The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
Coastal Change
Our Nation has many kinds of coastal ecosystems: from wetlands and sandy beaches to reef-lined coasts and icy permafrost cliffs. While each of these coasts are unique, they have one thing in common—they are constantly changing. The USGS studies the processes that shape our coastal systems and predicts the resulting changes and geological, ecological, and economic consequences.
What is coastal change?
Sediments are the foundation of coastal systems, and the movement of these sediments can result in the evolution of entire ecosystems. USGS measures the amount of sediment present, and how it moves in various environments, such as wetlands, estuaries, beaches, and barrier islands. Processes such as erosion—sediments being taken away from one area of coastline—and deposition—when they are moved to another place—are driven by natural forces, including waves, wind, tides, and currents. These processes can shift shorelines in various directions and change the elevation of coastal environments, therefore influencing the areas that are habitable by people, plants, and animals.
How does USGS study coastal change?
Our scientists use many methods, both through direct measurements like coastal elevation profiles and indirectly using remote sensing, to characterize the shape of our coasts and how they are shifting over time. Some methods include light detection and ranging (LiDAR); amphibious tools and vehicles (technology suited for both land and water) for nearshore seafloor mapping; and satellite imagery, as well as elevation data collected on foot.
USGS measures and monitors the position of shorelines along the entire U.S. coastline and how they have changed since the 1800s using a combination of historical and satellite imagery. These data are used to develop tools such as the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) for users to both visualize and track these changes on their own. The Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) provides high-resolution digital coastal elevation data, and topobathymetric maps that are used to identify coastal features, hazard zones, changes in ecosystems and to form the foundation for developing models that simulate sediment transport and storm surge. These data help coastal managers, engineers, planners, and resource managers understand how coastal change and its associated hazards will influence our coastal habitats and communities.
Changes to the coastline can affect where and how severely flooding may occur and how this could impact biodiversity persistence. USGS experts use a host of different high-tech devices to gather scientific data before, during, and after extreme storms. This information improves flood forecasting models, is used to update nationwide flood zone maps, helps emergency managers plan for future flooding events, and is critical for managing coastal species with specific habitat requirements.
Visualizing Change
Modeling and Predicting Coastal Change
Predictive modeling techniques are used to forecast how the coast will change in response to both natural processes and anthropogenic influences, as well as how these changes may affect the availability and distribution of habitat for coastal species of concern like piping plovers and sea turtles. This information is useful for informing conservation strategies for partners such as the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Some coastal change model forecasts are provided in real-time to show areas that are expected to erode, where sand washes away; overwash, where water overtops the dunes of a beach and pushes sand inland; or inundate, where the coast is completely and continuously submerged by high water levels like storm surge. These predictive models are tested and verified using remote sensing techniques including satellites, aerial imagery, and a collection of cameras that monitor coastal areas of interest.
Chandeleur Islands to Breton Island bathymetric and topographic datasets and operational sediment budget development: Methodology and analysis report
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
The potential of wave energy conversion to mitigate coastal erosion from hurricanes
Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 5.1 user guide
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
Determining how high floodwaters reached helps communities prepare for future floods
Changes to the Coastline Can Affect Where, and How Severely, Flooding Occurs
Coasts, Storms, and Sea Level Rise Geonarratives
Chandeleur Islands to Breton Island bathymetric and topographic datasets and operational sediment budget development: Methodology and analysis report
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
The potential of wave energy conversion to mitigate coastal erosion from hurricanes
Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 5.1 user guide
Probabilistic patterns of inundation and biogeomorphic changes due to sea-level rise along the northeastern U.S. Atlantic coast
Relationships between regional coastal land cover distributions and elevation reveal data uncertainty in a sea-level rise impacts model
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
State of Our Nation's Coast
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Quantifying Flood Risk and Reef Risk Reduction Benefits in Florida and Puerto Rico: The Consequences of Hurricane Damage, Long-term Degradation, and Restoration Opportunities
USGS DUNEX Operations on the Outer Banks
Massachusetts Integrated Coastal Studies (MICS)
Coastal Resource Evaluation for Management Application (CREMA)
USGS science supporting the Elwha River Restoration Project
Bathymetry, topography, and sediment grain-size data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018
Beach topography and nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon (ver. 4.0, January 2024)
Digital Shoreline Analysis System v5.1
Topographic and bathymetric data, sediment samples, structure from motion imagery, and reference mark data collected at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet in winter 2021, U.S Geological Survey Field Activity 2021-022-FA
Table and accompanying photographs for biogeomorphic classification of shorebird nesting sites on the U.S. Atlantic coast from March to September, 2016
Preliminary estimates of forecasted shoreline positions and associated uncertainties for Florida and Georgia
Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project, 2021 Update: A GIS Compilation of Shoreline Change Rates Calculated Using Digital Shoreline Analysis System Version 5.1, With Supplementary Intersects and Baselines for Massachusetts
Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines (1844-2018)
Coastal Change in Alaska
Real-Time Forecasts of Coastal Change
Coastal Change at Fire Island
COAWST Modeling System v3.4
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
A USGS scientist walks along Santa Cruz Main Beach at the edge of the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California, wearing a backpack with GPS equipment. She is collecting elevation data that will be used to create a topographic map of the beach. This mapping effort is part of recurring surveys in the Monterey Bay area.
A USGS scientist walks along Santa Cruz Main Beach at the edge of the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California, wearing a backpack with GPS equipment. She is collecting elevation data that will be used to create a topographic map of the beach. This mapping effort is part of recurring surveys in the Monterey Bay area.
Left to right: In July 2017 Tim Elfers (USGS), Hannah Drummond (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Heather Weiner (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Andrew Stevens (USGS), and Andy Ritchie (USGS) used handheld computers and backpack-mounted GPS equipment to record topography along a beach near the mouth of the Elwha River.
Left to right: In July 2017 Tim Elfers (USGS), Hannah Drummond (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Heather Weiner (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Andrew Stevens (USGS), and Andy Ritchie (USGS) used handheld computers and backpack-mounted GPS equipment to record topography along a beach near the mouth of the Elwha River.
Joseph Terrano of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center retrieves a sediment sample from under the marsh grass. Scientists installed several Net Sediment Tiles (NST) on the surface of the marsh to measure sediment deposition.
Joseph Terrano of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center retrieves a sediment sample from under the marsh grass. Scientists installed several Net Sediment Tiles (NST) on the surface of the marsh to measure sediment deposition.
Kathryn Smith of the USGS St.
- USGS scientists collecting sediment vibracores in Grand Bay estuary from a boat in May 2016.
- USGS scientists collecting sediment vibracores in Grand Bay estuary from a boat in May 2016.
We collect terrestrial (barrier island) and marine (nearshore and estuarine) sediment cores to understand the history of barrier island formation and erosion.
We collect terrestrial (barrier island) and marine (nearshore and estuarine) sediment cores to understand the history of barrier island formation and erosion.
USGS scientist Jennifer Miselis stands on board the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC). USGS collaborated with USACE to analyze coastal change due to Hurricane Sandy. Miselis is preparing to deploy a Chirp sub-bottom profiling system with a towfish attached in between the pontoons to collect sub-seafloor geological data.
USGS scientist Jennifer Miselis stands on board the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC). USGS collaborated with USACE to analyze coastal change due to Hurricane Sandy. Miselis is preparing to deploy a Chirp sub-bottom profiling system with a towfish attached in between the pontoons to collect sub-seafloor geological data.
A crew of USGS scientists prepares equipment, including personal watercraft, to collect nearshore bathymetry and sub-surface geology data to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.
A crew of USGS scientists prepares equipment, including personal watercraft, to collect nearshore bathymetry and sub-surface geology data to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
USGS research oceanographer Li Erikson carrying backpack and antenna for beach-profile measurements.
USGS research oceanographer Li Erikson carrying backpack and antenna for beach-profile measurements.
In this photograph, USGS scientists collect a sediment core from Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Proxy records from wetland sediments provide an archive of past climate and land use change.
In this photograph, USGS scientists collect a sediment core from Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Proxy records from wetland sediments provide an archive of past climate and land use change.
Our Nation has many kinds of coastal ecosystems: from wetlands and sandy beaches to reef-lined coasts and icy permafrost cliffs. While each of these coasts are unique, they have one thing in common—they are constantly changing. The USGS studies the processes that shape our coastal systems and predicts the resulting changes and geological, ecological, and economic consequences.
What is coastal change?
Sediments are the foundation of coastal systems, and the movement of these sediments can result in the evolution of entire ecosystems. USGS measures the amount of sediment present, and how it moves in various environments, such as wetlands, estuaries, beaches, and barrier islands. Processes such as erosion—sediments being taken away from one area of coastline—and deposition—when they are moved to another place—are driven by natural forces, including waves, wind, tides, and currents. These processes can shift shorelines in various directions and change the elevation of coastal environments, therefore influencing the areas that are habitable by people, plants, and animals.
How does USGS study coastal change?
Our scientists use many methods, both through direct measurements like coastal elevation profiles and indirectly using remote sensing, to characterize the shape of our coasts and how they are shifting over time. Some methods include light detection and ranging (LiDAR); amphibious tools and vehicles (technology suited for both land and water) for nearshore seafloor mapping; and satellite imagery, as well as elevation data collected on foot.
USGS measures and monitors the position of shorelines along the entire U.S. coastline and how they have changed since the 1800s using a combination of historical and satellite imagery. These data are used to develop tools such as the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) for users to both visualize and track these changes on their own. The Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) provides high-resolution digital coastal elevation data, and topobathymetric maps that are used to identify coastal features, hazard zones, changes in ecosystems and to form the foundation for developing models that simulate sediment transport and storm surge. These data help coastal managers, engineers, planners, and resource managers understand how coastal change and its associated hazards will influence our coastal habitats and communities.
Changes to the coastline can affect where and how severely flooding may occur and how this could impact biodiversity persistence. USGS experts use a host of different high-tech devices to gather scientific data before, during, and after extreme storms. This information improves flood forecasting models, is used to update nationwide flood zone maps, helps emergency managers plan for future flooding events, and is critical for managing coastal species with specific habitat requirements.
Visualizing Change
Modeling and Predicting Coastal Change
Predictive modeling techniques are used to forecast how the coast will change in response to both natural processes and anthropogenic influences, as well as how these changes may affect the availability and distribution of habitat for coastal species of concern like piping plovers and sea turtles. This information is useful for informing conservation strategies for partners such as the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Some coastal change model forecasts are provided in real-time to show areas that are expected to erode, where sand washes away; overwash, where water overtops the dunes of a beach and pushes sand inland; or inundate, where the coast is completely and continuously submerged by high water levels like storm surge. These predictive models are tested and verified using remote sensing techniques including satellites, aerial imagery, and a collection of cameras that monitor coastal areas of interest.
Chandeleur Islands to Breton Island bathymetric and topographic datasets and operational sediment budget development: Methodology and analysis report
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
The potential of wave energy conversion to mitigate coastal erosion from hurricanes
Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 5.1 user guide
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
Determining how high floodwaters reached helps communities prepare for future floods
Changes to the Coastline Can Affect Where, and How Severely, Flooding Occurs
Coasts, Storms, and Sea Level Rise Geonarratives
Chandeleur Islands to Breton Island bathymetric and topographic datasets and operational sediment budget development: Methodology and analysis report
Global and regional sea level rise scenarios for the United States
The potential of wave energy conversion to mitigate coastal erosion from hurricanes
Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 5.1 user guide
Probabilistic patterns of inundation and biogeomorphic changes due to sea-level rise along the northeastern U.S. Atlantic coast
Relationships between regional coastal land cover distributions and elevation reveal data uncertainty in a sea-level rise impacts model
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Remote Sensing Coastal Change
Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments
Coastal Climate Impacts
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
State of Our Nation's Coast
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Quantifying Flood Risk and Reef Risk Reduction Benefits in Florida and Puerto Rico: The Consequences of Hurricane Damage, Long-term Degradation, and Restoration Opportunities
USGS DUNEX Operations on the Outer Banks
Massachusetts Integrated Coastal Studies (MICS)
Coastal Resource Evaluation for Management Application (CREMA)
USGS science supporting the Elwha River Restoration Project
Bathymetry, topography, and sediment grain-size data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018
Beach topography and nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon (ver. 4.0, January 2024)
Digital Shoreline Analysis System v5.1
Topographic and bathymetric data, sediment samples, structure from motion imagery, and reference mark data collected at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet in winter 2021, U.S Geological Survey Field Activity 2021-022-FA
Table and accompanying photographs for biogeomorphic classification of shorebird nesting sites on the U.S. Atlantic coast from March to September, 2016
Preliminary estimates of forecasted shoreline positions and associated uncertainties for Florida and Georgia
Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project, 2021 Update: A GIS Compilation of Shoreline Change Rates Calculated Using Digital Shoreline Analysis System Version 5.1, With Supplementary Intersects and Baselines for Massachusetts
Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project: A GIS Compilation of Vector Shorelines (1844-2018)
Coastal Change in Alaska
Real-Time Forecasts of Coastal Change
Coastal Change at Fire Island
COAWST Modeling System v3.4
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
The Arctic region is warming faster than anywhere else in the nation. Understanding the rates and causes of coastal change in Alaska is needed to identify and mitigate hazards that might affect people and animals that call Alaska home.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Join the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center as they uncover the secrets of the sediment on barrier islands in Pinellas County, Florida. This video was originally created for use at the 2021 virtual St. Petersburg Science Festival.
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
Two high-resolution, digital cameras were mounted on towers overlooking the beach, dunes, and instrument arrays in the Outer Banks of North Carolina on September 18, 2021, as part of the DUring Nea
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
USGS scientists mounted this high-resolution digital camera on an observation tower in the dune at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The camera overlooks the beach, dune, and an instrument array, and collects images throughout calm and storm conditions.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
A novel stereo CoastCam will be installed on at dune at Pea Island for the duration of the experiment.
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team works to identify and address the Nation’s coastal change hazards problems. By integrating research, technical capabilities and applications, and stakeholder engagement and communications, the Coastal Change Hazards team develops robust and accessible coastal change assessments, forecasts, and tools that help improve the lives,
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
Dan Ciarletta (right) working alongside Julie Bernier (left) to collect a sediment core on Mullet Key, an island within Fort de Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida. The core will be used to reconstruct the geologic history of the island.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
The importance of our Nation’s coasts is indisputable. They provide homes for people and animals alike, and support the Nation’s economy. The USGS Coastal Change Hazards team studies how our shorelines change over time, especially following extreme events such as storms and hurricanes.
A USGS scientist walks along Santa Cruz Main Beach at the edge of the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California, wearing a backpack with GPS equipment. She is collecting elevation data that will be used to create a topographic map of the beach. This mapping effort is part of recurring surveys in the Monterey Bay area.
A USGS scientist walks along Santa Cruz Main Beach at the edge of the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California, wearing a backpack with GPS equipment. She is collecting elevation data that will be used to create a topographic map of the beach. This mapping effort is part of recurring surveys in the Monterey Bay area.
Left to right: In July 2017 Tim Elfers (USGS), Hannah Drummond (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Heather Weiner (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Andrew Stevens (USGS), and Andy Ritchie (USGS) used handheld computers and backpack-mounted GPS equipment to record topography along a beach near the mouth of the Elwha River.
Left to right: In July 2017 Tim Elfers (USGS), Hannah Drummond (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Heather Weiner (WA State Dept. of Ecology), Andrew Stevens (USGS), and Andy Ritchie (USGS) used handheld computers and backpack-mounted GPS equipment to record topography along a beach near the mouth of the Elwha River.
Joseph Terrano of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center retrieves a sediment sample from under the marsh grass. Scientists installed several Net Sediment Tiles (NST) on the surface of the marsh to measure sediment deposition.
Joseph Terrano of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center retrieves a sediment sample from under the marsh grass. Scientists installed several Net Sediment Tiles (NST) on the surface of the marsh to measure sediment deposition.
Kathryn Smith of the USGS St.
- USGS scientists collecting sediment vibracores in Grand Bay estuary from a boat in May 2016.
- USGS scientists collecting sediment vibracores in Grand Bay estuary from a boat in May 2016.
We collect terrestrial (barrier island) and marine (nearshore and estuarine) sediment cores to understand the history of barrier island formation and erosion.
We collect terrestrial (barrier island) and marine (nearshore and estuarine) sediment cores to understand the history of barrier island formation and erosion.
USGS scientist Jennifer Miselis stands on board the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC). USGS collaborated with USACE to analyze coastal change due to Hurricane Sandy. Miselis is preparing to deploy a Chirp sub-bottom profiling system with a towfish attached in between the pontoons to collect sub-seafloor geological data.
USGS scientist Jennifer Miselis stands on board the US Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC). USGS collaborated with USACE to analyze coastal change due to Hurricane Sandy. Miselis is preparing to deploy a Chirp sub-bottom profiling system with a towfish attached in between the pontoons to collect sub-seafloor geological data.
A crew of USGS scientists prepares equipment, including personal watercraft, to collect nearshore bathymetry and sub-surface geology data to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.
A crew of USGS scientists prepares equipment, including personal watercraft, to collect nearshore bathymetry and sub-surface geology data to assess the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
Collecting sediment core
USGS research oceanographer Li Erikson carrying backpack and antenna for beach-profile measurements.
USGS research oceanographer Li Erikson carrying backpack and antenna for beach-profile measurements.
In this photograph, USGS scientists collect a sediment core from Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Proxy records from wetland sediments provide an archive of past climate and land use change.
In this photograph, USGS scientists collect a sediment core from Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida. Proxy records from wetland sediments provide an archive of past climate and land use change.