to reconstruct sea surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico over the past 1000 years.
Multicores collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico while aboard the R/V Pelican in 2013. These cores are sampled at 5 mm increments and used to reconstruct sea surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico over the past 1000 years.
Deployment of a gravity corer aboard USCGC Healy during an expedition to the Chukchi Sea.
Deployment of a gravity corer aboard USCGC Healy during an expedition to the Chukchi Sea.

A USGS diver beside a Massive Starlet (Siderastrea siderea) coral colony in Dry Tortugas National Park. Scientists used a core from this coral to reconstruct ocean temperatures going back to 1837. Photo: USGS, May 2012
A USGS diver beside a Massive Starlet (Siderastrea siderea) coral colony in Dry Tortugas National Park. Scientists used a core from this coral to reconstruct ocean temperatures going back to 1837. Photo: USGS, May 2012

Paleo-sea level = 7.5 meters (top of shoal) + 1.0 meter (depth for ooids) = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 7.5 meters (top of shoal) + 1.0 meter (depth for ooids) = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 5.5 meters + 3.0 meters = 8.5 meters above present
Paleo-sea level = 5.5 meters + 3.0 meters = 8.5 meters above present
USGS scientist Nancy Prouty (left) recovers coral samples from ROV SuBastian while British Geological Survey scientist Diana Sahy looks on.
USGS scientist Nancy Prouty (left) recovers coral samples from ROV SuBastian while British Geological Survey scientist Diana Sahy looks on.